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cyberwolfie, in Sell Me on Linux

I love Linux since switching nearly a year ago. Yet, I still once in a while find myself in situations where I screw up and I think to myself “Oh, I’m glad this is not my work computer”. If you have no experience with Linux from before, maybe you should consider getting a personal laptop, install Linux on that, and get comfortable using it before transitioning your business to it. That way, the first time you accidentally uninstall your desktop environment (I managed to do this not once, but twice…), it is not 10 minutes before an important client meeting.

indepndnt, in Sell Me on Linux

I’m a CPA and my PC runs Linux, but also has a Windows VM for when I need Excel (unfortunately the open source alternatives just don’t cut it, and I’m guessing it’s similar for someone who relies on Word the way accountants rely on Excel), and my work laptop runs Windows.

If you ever edit PDFs with Acrobat Pro, there’s no good Linux equivalent that I’ve found for that either. It can be done, but you’ll need a couple of different programs depending on what you need to edit in the PDF.

In general I’d say that you can run your business in Linux, but it is probably not the best choice.

HubertManne, in How do y'all deal with programs not supported on Linux? avatar

Ill do my usual name drop of zorin os linux distro. its maine thing is windows compatibility and comes with play on linux and wine preinstalled and setup. Also comes with many linux applications installed out of box. I think its the best shot for an easy move over but if it does not work that does not mean it can't be done but its gonna be a bit of work more than likely.

thelastknowngod, in How do y'all deal with programs not supported on Linux?

What software are you using that is keeping you on windows?

FWIW, the last version of windows I’ve run was WinME circa 2001ish… I’ve been on Linux since '99 or so. You can certainly get by for day to day stuff. The only thing holding you back is going to be pretty niche.

alt, (edited ) in Sell Me on Linux

What is a reliable yet affordable option to get started?

Unfortunately, good affordable hardware on which Linux is properly supported is hard to get by. I’m personally fond of vendors like (in alphabetical order) Framework, NovaCustom, Star Labs, System76, Tuxedo. But other vendors like ASUS, Dell, HP and Lenovo are known to sell devices that do a considerable job at supporting Linux; consider to check the compatibility/support for their devices through resources like

Are my concerns based in reality or is Linux going to be able to handle everything windows does without issues?

Regarding video types; I don’t think you should have any problems regarding those; on some distros it might not be supported by default, but that should be solvable with a single command. Relying on flatpaks^[1]^ instead is another viable solution and is enabled by default on a lot of distros. Moving on to word document templates; I suppose the suite of cloud-based services found in Microsoft 365 should work regardless. As for the question if the templates would work on LibreOffice, ONLYOFFICE and the like; I simply don’t know. On to familiarity of OS and using it for business purposes; most distros that are friendlier towards newer users have been setup with sane defaults. Therefore, I don’t think there’s a lot that could go wrong as long as you’re interacting with a GUI. When interacting with a command-line interface, note that information found on the internet is often times outdated. Therefore, if you’re hesitant or unsure; consider interacting with the community for some help. We’re all in this together!

is Linux going to be able to handle everything windows does without issues?

You should be totally fine aside from some software that’s known to not support Linux at all.

What else might I need to know to use Linux comfortably from the get go?

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • To what degree are you interested to learn how it all works and to experience what Linux offers?
    • If you see it primarily as a means to an end, then pick a distro that does an excellent job at accommodating your workflow without requiring you to relearn more than necessary.
    • If instead, interest in Linux itself is the main driving force behind the switch, then please be mindful that the Linux rabbit hole is very real.

Is it going to take a lot of time and effort to get Linux running how I need it to?

Somewhat related to the previous question*. Like, there are distros out there that I can install for my grandfather and he wouldn’t even notice the difference. But even some (relatively) mainstream-distros can be daunting for so-called power users of Windows. E.g. I would argue I was your average Windows-user; play games, browse the internet, email, write documents, video-editing, run software required for my studies etc. It took me about two weeks before I was ‘comfortable’ on Linux. And even then, some of the software I used for e.g. video-editing just didn’t want to play nice^[2]^.

So, yeah, sell me on Linux, please.

If you want freedom and control over your devices, there’s simply no viable alternative.

  1. Software management on Linux -at least on the surface- is closer to Android/iOS than to Windows. You should rarely (if at all) feel the need to find software through your browser. Instead, you should interact with so-called package managers. This can be achieved through either a command-line interface or a storefront with a GUI that behaves like those found on Android/iOS etc. Coming back to Flatpak; this is an (upcoming) universal (read: (mostly) distro-agnostic) package manager that tries to solve a lot of problems that traditional package managers have had. There’s still a lot of ongoing work for it to achieve its design-goals to the fullest, but even in its current iteration it works excellent and therefore it’s unsurprising to find it enabled by default on a significant chunk of the Linux landscape. Software that are packaged using this technology are referred to as flatpaks (or flatpak if singular).
  2. In retrospect, this seems to be primarily rooted in the fact that my machine isn’t that powerful in the first place. On Windows, it managed because it was better optimized for it. Unfortunately, on Linux, this was not the case.

Just a quick correction, your framework link goes to system 76.


Thanks for pointing that out! It has since been fixed.


You can get a used thinkpad for a pretty affordable price. Main issue here is OP’s workflow may not accommodate learning Linux while at their job.

Gabadabs, in How do y'all deal with programs not supported on Linux? avatar

If I'm being totally honest, my primary use-case is gaming. I only have linux installed on my device, and if a game doesn't work, I simply play other things and hope it will eventually work.
Sometimes, with some effort, you can get windows programs to work using wine. For example, I was able to run Mod Organizer 2 to mod skyrim without issues. If that fails and your software won't work in wine, you could either find alternative native linux software or just dual-boot. I used to do that to play VR games in windows 10 since I've had issues running them in linux. Another option is to run a windows Virtual Machine whenever you need whatever software you can't get working, but there's pretty bad performance limitations unless you can get hardware passthrough working.

Pantherina, in How do y'all deal with programs not supported on Linux?

Lots of Linux-only software too

Pantherina, in Searching for espeak alternatives
  • Piper
  • CoquiTTS
  • spd-say
  • Tortoise TTS

Piper is also used by Torsten-voice and many other models are available. Its brilliant and like 2,5 steps away from implementation in screen readers and TTS engines. I hope this happens soon as the current engines are unbearable.

Espeak on Android for some reason is better than on KDE

Matombo, in Sell Me on Linux

Ever got that feeling that your PC doesn’t do what you want and that it seems malicous and intentional?

Switch to Linux where at least you know that when you hit a brick wall it’s an honest bug!

Just making some fun ;) But seriously the main reason is switched to Linux is that it at least tries to be the best os for the user, unlike windows or mac os, which tries to be tge best os for the company that is selling it, which just happens to include not pissing of it’s user too much, but a little bit is ok from ms and apples point of view.

wesley, (edited ) in Sell Me on Linux

I’m a software engineer, and I’ve used Linux on my computer for work before when my company allowed Linux installs on their computers (most don’t in my experience). I don’t recommend it for you.

For me, my main productivity tools, even proprietary ones, run natively on Linux. I very very rarely have to do anything involving word processing. When I do open source or in-browser word processors are enough. Windows can also be a constant headache to use in a lot of software development settings. It’s a horrible development environment. I try to avoid working on Windows as much as I can.

When something breaks (and on Linux, something eventually will), I have more than a decade of technical experience in computing I can fall back on to fix the issue myself. My work computer has failed to boot before and all I had to diagnose and fix the issue was a black screen with a terminal prompt. Even my company’s outsourced IT company had very little experience with Linux and I was largely on my own to fix it when things went wrong.

For you I don’t think it would make sense for basically all the opposite reasons. I imagine you’ll be doing heavy word processing and editing a lot of documents that need to be formatted correctly. Browser based and open source word processing are probably not going to cut it. I’m not sure if there are any proprietary file formats you may come across in the legal field, but if there are do you want to have to ask people “could you send that in a different format? I can’t open that on Linux.”

If something goes wrong on your machine you may not have all the experience to resolve it quickly on your own which could impact your business. Windows can break too but there’s a lot more support out there and the barrier is much lower to fix most issues (I can’t remember the last time I had to bust out a terminal to fix something on windows)

For all its faults, windows is pretty well set up for your typical use case.

If there’s a compromise here, you could try having a computer running windows and another running Linux. Having a backup in case something goes wrong isn’t a bad idea anyway. Dual booting is also an option. I made it through college for a CS degree with a dual boot Windows+Ubuntu laptop.

Whatever you end up doing, be sure to have a really good plan in place for backing up everything you need, especially files. Your computer can fail you at any time, Windows or Linux.

maximilian, in How do y'all deal with programs not supported on Linux? avatar

What programs do concern you?

dvdnet89, avatar

macros on excel

Aatube, avatar

LibreOffice also has macros support

dvdnet89, avatar

macros created by different people on excel viewed differently on Libreoffice also Some of the excel formulas that is written on VBA does not work well on Libreoffice

linearchaos, in How do y'all deal with programs not supported on Linux? avatar


My win11 VM sits on my disk, most days it stays off. It starts in 30 seconds and I use remina to remote into it. It sucks that I lose 60gb of disk, but it’s fast and everything just works.

We use Google docs at work so that’s an easy win.

Outlook’s Progressive web app is 99% awesome.

d_k_bo, in Gnome Calendar Flatpak: how to use online source on non GNOME?
Pantherina, (edited )


There is a bug from 2017 about this… damn.

Tried to install it with all the dependencies even in a distrobox, and not even then it works. Seems to need more.


Have you taken care about the calendar in flatpak having access to the evolution data server in the distrobox?


No I installed everything as RPM in a distrobox. I dont think that would work otherwise.

federatingIsTooHard, in Searching for espeak alternatives avatar


mosthated, avatar
mcepl, avatar

Mimic is by far the best I was able to find from FLOSS TTS software.

climateserver8538, (edited ) in Basic fonts

Just started using the Inter Display fonts and IBM Plex Mono fonts for my GNOME desktop.

Both are packaged in Debian.

There is even a discussion about making Inter the default font for GNOME:…/52

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