But also keep in mind that it couldn't exist without Firefox/Mozilla existing. A world in which more people use Firefox over Chromium-based browsers is a better world.
ehhh debatable, mozilla still gets a lot of funding from google so they’re not as independent as you think. A better world wpuld be one where qtwebkit based browsers, chromium based browsers and firefox based browsers have the same market share.
Unfortunately Apple stole qtwebkit and drove it into the grave so there’s little chance of that actually happening :(
I still hold out hope though, and try to use Falkon whenever possible
A Mozilla dependent on Google seeing value in Firefox sending searches their way is at minimum as good as one in which Mozilla doesn't exist and everybody uses Chromium-based browsers, by definition - and in practice, way better.
But yes, more non-Blink engines in use in general would also be a better world. Alas, that, too, isn't the world we live in.
I still don’t understand why Microsoft dropped Blink. Surely there’s nothing for them in letting Google own the browser engine, and it’s not like they cannot afford to keep developing their own. Weird.
I did. But why should I need to? Firefox is the product, if nobody uses Firefox mozilla uses marketshare. Why do we need Librewolf, which really is the only Firefox you should use out of the box? The same with Mull for Android, where damn “Firefox Focus” is their privacy option which is pretty useless.
If Firefox is so bad you need to use Librewolf, Firefox as a product is useless for many people.
I now use Firefox again and harden it myself. But I dont expect ANYONE to do that, as its even a bit too inconvenient for me
I get you. But Firefox is not mass adopted, so you can assume its only the privacy concerned people. If you are about features, Firefox is good. But for the most part, and for people that dont care, Chrome is just as good, but with Webapps, using your phone as a 2FA key, flashing damn GrapheneOS through a browser, faster speed and supposedly a more secure sandbox.
Firefox relies on Google, but Google has no reason to support it anymore. So this funding will probably vanish soon.
Frankly, that’s the reason – the original reason, and the most important – to use Free Software. With very few exceptions, the origin story of every Free Software project was somebody getting fed up with a piece of proprietary software either abusing them or just not doing what they wanted it to do. In fact, the entire Free Software movement itself was invented in the first place because Richard Stallman got fed up with Xerox’s bullshit back in the day!
So yeah, there you go: that’s the only reason you need, and you already knew it.
Linux is stable if you use a distro that’s known to be stable, example: Linux mint. This is one of the “just works” distros. There are a couple, but I highly recommend mint. Linux can do all of what you need done, from documents, PDFs to viewing all kinds of videos. I’ve never once run into any issue doing any of that. You have libreoffice and onlyoffice that have amazing compatibility with MS office. If anything, you can use the MS office suite online and call it a day. Hell, you can use Google’s office suite, too. PDFs? Zero worries. Videos are good, too. We do have VLC which basically plays anything you throw at it. However, since you have a business and want to make sure things always work, I do recommend that you keep at least one windows machine in the office for just in case. I don’t have a business, but I’ve always had this one laptop that runs windows. I debloated the shit out of it. Blocked all of the telemetry using Microsoft’s own firewall and it’s sitting there for just in case.
Edit: forgot to mention that you are always welcome to come here and ask if you needed help. I find the Lemmy Linux community to be extremely helpful. Everyone jumps in to help every time I had a question.
zorin os is an out of the box distro that will have all the applications from the start and maximum windows look, feel, and compatibility. https://zorin.com/os/
IMO, the best distro is going to be whatever you’re most comfortable with (given it’s still getting updates blah blah blah). Some might be easier in the get go but if they do wonky things (compared to what you’re used to) an update might really screw you up and leave you in a situation where you’re doing a lot of research.
For the most part, you can make any distro do whatever you want, but if you understand one much better than the rest, use that.
zorin is sorta the opposite of what you ask. its a distro that seeks to emulate windows and its functionality. then also it makes it as out of the box as possible. so it has pretty much any application you need preinstalled including wind along with play on linux so you can install windows things pretty easily.
I throw CTFs for a living (among other things), and I’m happy to help out a fellow Infosec person.
What kind of infrastructure can you deploy? Is this going to be in the cloud, on-prem (via a hypervisor like Proxmox/vSphere, or hosted on a single laptop/server?
We have a proxmox cluster, which is where this would probably go, but I would prefer a non-integrated solution, rather a single thing I can either put within a proxmox vm (nested virtualization) or on an on premise piece of physical hardware.
So first, let me be clear - I don’t know if an alternative to that software you first brought up. But some of our earlier CTFs had a similar issue with isolation.
We ended up spinning up new VLANs per contestant, each having a single Kali Linux VM with xrdp, along with each contestants target systems. Our router/fw blocked all access in/out of those VLANs, save for RDP/SSH traffic from our Apache Guacamole server on the DMZ.
So contestants would hit our portal (Guacamole), then from there connect into their own dedicated Kali instance and environment.
Later, we had to make additional fw exemptions for our scoreboard/docs, etc.
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