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dvdnet89, in Sell Me on Linux avatar

if you are using latest nvidia hardware and one of your favourite software does not work on Linux. just stay away from it

just_another_person, in Audio Hardware Question from a Linux newbie

Disable auto-off power management features for the port you have the device plugged into. Try the ‘Tunables’ menu in the powertop utility if you want to temporarily test to see if it works. Easiest thing I can think of for a beginner.

electric_nan, in Sell Me on Linux

If your budget is tight, get a used/refurb, but recent model Thinkpad (T or P series) from EBay. Install Linux Mint (I say Debian Edition, since that is Mint’s future). It comes with LibreOffice preinstalled. You may want to install standard Microsoft fonts, which aren’t included for licensing reasons. You can search for how do do this.

TrickDacy, avatar

Debian edition? Never heard of this and apparently neither has their website… Is it replacing Ubuntu as the base with Debian?


It’s a version of Mint they have been maintaining in case Ubuntu ceases to be a desirable base for the distro. With things like over reliance on Snaps, and advertising paid security updates in the terminal, it seems like it won’t be very long until that point is reached. I love Mint, but dislike those specific aspects it brings from Ubuntu, so I have found LMDE to be the perfect solution.

TrickDacy, avatar

Thanks so much! This is a really cool idea. I may have to try it out sometime

radioactiveradio, in Shadow Cast: GPU accelerated screen and audio recording for Linux

I like how happy the dood is on the repo profile pic. Like he beat the final boss in Sekiro in one try. 10/10 project.


The pfp is goofy af. It stays 😂

poddo, in Sell Me on Linux

Youre a lawyer just get a mac lmao

anon_8675309, in Sell Me on Linux

Nope. Try it and be your own objective judge.

GustavoM, (edited ) in Sell Me on Linux avatar

That is like, trying to convince a meat lover to eat veggies (only) but seriously? Just download an iso @, give it a spin. It’s free. Be aware that “It’s not Windows” so expect some things to not behave “by the Windows logic”. “Duckduckgo is your friend”, even if it means asking the most trivial things “How do I install $thing on Linux mint?”, and you’ll be just fine.

lemann, in Sell Me on Linux

For opening Word documents, I’d highly recommend OnlyOffice. Has outstanding compatibility with documents originally created in Microsoft Word, and it’s free on Flathub

Another alternative if you have an existing 365 subscription would be the online version of Word in your web browser.

If you’re heavily into the 365 ecosystem though, do note that things like Onedrive compatibility aren’t all the way there on linux, so you’d miss luxuries like right-clicking a file and getting a shareable link, or sending a file to someone directly from the file manager. For these you’ll need to drag-n-drop the file into onedrive, or into your email app to send them.

Things like opening PDFs, viewing various video formats etc, are built-in and work flawlessly on pretty much all Linux distros. Support for opening encrypted PDF files should be flawless too, haven’t had issues with these myself.

Would recommend Linux Mint, or Zorin OS, as both have a pretty similar look and feel when coming from Windows

TCB13, avatar

OnlyOffice. Has outstanding compatibility with documents

It might be decent, but is isn’t “outstanding”, advanced formatting and features sometimes fails. Another thing about OnlyOffice is that it is a web app, it might work fine for smaller documents, however when you’ve to load a 50+ page document scrolling around becomes really bad as you’ll have to scroll and wait 1-2 seconds for each page to load.

Things like opening PDFs, viewing various video formats etc, are built-in and work flawlessly on pretty much all Linux distros

It isn’t “flawlessly”. Forms in PDFs aren’t supported properly.

fhek, in Sell Me on Linux

Load up Mint or Ubuntu on a virtual machine.

If you like it, install it to a drive. Don’t let people convince you to wipe a HDD and jump into Linux.

It’s not a good idea if you’ve never used Linux before and you need this computer for daily work.

Cwilliams, in Shadow Cast: GPU accelerated screen and audio recording for Linux

I wonder if this technology could be used in OBS’s screen recording?


I’d be surprised if it doesn’t do something similar. I haven’t used OBS so I can’t really comment to it’s performance

localhost443, in Amazon Building its Own Linux-Based OS to Replace Android

Save us phosh, or something similar…

beta_tester, in This Threat to Free Software is Worse than I Thought...

Wrong forum

nawordar, (edited ) in Fonts

Sans: Cantarell
Serif: Linux Libertine
Monospace: JetBrains Mono and Fira Code

bertmacho, (edited ) in Newbie with questions about Debian

for 1, in linux no output is often indicitive of no problem. To verify if your previous command exited successfully, type ‘echo $?’ at the command line and if its anything but 0 its an error.

For 3, I do the same but since I’m the only user I auto login so its still just one password to enter to get to a desktop.

Bobson_Dugnutt, avatar

How do you setup the auto login?


Depends if you’re using a graphical login manager or not. If so, you’ll have to search the name of it and ‘autologin’ in your favourite search engine. Its typically no more then checking a box and adding your username.

I dont use a graphical login manager, I just let it boot up and agetty (from util-linux) logs me directly into my shell (because I added -u ’ to the config.). Then my shell profile takes care of starting the graphical environment for me.

Its just personal choice but I dont see any point in a login manager when Im the only one logging in. I understand that it may come as part of the desktop suite though. I prefer to start with nothing and add what I want versus getting everything and removing what I dont want

sweng, (edited ) in Newbie with questions about Debian

For number 4, consider switching to e.g. KDE which is an alternative desktop environment you can install in Debian.

If you reinstall, consider Kubuntu, which is Ubuntu but with the KDE desktop. Search for screenshots first so you know if it is somwthing you like.

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