I believe PostmarketOS with the PinePhone Pro is a decent experience. Nope, it’s not. Don’t get it if you don’t want to contributr your time to the project. With that said, I’m not too confident on its usability, 2 years after its release. What do you run and what has your experience been like?
what do you even mean “don’t support encryption”? Do you mean FDE? In that case PostmarketOS supports it, and you can get any other distro to use FDE if you tinker hard enough
That’s why Plasma is built to support different shells, optimized for different form factors which allows to do this stuff like the Netbook shell in the past or now Plasma Bigscreen for TVs or Plasma Mobile for smartphones.
Nothing would make me more happy. I really wish it weren’t such a pain to deal with the telephony. You check devices on postmarketOS & while some devices can boot, it’s usually the actual phone part that isn’t working–which is kind of an important part. The open hardware phones work fine, but their specs are ancient while being as expensive as flagships. I still have eventual hope tho as device needs have started to plateau.
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