I bought a Microsoft Surface Book 2 when I wasn’t converted yet. BUT: now it kind of rules. There is a custom Linux Kernel for Surface devices, everything except the camera works now. That means especially: attach and detach the screen from the Keyboard and use the pen with all it’s features.
I wouldn’t buy a surface device now, because I don’t want to support Microsoft. But if you find a Book 2 for cheap, this would be a possible solution to your search.
I have almost nothing to complain about Fedora, but more so about the dependancy hell i face while trying to build any of the software i require. I want something like NixOS but without the learning curve of learning config file syntax.
Just going off how things are setup in the KDE spin, the tracker is what allows you to search and find files on the machine. Disabling it would most likely make it tough to find files. But I’m not familiar with gnome just to be clear. I’d say report it and hopefully someone else can provide better detail.
EFI and LUKS partition, containing an LVM with root/home/swap. Ext4 partitions. I’m vaguely aware of btrfs and zram but haven’t taken them for a spin yet.
Even if we were thirsting over it, what’s wrong with it? Apple makes some impressive silicon that’s really efficient. The problem is that it’s tied to their products and closed off. You can marvel at what they’re doing on the production side while not liking their business practices.
I wonder if they’ll consider Codeberg as their future Git host of choice. GitHub is less than ideal in terms of digital sovereignty, GitLab also has some questionable leadership. Codeberg seems like the most solid alternative to these so far.
Eh…just trying to learn some new things regarding common “dockerization”-related things, and improving its security.
If the end-goal is not learning but having an as secure container as possible, then consider Wolfi; this is a good read. If you’re interested to know its current vulnerabilities, so that you can work on resolving those; then consider Trivy as it is -to my knowledge- the industry-standard for this specific use-case.
Running an HP Elite x360 1030 G2 since 2018 and an Elite Dragonfly since last year, both on Arch linux and Sway (recently Hyprland) with full touch and pen support. Can recommend both!
How do you find yourself with wayland on it? Is it easy to switch between workspaces, or send windows to other workspaces? How about the onscreen-keyboard? I’m currently wondering whether to move from i3 to hyprland on my thinlpad yoga 370. I set uo a lot of gestures with touchegg on i3, I’m afraid of missing them if moving to wayland.
Sorry, saw the reply just now. I use Wayland pretty much exclusively since I switched all my devices to Linix roughly three years ago and I face no issues. Afaik sway is fully compatible with i3 config, so I assume your gestures should just work the same. Hyprland is a different beast, it is still pre-release, so while the state is impressive, do not expect super advanced niche features like gestures (check their wiki to see if they are supported). I don’t use an OSK, whenever I fold, I pretty much use only xournal++ which I navigate with pen and touch. However, there is at least one that I tinkered with some months ago and it worked, I cannot remember the name though (probably got it from the arch wiki). Lid switch detection works well in sway, so I assume configuration for it to come up automatically should be trivial. Again, definitely try sway first, this should give you the best experience. Hope it helps!
I’m coming back to linux as a main desktop, finally ditching windows (again). I tried out fedora workstation and the fedora KDE spin. KdE looks so good now, before i atteibuted it to a windows wanna-be knock off. This was back in the windows xp days… now it looks so polished. I probably prefer it to gnome because I’ve been a windows user for so long but gnome is nice with its minimal approach, looks nice and clean. Can’t get away from how nice KDE looks though, I’m going to stick with that I think.
Ha ha, a post about the Eee! Dug my 1000H out of the attic a few weeks back, put Mint xfce on it and it works great, pretty zippy! Then I put it back in the attic.
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