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mertn, in What would cause a hard drive's, in an enclosure, filesystem to not mount in PopOs?

Maybe you unplugged the device before unmounting it leaving the filesystem in an odd state? Next time it fails to auto mount check /var/log/syslog for recent error clues.

bruce965, avatar

In my very limited experience, when this happens the filesystem can (and will) still be mounted as read-only.


I always eject/safely remove my drives but I will check the syslog thank you so much for pointing that out

GnomeComedy, (edited ) in What would cause a hard drive's, in an enclosure, filesystem to not mount in PopOs?

Are you intentionaly using NTFS for compatibility with another machine? If not, I’d use a Linux native filesystem like xfs or ext4 and add it to /etc/fstab


Yeah its for compatibility between my devices, appreciate the help

sleepyTonia, in Just learned about AppImageLauncher avatar

Nope, no thank you… I’m not touching anything other than native, AUR or Flatpak packages. AppImage has only been an inelegant and overall inferior alternative in my experience. The Windows experience, with Linux portability issues. “Find an installer online from some website, have it do whatever the hell it wants, polluting my home folder with random crap and hope it’s not a virus” with essentially zero advantages over Flatpak or even Snap.


What makes Flatpak so good? Honest question. It is a new package manager for me, I have mostly been on Linux server, not desktop. For all my use cases Flatpak has never been mentioned, I’ve always used apt-get until I installed Ubuntu as a desktop OS and it comes with Snap. The next thing I see is Flatpak > Snap and no mention of apt-get.

sleepyTonia, (edited ) avatar

It’s not some miracle packaging system and while Flatpak-installed programs tend to start just as fast as native ones, I consider it inferior for most cases. Its two big advantages are that Flatpaks have a runtime they specify and depend on. It gets downloaded and installed automatically if missing when you install a Flatpak. So you’re much less likely to run into issues where a program won’t run on your system because of an incompatibility with a missing, or newer version of some library. Each Flatpak also gets installed in its own fake environment and is essentially a sandbox when you run the program. You can use a program named Flatseal to give each Flatpak access to specific directories or functionalities, or restrict it further. But the one big negative is that this runtime uses a lot of disk space. ~800MB per runtime.

It tends to work really well and I’ve been told that years ago a guy would use this packaging system to bundle pirated windows games with a preconfigured version of wine, which made them run out of the box, with zero tinkering. On top of essentially being sandboxed and unable to access your real home folder, internet, camera or microphone. Just to illustrate its versatility. It also kind of already won the war when Steam Decks started using Flatpak as their main packaging system.


It appears to be only desktop, what would explain why it is new to me despite being creating in 2007 (, quick search).

Thanks for taking the time to explain. So from what I understand, it is a universal package manager (which apt-get is not) and it is FOSS (which I understand Snap is not)?

sleepyTonia, avatar

I don’t remember anyone mentioning Snap being closed source, but it receives many complaints for interfering with the functioning of common programs, on top of slowing down the execution of programs installed through it and is now being forced on users. I haven’t touched any *buntu distro in years, but it always seemed half-baked from the comments I keep on reading about it.

Also yes, Flatpak is what I believe you could call a universal package manager. Package it once and it should run on any Linux distro since it takes most things out of the equation, save for the kernel and drivers. And yes, it mostly is used to distribute desktop applications. It’s ideal for safely running random applications or older programs that wouldn’t run through a modern runtime.


I read that Snap was propriety and a quick search did not give me any hits on their source code, but I could of course be wrong.

joel_feila, avatar

In brief yes, its newer then app image, and more open then snap.

TCB13, in Who uses pure GNOME (no extensions) avatar

Yeah pure gnome would be great if they:

  1. provided desktop icons (like they used to);
  2. had an option to disable the activity BS on startup and go straight to the desktop.

But oh well, the GNOME team is more occupied with censoring comments on their blog and trying to re-invent the desktop environment experience with animations and whatnot instead of focusing on what really delivers productivity.

vox, (edited ) avatar

you’re using it wrong. ™
activity should be treated as the “default” mode of gnome (also you need to go to it do launch anything anyway)
also desktop icons suck

TCB13, avatar



Both of those would, to me, seem like negatives.

Desktop icons have no benefit for me and would look ugly. Opening in the desktop would mean that I would have to press super before launching all my apps, which would be annoying.

TCB13, (edited ) avatar

Why can’t we just have toggles under settings (like we did in the past for desktop icons), works for you, works for me. Everyone will be happy.

fossisfun, avatar

Because it takes manpower to develop and maintain these features?

Especially desktop icons are difficult to get right (see workarounds like “ReIcon” on Windows). E. g. keeping icon positions across multiple monitors and varying resolutions and displays (which can be unplugged at any time). They can also be a privacy-issue, e. g. when doing a presentation.

But most importantly: GNOME doesn’t want to be a traditional (Windows-like) desktop, so why would they implement features that don’t align with their ideas for a desktop experience?

There are lots of other desktops, like Cinnamon, that offer a traditional desktop experience within the GTK ecosystem. There is also plenty of room for desktops, like GNOME, that have a different philosophy and feature set.

In my opinion it would be boring, if every desktop tried to do the same thing. And there wouldn’t be any innovation, if no one tried to do things differently.


Innovation or regression? Gnome used to have optional desktop icons. They removed them. Let’s settle on gnome is progressing, while keeping in mind, that progress is neither necessarily nor inherently good.

fossisfun, (edited ) avatar

Innovation or regression?

Innovation doesn’t necessarily mean that all past functionality needs to be carried over. Actually innovation often means that past technology becomes obsolete and gets replaced with something new.

Gnome used to have optional desktop icons. They removed them.

They removed them because with GNOME Shell those icons no longer made sense. There was no longer a concept of dragging apps from a panel menu to a desktop, instead apps were now pinned from the fullscreen app overview to the dash.

Since the code was no longer used by the default GNOME experience, it became unmaintained and eventually got removed.

TCB13, avatar

Especially desktop icons are difficult to get right

This doesn’t just affect desktop icons, icons in general suck under Linux. Things have strange behaviors when selected, long names don’t work properly etc.

But most importantly: GNOME doesn’t want to be a traditional (Windows-like) desktop, so why would they implement features that don’t align with their ideas for a desktop experience?

Because GNOME is the only DE with some potential and by not having 2 or 3 simple optional features aren’t getting more traction. I bet half of the KDE users would be glad to use GNOME only if it had desktop icons. Using other DE doesn’t make much sense as you’ll inevitable run in GTK and parts of GNOME and having to mix and match to get a working desktop experience.

Again, GNOME had icons, v3.28 discontinued them for no other purpose than trying to re-inveting something that worked for a ton of people.

fossisfun, avatar

Because GNOME is the only DE with some potential and by not having 2 or 3 simple optional features aren’t getting more traction.

But everyone has different requirements and my “2 or 3 simple optional features” that are missing are completely different than what you think is missing. I couldn’t care less about desktop icons or system trays. I even prefer not having a system tray, as this functionality should be provided via notifications and regular application shortcuts in my opinion.

But in the end, a software project only has a limited amount of resources available and developers have to decide where they want to focus on. GNOME chose not to focus on desktop icons:

GNOME had icons, v3.28 discontinued them

Because the code was “old and unmaintained” and probably no one was willing to modernise and maintain it. Desktop icons were already disabled by default before 3.28, so they didn’t “re-invent” this feature with the removal of the code in Nautilus.

Using other DE doesn’t make much sense as you’ll inevitable run in GTK and parts of GNOME and having to mix and match to get a working desktop experience.

I use GNOME and KDE and use the same applications (as Flatpaks) on both desktops: I use GNOME Calculator on KDE, because I dislike both KDE calculators, and I use Ark on GNOME with a Nautilus script, as File Roller doesn’t allow me to set the compression ratio (I need to create zip files with 0 compression for modding games). So for me it has become the norm to mix applications created with different toolkits. Thanks to Flatpak I still have a “clean” base system though.

Btw. I am getting tired of these re-occurring complaints that GNOME works differently than other desktops. I am not constantly complaining about what features KDE is, in my opinion, missing all the time either (e. g. dynamic workspaces, same wallpaper and desktop configuration across all existing and new monitors, online account integration, command line config tool, etc.), instead I accept that this is how it is at the moment and either use KDE the way it is (like I do on my desktop PC) or use something that better suits my needs (like I do on all my laptops).


Since GNOME disabled desktop icons years ago, I liked it so much that I disable them in every OS I use, even on Windows.

They are just ugly and make the whole system feel messy. I do t need that. I can use the search or a favourites thing in a hidden drawer like the start menu or the gnome dock.

RickyRigatoni, avatar

I spent the past three months with desktop icons and disabled them two days ago when I realized I was almost never using them.


I get understand wanting desktop icons even though I don’t like them personally, but what’s the advantage of starting at the desktop instead of the overview? It seems like you would probably want to open an application when you log in so it seems more convenient to already be in the overview

mackwinston, in Are older, but Linux compatible computers capable of running the newest kernel/version of various distros?

How old is “older?”

I run the latest Debian on a 10 year old Macbook Pro. Linux has given this laptop a second life as a lab machine - it’s still plenty fast enough and it has a really nice screen (Retina) which Debian gets right out of the box with no tweaking. The only thing I needed to do when installing Debian is manually get the drivers for the WiFi hardware during the install (although Debian has the non-free firmware by default these days, they aren’t permitted to distribute all firmware and the WiFi hardware in this machine unfortunately happened to be one of those).


I have no idea how old you can or even should go lol budget aside, it seems every thinkpad is uber affordable, even the newest models. very strange


I recommend the t490s, but that’s personal preference

nottheengineer, in My ubuntu installation broke completely

Same here. Ubuntu almost made me believe that linux is a pain in the ass to use and you need to fix some shit after every update.

Now I use arch and it’s great. Nvidia is very annoying because they constantly publish drivers that break things, but you can just roll those back and wait until they fix it again. And that gets worse as GPUs age. Apart from nvidia, I’ve had exactly one update issue (telepathy-kde being removed and causing the pacman dependency resolver to get confused) that was fixed in about 2 minutes of googling.


My biggest complains with Ubuntu lately are Firefox is a snap package and when it updates it yells at me to close Firefox so it can update it and if I wait too long it forces the it closed, and it gives me countdown notifications. Annoying and something out of Windows 10 forced reboot type shit. The other is the automatic apr upgrades break cuda/nvidia drivers forcing me to reboot the whole system. Pain in the ass.


Automatic updates that need reboots but run at any time other than when shutting down?

Sounds like something microsoft would do, but even they get that part right.


Yep it’s very annoying. Suddenly my system doesn’t have cuda anymore and it’s because of an update. Only fix that I’ve found is to reboot.

mintycactus, in Linux holds more than 8% market share in India, and it's on the upward trend avatar


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  • Dogeek,

    My guess is click farms with some unknown custom made os that skew that data?

    That also might be a source of Linux users hence the relatively high market share of the OS?

    Not to mention that India still has a lot of call centers (some for scams) that may use Linux because it’s free (compared to a windows license)


    A lot of people who work in those call centres are uneducated and don’t know shit about tech, they’re only parroting off a script. In those call centres they use windows 7 still and don’t even know about the existence of linux. Also piracy is big in India so they don’t care if linux is free. And most of all their victims/“customers”(old people) don’t use linux so they have no reason to either. It’s just the fellow Indian nerds using Linux.


    Yeah, if you look at some of those YouTube channels that scam the scammers, you’ll usually see that the scammers are all running Windows.


    I saw one where a guy used linux mint and the scammer used the usual tree command but other than that he knew fuck all what he was doing. He was tryna look for notepad. It was hilarious


    Statcounter works by collecting and processing user agent strings from browsers accessing sites that use their analytics. Unknows OSes are probably the ones who don’t give that info.

    Steamymoomilk, in The ASUS Eee PC and the netbook revolution (including Linux)

    I wonder how alpine linux would hold up on one of these, as a desktop of course. Alpine is ment for routers so therotically it should work really well.

    technologicalcaveman, in Firefox needs a 180° turn to full privacy out of the box. - Feddit

    I did a 360 and walked out the theater.

    Urist, (edited ) in Help troubleshooting issues with Sony WH1000MX5 playback avatar

    IIRC LDAC mode does not support microphone input. Still, if you want high sound quality, which you do, you need to use LDAC. I had some issues with my wh1000xm2 defaulting to SBC even though I specified LDAC. Disabling microphone input helped keep it consistently in the right mode. In KDE my settings working fine are the following:

    Also might worth looking at the bluetooth headset section of ArchWiki.


    That looks very similar to mine, except I don’t have AAC and aptX. I guess the WH1000MX5 only supports SDC and LDAC? As far as I know, I need to use the Headset Head Unit to get microphone input. After a system update some time back, it would switch automatically if I e.g. was on a Signal call. Prior to this, I would have to switch manually to get microphone input.

    By the way, I am not entirely sure if I am running PulseAudio or PipeWire, as I get the confusing output below, but it seems to be PulseAudio. Is it likely to improve things if I were to switch to PipeWire?

    <span style="color:#323232;">$ pactl info | grep "Server Name"
    </span><span style="color:#323232;">Server Name: PulseAudio (on PipeWire 0.3.80)

    As for my Windows issue, it seems LDAC is not natively supported in Windows 10, so I guess it is using SDC. Could my problems simply be that I am trying to stream a too high bitrate? I will need to recheck my settings for stream quality.


    You have pipewire. It is compatible with pulseaudio. I find it very surprising that you don’t show aac. I am not familiar with sbc-xq, but Apple products don’t support ldac and my understanding is sdc is not useful for audio listening, but rather calls. My M4s work fine on my desktop with an intel ax201 Bluetooth chipset. I have been using aac there, but ldac worked I think. I had problems with the usb BT adapter before that though.


    Hm, yeah. Just checked in macOS, and it is using AAC there. So lack of AAC on my Linux device would mean it is not available here for some reason then I guess, and not an issue with the headset?

    I can’t seem find a way to check the same on Windows 10 without using a third-party tool, and since this is a work computer, that is not an option for me. My guess is then that it uses SDC. Seems like AAC is supported natively in Windows 11 though, and the device is scheduled for a Win 11 install soon. Hopefully that will resolve the issue for me during work hours.

    For now it seems to work better under Linux with LDAC though, which is my main use case. I swear I’ve had issues with this before, but I just streamed an entire album of high-bitrate FLAC tracks without issue now. Hopefully it stays this way.


    I would assume either the way it was packaged for your system or some missing package.

    Don’t you love when you give in and go to get help for something and you can no longer reproduce it after you ask?


    Don’t you love when you give in and go to get help for something and you can no longer reproduce it after you ask?

    It’s almost like it’s a law of nature…

    Urist, avatar

    It seems from your pactl info like you are running PipeWire, though I am by no means any expert on this. I think I read something a while ago that LDAC is not supported on Windows.

    Tibert, (edited )

    The mx5 only support sbc (minimum to support) aac and LDAC. They dropped aptx to only use their own high latency (and not that much better) codec. The headphone has BT 5.3, but does not support LC3 (an extremely good, low latency codec integrated in base bluetooth).

    If you want to check what codec is used in windows, or change, there is a tool :

    Not sure if it’s free or free trial. But they also have a software allowing to check what is currently in use which is a free trial.

    terminhell, in Filesystem mirroring: best backup tool?

    Lots of great suggestions here.

    What about straight up disk cloning? Like, with dd to a dedicated backup drive?

    StephniBefni, in New Plasma 6 Default Icon Theme Looks

    Looks like mountain lion

    morrowind, in New Plasma 6 Default Icon Theme Looks avatar

    Seems kinda inconsistent. I’m seeing thin lines, thicc lines, flat, 3d, colored and monochrome all together


    filled areas and outlined, simple and chaotic… :-)

    miss_brainfart, avatar

    The icons don’t all speak the same language, true. Some are way more elaborate and detailed than others, which just makes them look off.

    Maybe the library could be a single book instead of an entire bookshelf, for example?

    Limitless_screaming, avatar

    There's another icon called "folder-book"

    miss_brainfart, avatar

    Ah, didn’t see that one at first. Even that icon is still too different from the others though, using thinner lines and no fill. Hm

    mbp, avatar

    Jesus, it’s so inconsistent. I suppose that may be beneficial when looking at all of your folders at a bird’s eye view but my knee jerk reaction isn’t the most positive.

    lukas, in Gamedev and linux avatar


    Please link to the source in the future. Pictures without alt tags are an inaccessible medium for people with impaired vision. Screen readers don’t ship with an OCR.

    uis, avatar

    All I had is this screenshot


    All you have to do to help visually impaired people with screen readers is to search for the title on Google (or your privacy friendly engine), click the first result, and add the link to the post.

    uis, avatar

    Added source link to post body

    danielfgom, in New Plasma 6 Default Icon Theme Looks avatar

    The folder “Notes” and the folder “Library” literally could be anything. There’s no way you show that to any user and they guess the name correct.

    And this is the problem I have with all of the icons used in menu’s throughout KDE. I don’t know what the hell they are supposed to be! Even more so as the eyesight gets worse with age.

    This is why I don’t use KDE.

    1984, avatar

    You can change icon theme in kde.

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