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guillermohs9, in GitHub - SerenityOS/serenity: The Serenity Operating System 🐞

His coding videos are really nice to see. I don’t even understand that much, as it’s mostly C++, but the coding, the explanation, and the final feature and commit is somehow relaxing.

ipsirc, (edited ) in So sixel... avatar for probably 10 seconds)

BRINGit34, avatar

See I found that but I still could not figure out the install process. I finally figured that libsixel was the newest one but it still seems unmaintained. I ended up compiling it from source as it was not in the fedora repos. At this point I am more confused about the correct version of sixel to use. Libsixel is the only one I can really find

ipsirc, avatar

Most of the terminals which support sixel doesn’t use libsixel at all, instead they’ve developed their own implementation.

BRINGit34, avatar

See I have foot and it says it supports sixel but no sixel commands were working until I got libsixel installed

RegalPotoo, in Why aren't linux hardware shops on Ubuntu's certified hardware list? avatar

Because the list is “certified” not “works with” - essentially, the “certified” list is for hardware that not only works, but that Canonical will guarantee works and will make software changes to fix if it breaks


Sure, but why aren’t those vendors certified? Is it a lack of action on the vendor’s part? Is it a monetary problem where Canonical is demanding too much money and thus gatekeeping smaller vendors with smaller pockets from being certified? what is it?


I suspect most vendors just dgaf about being linux certified. They just build their hardware to work with Windows since that is what most people will use. If the hardware happens to work with Linux too, great. But it’s much more important to make sure it works with a system that over 90% of your users use.

If you build laptops that you deliver with a Linux system on it, then yes, you will make sure it is Linux certified and it works properly.

It’s not difficult to imagine that for most laptops that are made, Linux wasn’t even considered for a second.

Quackdoc, in 2in1's or tablet recs. for linux please. avatar

I myself am currently using a Chuwi Hi10X. I don’t have too many major complaints about it other than its quite underpowered. It does perform decently well until you need something graphics related then just kinda sucks. However I can use Firefox with it without any major gripes aisde from video playback, then I need to use chromium.

The desktop environment you use can actually play a massive part in its usability. I have found that GNOME is pretty much useless. KDE isn’t bad but it’s still heavy. I have been testing Cosmic DE and it has been pretty good. Definitely the best performing of the bunch so when that releases I’ll probably be using that full time.

waigl, in The Wine development release 8.20 is now available.

cygwin hangs during installation at libzstd1-1.5.5-1

This bug report must mean that someone, somewhere, for some reason was running cygwin under wine and cared enough about that that they would create a bug report when it failed

this_is_router, in 2in1's or tablet recs. for linux please. avatar

I’m using a HP spectre x360 since 2020-12 and I love it so much. I don’t use the tablet functionality often. The touch works pretty well as far as I can say. The notebook, even if it’s 13" ultra portable, is a little heavy for constant tablet usage. Everything else rocks aside of the thumbprint thingy. I use howdy instead.

01011, in 2in1's or tablet recs. for linux please.

Pinetab 2 is pretty good for everyday tasks. Just need to get a wifi dongle.

MigratingtoLemmy, in Best lesser-known distribution/DE for low-end machines?


JackbyDev, in Most of us hate Microsoft, and yet many of us use VSCode

Your daily reminder that VSCode is shit not because of telemetry (take your time foil hat off for one second and hear me out and I say that jokingly with love) but because the extension marketplace is not allowed to be accessed by third party tools (INCLUDING CODIUM) and even then many of the extensions are proprietary, closed source. You’re not even allowed to distribute compiled VSIX files. It’s disgusting. Reading about the troubles gitpod faced that led to the (now) Eclipse Marketplace (idk the name, but it’s for VS Code plugins, don’t be tricked, it’s just owned by Eclipse foundation) is disheartening.


Oh shit really? I knew their debugger was locked down didn’t know extensions were

Codium seems to have all the same extensions though, has someone else just setup their own marketplace?

uzay, in Amazon Building its Own Linux-Based OS to Replace Android

So they want more control over what people are able to install


The more you control something, the easier it is to take your 10% 15% 20%

hydroel, (edited )

I think it’s even simpler than that: they want a share of Google’s data, and more control about what ads they can show to their customers constantly. Their hardware platforms are okayish and sold for a quite low price, but they monetize it on ads.

cole, avatar

Amazon’s Fire devices already have this, they don’t use Android with Google, they use the fully open source version. They can collect any data they want already

Patch, (edited )

Exactly this. There’s no nefarious motive to doing this, because Amazon can already do everything nefarious that they want to do with their current Android-based Fire OS.

I’m actually willing to take Amazon’s reasoning at face value for this. They say that Android is too heavyweight and inflexible for embedded IoT devices, and that they want to build something lighter. This makes plenty of sense, and is indeed something that Google themselves have also said as justification for their move to Fuschia for their own embedded devices.

For Linux fans, it’s probably a good thing that Amazon has chosen another Linux-based architecture rather than doing as Google are doing and moving off Linux to a different kernel.

localhost443, in Amazon Building its Own Linux-Based OS to Replace Android

Save us phosh, or something similar

beta_tester, in This Threat to Free Software is Worse than I Thought...

Wrong forum

FQQD, in This Threat to Free Software is Worse than I Thought...

It’s a shame no one really talks about it

DoucheBagMcSwag, in Amazon Building its Own Linux-Based OS to Replace Android

Oh so I won’t be able to sideload streaming APKs onto any new Amazon devices? Guess you can fucking keep your shit hardware then


But that would also mean you can sideload a whole another OS, maybe?


Locked boot loader says otherwise


There are two options here, given that the OS seems to rely heavily on React Native to work: having the streaming APKs converted to React Native apps, or simply use the web browser and PWAs.

2xsaiko, in This week in KDE: Wayland by default, de-framed Breeze, HDR games, rectangle screen recording avatar

Wayland by default


The Breeze app style has gotten the visual overhaul you’ve all dreamed of: no more frames within frames!

Yeah, it regularly appears in my nightmares /s. Sorry Carl, but I’m gonna have to patch this out. I hope this will get a config option like the change to the Dolphin details view that made the click area to open a file span the whole row (doesn’t look like it’s configurable as of now). I kept patches to undo that for a while as well

Spectacle has gained support for rectangular region screen recording!

Oooh, I’ve been waiting for that. Very cool! Now I hopefully don’t have to fiddle around with OBS anymore to record a section of the screen.

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