I wanted to move my Arch VM to bare metal, so I copied out all the important bits. Then I wanted to move that copy to a new drive so I could boot into it.
I THOUGHT I’d MV all the files in the Arch install’s etc directory using sudo MV /etc …
I also (somehow) mashed my install’s etc with Arch’s and bungled both, with no live CD to help.
I learned a thing or two about absolute file paths…
I had a similar issue with my laptop, where Arch wouldn’t be recognized as a bootable system on my NVMe drive unless I disabled RST with Optane on the BIOS, setting it to AHCI mode.
I do remember seeing a similar issue a while ago as well, but I don’t remember if the user managed to fix it.
I could suggest removing the Windows drive, installing Arch and checking if everything works, then plugging the Windows drive back in. Windows loves to delete non-Windoes bootloaders from every drive it can.
Have you considered embedding a terminal editor in the actual program? I use mRemoteNG on windows, and the integrated rdp/ssh with a sidebar full of bookmarks is the dragon I’ve been chasing on linux.
If this had remmina and vnc, and could embed terminals, it’d be a huge feature jump in my book (though it’s already great as a better way to manage my ssh sessions)
As a sole developer I have to prioritize features due to the time constraints. While I would definitely like to implement support for everything you listed, this would be a lot of work. For example with terminals in general, it can be very difficult to get one up to the standards of other comparable terminals. By delegating everything to other terminals, I can make the development easier.
So in the long term future this might be added. But that also depends on the project’s trajectory going forward
For sure for sure. What is your preferred mechanisms for feature requests? Small things, like in the browser pane, could we get buttons to launch terminals directly in the connections tree on the left, so I can launch the terminal without having to open the file browser for that connection, or likewise, adding a link in the connections pane to jump straight into the file browser? I envision a workflow where I keep 1 view open and can launch into file browsing or terminal directly from that view.
You can send me feature requests either on GitHub, Discord, or mail, whatever you like.
Your proposed enhancements make sense, I can already think about how to add this the best way. And if you want to open a proper feature request and elaborate more on that, we can make that happen for sure.
It’s not like you can’t shoot yourself in the foot while using windows (not sure about macs, tho, but likely just as well). I remember breaking windows countless times while figuring out what service crap can be disabled, removing edge or defender, yada yada.
On the contrary, in my experience, if you’re not actively messing with linux, it’s overall more stable than windows. Like I had to install windows on an actual machine a short while ago, and it was a clusterheck. Drivers failed to auto install (touchpad/trackpoint drivers, for Chaos’s sake), random bsod after an hour or so of normal use, etc. As for linux breaking on itself, I remember like 3 times that happened with me in my ~5 yrs of daily driving different distros, and 2 of those were fixable by switching to a tty (the 3rd didn’t boot, as far as I remember, due to some incompatibility between bedrock and arch).
A system update broke a dependency for libre Sprite, which hasn’t had an update in like two years. You can say they should but let’s be real, my apps shouldn’t break with an update. One of my laptop needs was portable graphics creation. This broke one of my major use cases. Yay.
Somehow I found ways to remove and break the GUI multiple times in multiple ways in multiple distros.
Different scenarios, different times, different issues trying to “fix”. My usual fix after this was always to copy what I think I still had important and then move on with a reinstall.
Recently I have been playing with ZorinOS and broke it in the same way by fidgeting with pipewire. Distro hoped to Fedora Silverblue due to the immutable filesystem. I wonder if I will break this one in a way I cannot revert it easily with rpm-ostree. I almost feel challenged.
Wanted a cool bootscreen on my Nixos machine - commented out the bootloader to troubleshoot, why my meme-boot-picture wouldn’t show - after rebooting, it loaded straight into the BIOS and finally realized what I had done… Was able to fix it thankfully
I was running Fedora. Something like 27 or so. I needed drivers. I don’t remember if it was AMD or Nvidia, but they were only available on RedHat.
So I downloaded the RedHat drivers for the GPU and forced it to install. It worked! It was great.
Then when I updated the distro to the next release… everything failed. It was dropping into grub, but no video was output. Ooof.
So I ended up enabling a terminal console and connecting to it via a serial port to debug. I had to completely uninstall that RPM and I was never happy that it was properly gone. So a few months later I ended up reinstalling the whole OS.
On the plus side, I learned a lot about grub and serial consoles. Worth it.
From past forums reading I remember that a boot loader in Linux can have trouble booting properly when you use two different physical drives (Rather than one drive and different partitions), I think it needs to specifically get to know about both drives. Does this help ?
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