Sweet, welcome! :) I know the feeling. I just finished reinstalling Nobara after being dumb and goofing up patching. Then I tried to fix it and made the system totally unusable and I gave up.
A while ago I jacked my grub config and decided to try to fix it manually. I managed to stumble through it and learned some stuff, though I am still fuzzy on some details.
I mostly want to just use the computer without a lot of headache and both Mint and Nobara have been great for coding (various), electronics design, 3d modeling and printing, graphics, photo editing, and such.
This is why I gave up on fixing it yesterday lol. I spent a few days setting it up, I didn’t wanna spend a few more days to try to figure out exactly what the issue was when I could just give in and then actually use it
Totally valid! Theoretically with more experience it may be easier / faster to fix but…idk
See this is why I keep /home on a separate partition (or drive in some cases). I can reinstall or switch distros anytime without worrying about all my files (they’re backed up, anyway but doing a restore is a pita).
I don’t have any experience with virtual surround, but I do have a potential alternative if you don’t get it figured out.
If the games you play have a headphone mode, try it. That typically gets a pretty good virtual surround effect. As for improving sound quality, check out the AutoEQ project on GitHub. I got some cheap $20 Monoprice headphones that sound like they’re $150 or better when using the correct profile from AutoEQ.
You might have some GUI nonsense happen, but for the most part you’ll be okay. I have exclusively used i3 for my Linux stuff over the past few years and have only run into a few problems with misc apps
It can be used for other stuff. I use dwm and find that on occasion some programs aren't nice in dwm or don't work well. So, i suggest having both a tiling and a floating.
Most excellent. I’m glad to see things are working out, and that you’ve found something that works well. I hope your experience is as beautiful as mine was - mine pushed me to pursue computer science and programming.
I recommend at this point learning Flatpak and exploring Flathub for your favorite apps. Flatpak is treated as a first-class citizen on Fedora, so its my go-to recommendation. Should be super easy. Here are the instructions: flathub.org/setup/Fedora
I know I’m part of the minority in liking the Gnome 3+ designs, but with so many people lamenting the death of GTK+2, why don’t they fork the toolkit? It’s not as if you’ll break any compatibility by backporting fixes and extending the classic UI components.
Perhaps you’ll need to rename your project (except for the system libraries) to avoid trademark issues, but if all the developers came together, I’m sure you could write a drop-in replacement for the old GTK+2 libraries. Such a project may have some difficult tasks ahead of it (bringing Wayland support and fractional scaling, for example) but they can copy Gnome’s homework, they don’t need to invent everything from scratch.
for about one year i used exclusively motorola droid4 as mobile device. it runs maemo-leste: mobile linux distribution with nokia’s hildon desktop (revived maemo fremantle sources) on top of devuan linux.
i also myself maintain about ten packages in maemo-leshe repository.
but most of the people won’t use motorola droid 4 and maemo-leste.
they won’t tolerate small screen and they need their ‘apps’ for ‘banking’ or ‘twitter’ or whatever.
i do not use banking apps or twitter or reddit or instagram or whatever they use, so i don’t care.
i used pidgin on that device, even connected to ‘ms teams’ for work via pidgin.
worked more stabre than real ‘teams’ client, but of course pidgin is not the mosh usable app on a small screen.
today i use dino on it for e2e encrypted xmpp messaging. in devuan chimaera dino is old and buggy. well what can i do?
it is okay.
but how many people are ready to give up shiny androids or ioses for this cyberpunk device?
even camera doesn’t work on it.
well, it is normal for mobile linux distributions that camera doesn’t work ot most devices. if it works for photos then not for videos.
well i carry an old small point and shoot with me. i think though it is crappy it makes pdotos better than many phones do.
but i cannot recognize qrcodes with phone.
recently i am trying to use pinephone.
it is more powerful and it has more recent software in postmarketos. my environment is sxmo. it is hde best phone environment ever created, i think. but how many people will agree with me? even pinephone users prefer phosh or kde plasma or something more fancy.
‘’‘’‘’‘’'what i do with pinephone?
first of all i charge it always. it is like tamagocci, if you don’t feed it it will die. so i carry a power bank with me.
it runs about six hours if i dont touch it (without suspend) and about two hours if i run dino.
in best case, if dino won’t make the device unresponsive.
i have an open source program called songrec on it, it can use shazam api and it recognizes music played around. it is a very useful app. and it is adaptive, works in both portrait and landsgape modes.
what else do i do with it? well, browse the web sometimes. but it is often a torture. and i wondur why dont i just do the same on laptop.
yeah and podcasts with gpodder-adaptive.
and radio with shortwave.
i know why i do this: i want to use mostly libre software so i am ready for inconveniences. but not many people are ready to this.
for many years i used sailfish. it is very polished. i would recommend it to ‘regular people’ instead of android.
but i do not like that it doesn’t run on mainline on most devices, so proprietary linux kernel is necessary, the ui framework isn’t libre so we cannot use an app we used to on other platform most of the time. so u r getting locked to sailfish. it is hard to leave it because u cannot take your apps with you. in order to port apps written with their silica classes one needs to rewrite the ui completely.
so i am a person who only used linux phones for years asd i know it is not easy foc regular people.
for me it is ok. i do not need much more than sxmo as environment. i only wish pinephone to not hang as often because of dino. (:
for about one year i used exclusively motorola droid4 as mobile device. it runs maemo-leste: mobile linux distribution with nokia’s hildon desktop (revived maemo fremantle sources) on top of devuan linux.
i also myself maintain about ten packages in maemo-leshe repository.
but most of the people won’t use motorola droid 4 and maemo-leste.
they won’t tolerate small screen and they need their ‘apps’ for ‘banking’ or ‘twitter’ or whatever.
i do not use banking apps or twitter or reddit or instagram or whatever they use, so i don’t care.
i used pidgin on that device, even connected to ‘ms teams’ for work via pidgin.
worked more stabre than real ‘teams’ client, but of course pidgin is not the mosh usable app on a small screen.
today i use dino on it for e2e encrypted xmpp messaging. in devuan chimaera dino is old and buggy. well what can i do?
it is okay.
but how many people are ready to give up shiny androids or ioses for this cyberpunk device?
even camera doesn’t work on it.
well, it is normal for mobile linux distributions that camera doesn’t work ot most devices. if it works for photos then not for videos.
well i carry an old small point and shoot with me. i think though it is crappy it makes pdotos better than many phones do.
but i cannot recognize qrcodes with phone.
recently i am trying to use pinephone.
it is more powerful and it has more recent software in postmarketos. my environment is sxmo. it is hde best phone environment ever created, i think. but how many people will agree with me? even pinephone users prefer phosh or kde plasma or something more fancy.
what i do with pinephone?
first of all i charge it always. it is like tamagocci, if you don’t feed it it will die. so i carry a power bank with me.
it runs about six hours if i dont touch it (without suspend) and about two hours if i run dino.
in best case, if dino won’t make the device unresponsive.
i have an open source program called songrec on it, it can use shazam api and it recognizes music played around. it is a very useful app. and it is adaptive, works in both portrait and landsgape modes.
what else do i do with it? well, browse the web sometimes. but it is often a torture. and i wondur why dont i just do the same on laptop.
yeah and podcasts with gpodder-adaptive.
and radio with shortwave.
i know why i do this: i want to use mostly libre software so i am ready for inconveniences. but not many people are ready to this.
for many years i used sailfish. it is very polished. i would recommend it to ‘regular people’ instead of android.
but i do not like that it doesn’t run on mainline on most devices, so proprietary linux kernel is necessary, the ui framework isn’t libre so we cannot use an app we used to on other platform most of the time. so u r getting locked to sailfish. it is hard to leave it because u cannot take your apps with you. in order to port apps written with their silica classes one needs to rewrite the ui completely.
so i am a person who only used linux phones for years asd i know it is not easy foc regular people.
for me it is ok. i do not need much more than sxmo as environment. i only wish pinephone to not hang as often because of dino. (:
I was impressed by how streamlined and intuitive EndeavorOS (with Plasma) is out of the box when I threw it on a friend’s computer. Will probably switch to it myself shortly.
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