Fuck, me too and I’ve actually got a convertible tablet already that works pretty well on Linux (Lenovo X12, better bang for the buck than a Surface which was my previous favorite).
Per latest updates people should start getting their hands on first units early December. I have pre-ordered mine almost 3 months ago now and can’t wait!
I am using input by a pen a lot, to draw in my PDFs. It seems like Starlite doesn’t support that? I hope I am wrong, this is a major reason for 2-in-1s, isn’t it.
I myself am currently using a Chuwi Hi10X. I don’t have too many major complaints about it other than its quite underpowered. It does perform decently well until you need something graphics related then just kinda sucks. However I can use Firefox with it without any major gripes aisde from video playback, then I need to use chromium.
The desktop environment you use can actually play a massive part in its usability. I have found that GNOME is pretty much useless. KDE isn’t bad but it’s still heavy. I have been testing Cosmic DE and it has been pretty good. Definitely the best performing of the bunch so when that releases I’ll probably be using that full time.
#55856 cygwin hangs during installation at libzstd1-1.5.5-1
This bug report must mean that someone, somewhere, for some reason was running cygwin under wine and cared enough about that that they would create a bug report when it failed…
I’m using a HP spectre x360 since 2020-12 and I love it so much. I don’t use the tablet functionality often. The touch works pretty well as far as I can say. The notebook, even if it’s 13" ultra portable, is a little heavy for constant tablet usage. Everything else rocks aside of the thumbprint thingy. I use howdy instead.
Thanks for sharing your work at Lemmy! I say this because although I don’t use Reddit, I’m sure that logically because there are more users there and being more famous, it is the preferred platform for developers to share their work.
Think you’ll implement a replay feature in the future? I love that feature.
And is there any chance of porting your job in the future to Wayland? Currently there is no program (only OBS, as far as I know) that allows recording in Wayland, it would be great to have more options.
I haven’t made the jump to Wayland yet. I basically live in the terminal (when I’m not playing games!) so haven’t been in any rush. I definitely want to support Wayland going forward because it seems everyone has switched but me!
I’ve been using Ubuntu on a yoga 2 for nearly a decade. I haven’t used the touchscreen in ages but I used to do a lot of inking and it was pretty good out of the box. It only has a 4 gigs of ram though and isn’t upgradeable so it’s not as useful as it was
I have a ThinkPad X12 that supports Linux well. The pen works fairly well with Xournal++. I don’t use it that often because I prefer a traditional laptop form factor, but it’s great if you like the Surface style design.
I also have an X12. Ironically one of my issues is that it’s too surface-pro like I’m terms of form-factor. When I saw it online I thought the keyboard connection was more rigid like a surface book (more lap friendly). In terms of specs though it beat the pants off any of the comparable spro’s at the time
Its possible using homedir backup etc. Or on Fedora Atomic simply switching desktops. But yeah Desktops are all over the place, having a ~/.kde folder where EVERYTHING is stored would be great.
Oh, I am on Fedora Silverblue with Gnome. If it is easy to switch, I think I will give KDE a try!
I like Gnome, and I definitely need to tweak some behavior I find annoying, but I feel I never gave KDE a proper chance because I seem to mess up the panel whenever I look at it wrong, and have no idea how to get back to default.
Yeeah that panel. The only problem is opening the start menu with “super” though. You can always add a “default” panel.
Maybe do it like this: create a keyboard shortcut ctrl+alt+t for konsole, whyever it is not default. Then remove all panels and run qdbus org.kde.ksmserver /KSMServer 0 0 1 (alias that to “logout” in your .bashrc, its a horrible command).
Then remove all panels and logout. Log back in, add a default panel and maybe you are already good. Maybe log out again. The only default panel normally always gets the correct start menu. Its a bit messed up.
To switch between silverblue and kinoite you can just rebase, but make sure to backup all your “dotfiles” (the hidden configs for all the apps) and start plain, as you dont want to mix these.
There is a youtube video on exactly that somewhere.
Ah, thank you for the write up. I will actually do that because KDE something I know I will like and enjoy more than GNOME once I get past some of the weirdness. Mostly, I want to customize it in certain ways, and while GNOME surely is customizable, it is not as easy as KDE.
Yeah, rebasing feels like some scifi future tech and I am ready to play. It is like resleeving ala Altered Carbon.
I am not sure. KDE is very customizable and I like the… regular way apps work, trays work, decorations work and all that. Also GNOME is like the anti-poweruser desktop. I like its style, but its like “use a terminal or nothing”. Needing extra apps for every small thing and all…
The downside maybe is stability… and Gnome does some things well, like quicksettings and all.
I also like that GTK is easier to develop for probably, with Gnome Builder and similar tooling. But at the same time, the UI would be pretty much unusable for complex apps like Dolphin.
I tried Gimp 3.x prerelease and well, GTK3 is weird, its already this step away from the more similar styles.
Well rebasing is pretty nice, its swapping out the foundation while keeping the top intact. For things like Kinoite->Ublue-kinoite-main its just a reboot.
Do you need to pin the last working ostree before rebasing? I guess I want an easy way to switch between working environments without a lot of rebasing.
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