Para_lyzed, (edited )

Void Linux with musl. I wanted to try setting up a distro with Musl, but many things I use daily simply don’t work with it, and the hassle of troubleshooting everything was a bit too much. I went back to Fedora Workstation, and I’ll likely stay on it for my workstation (though I’ll switch to Fedora Kinoite when Fedora 40 releases). I also use Fedora Server for my personal server, since it’s very familiar to me, and there’s not a huge point in switching to CentOS anymore with the recent changes, so I’ll probably just stick to it.


but many things I use daily simply don’t work with it

Out of curiosity, what doesn’t work? And do you mean with musl or Void in general?


I’m talking mostly about musl, but Void with glibc still requires more work than a “just works” distro. As such, I didn’t see a point in trying Void with glibc, because the biggest benefit I saw to switching was for musl. It’s great for some, but not for me, just as I wouldn’t use Gentoo. There were a lot of things that didn’t run, I don’t have a full list. I know for a fact that Steam (or any Steam games) wouldn’t run, I’m fairly confident that the OnlyOffice suite wouldn’t work, I believe that EasyEffects wouldn’t run which was a big problem, since I use that for system wide equalization, and for my microphone filters. I probably could have figured out how to set everything up with bare PipeWire, but it’s basically the same story for everything: it just requires way more work. My VPN (Mullvad) isn’t compiled for musl, nor was the Nextcloud client, and many things I use every day. Those are just the things I remember having issues with off the top of my head, and it may not have only been musl that was the problem, but it’s very likely it was.

callyral, (edited ) avatar

I use Void Linux glibc, I wouldn’t daily drive musl either, although there are ways to run glibc apps.


Arch. Rolling release is too much maintenance and AUR can be a pain. I do like the minimalist approach though.

For those of a similar opinion and aren’t familiar with it, check out Void. Also a minimalist rolling release, but aims for more stable packages so less updating. Decent package selection in their repos as well.

callyral, avatar

Yeah, I used Artix and Arch for a while, but I switched to Void a few months ago and I like it better.


I've been using Debian since 1.3. Haven't really ever needed anything else.
I did "experiment" a bit when the decision to go with systemd was taken, but in the end, most distros went with it and it really isn't that big deal for me.

So it's just Debian. I need a computer that works.

owatnext, (edited )

I miss Debian sometimes, but systemD irks me.

old man yells at systemd




It’s funny, I was really excited for Ubuntu when it first released, and actually quite enjoyed it. On the other hand, RPM distros seemed like an absolute mess, at that time. Now it’s the exact opposite. At least in regards to Fedora, it’s a very well thought out and maintained distro if you want things to just work, and Ubuntu makes me uncomfortable.

wurzelwerk, avatar

Anything arch, basically. Maybe I'm just a too lower tier power user, but I have always returned to Mint. Rock solid daily driver working out of the box. I don't really want to have to tinker with the os, I admit. It should just work.

ritchie, avatar

Fully agree. I once wanted to try it. I took a look at the documentation for partitioning and realized that I needed 2 full days for a working installation and constant access to another PC to be able to read the documentation… No thanks, I don’t care about the hate, Debian/Ubuntu is up and running in 30 mins and gets out of the way…


My personal PC and work PC are windows. I also just accidently removed a lot of my game files, so I figure it’s about time to start over. I’m going for kubuntu this time. I figure it’s going to be easier to get set up and running quickly without much fuss.

That said, I also run endeavor os on a little netbook tablet I have, so I’m dipping a toe there as well.

jaykay, avatar

NixOS… for now. I was on Fedora and was looking for something new. Thought I’d try these new „immutable” distros. Then realised I didn’t know enough about normal ones yet, so I switched to Arch instead. Plus, Nix’ docs are horrendous imo


Plus, Nix’ docs are horrendous imo

I’ve been learning Nix recently and I can 100% agree on this. Their community forum is excellent though.


I tried NixOS too, and their docs are horrible for new users. I found myself looking for anything but the docs to get started. I decided to stay with my EndeavorOS install.


I attempted to try Garuda Linux (cinnamon) on a mini PC (Ryzen 5800H based APU), but graphic artefacting was a constant issue as soon as the install started.

After several tries I had to abandon ship and wait till a new release to maybe try again, if I remember. Not exactly “Nope, this one’s not for me” as I had yet to properly try it.

Otherwise, I tried Crunchbangplusplus and just gave up for being a bit too minimalist or not yet ready for prime time as I kept geting issues after issues and did not have the patience to wrangle the whole OS for everything from getting network working to audio and screen issues on my system.

Anyways, it is always fun to try new systems/apps/protocols and see where thing are headed towards.

jelloeater85, avatar

Wow I forgot about #! . That was a neat distro.

blotz, avatar


Cool package manager but constantly breaking compatibility with none nix package managers really annoyed me. (Ghcup, mason, etc…)

Also how difficult they made compiling software from source. I could live with nix packages if I could also compile the programs I need from source.

Great server os. I don’t understand how people use it as a daily driver


Its not for everyone imho as a NixOS user

blotz, avatar

Wdym “not for everyone”

Quazatron, avatar

I’ve been using Xubuntu LTS on my work laptop some 10 years now. All the customization I do is remove snaps and add flatpaks. It just works.

I have RHEL and derivatives on my work machines, where I spend most of my day. I don’t like the RPM package system, which they tried to improve upon several times already. I don’t like Gnome, is too opinionated for me.

I had a colleague who used Gentoo, to claim superiority. His laptop spent most of the day burning kilowatts with the fans blowing. Not for me. Having everyone build packages from source is very unneficient. "Oh, but the security of building your own binaries! " Well, did you look at the code you’re building? No? Well then.

I end up always going back to the DEB ecosystem, with a XFCE desktop. Lately I’ve been using Manjaro with XFCE and Flatpaks, no AUR.

BaroqueInMind, avatar

What's the benefits of using Flatpacks over Docker shit?

Quazatron, avatar

As far as I know, docker for services, flatpak for desktop applications.

BaroqueInMind, avatar

Couldn't I simply use docker for both and eliminate redundancy?


Most distributions are fine honestly. Ubuntu is clearly not my thing. Not a fan of Redhat-based distribution either. I wanted to appreciate OpenSuse as they’ve been supporters of KDE for a long time but wasn’t comfortable with Yast.

Apart from that, Manjaro is awesome, Arch amazing, Debian brilliant, etc.

woelkchen, avatar

but wasn’t comfortable with Yast.

I don’t even remember how many years it’s been when Yast was actually needed. It’s optional since quite some time. Even installing the OS itself could technically be done through Calamares but I don’t think that’s worth the effort.


Good to hear, my impression of OpenSuse was from 10+ years ago, I should have said so.


You don’t need yast for anything.


RHEL, SELinux sucks and I hate it.


I get it. It does have a learning curve. This being said, I would argue that without selinux Linux can’t really be meaningfully secure. It’s worth learning. Seljnux exits elsewhere too. I deploy Debian with selinux and it works well there as well.


The problem with SELinux is that everyone rushed to push it out, alongside packages affected by it without support for it. So it was a crapshoot whether or not you’d have something working each time. That is better now, but was initially a colossal pain in the ass for about five years or so.


Fair. But audit2allow makes it really easy to add support for apps without policies. For custom in-house apps I use this to spit out some nice policies that can be rolled out.


What put me off selinux is that the officially documented way of generating a new policy is to run a service unconfined, and then generating the policy from its behaviour. This is backwards on so many levels… In contrast policy-based admission control in kubernetes is a delight to use, and creating new policies is actually doable outside of a lab.


You could preemptively write the policy if you know the context and policies you want to apply. I just don’t think it’s worth the time when you can generate a policy with two commands.


Honestly, depending on whether you count it or not, LFS. I have not tried Gentoo yet, though I want to one day, for the learning experience, and yet I already know that compiling everything is not something I enjoy.

I can get by with OpenSUSE and Void (kinda), I’ve used Debian for a few weeks, I’ve used Fedora for a month or so, I’ve used Ubuntu for a bit, I’ve tried PopOS for a week or two, I’ve used NixOS for a few months, and I’ve used Arch for most of my time on Linux.

Currently I’m on Arch, but I don’t like rolling releases that much. At the same time, I am also not a fan of immutability, as there are some programs I need that cannot be installed on an immutable distro, so that’s why I’m on Arch. Why am I only using these 2? Because they are the only distros that have all the packages I need (excluding the specialist software that I need for university). By the time I discovered Distrobox (which would solve this problem), I was already on Arch. I’ve also done some changes to my setup and as such, I’ll need to wait for some new features to make their way into program releases and into the NixOS Stable repo with the following release. Until then, I’m on Arch.

aard, avatar

Gentoo is useless for learning how things work. Back in the 00s when I still had time to hang out at events it was always quite ridiculous at what kind of basic stuff the gentoo crowd got stuck at - and with the tooling 15+ years more polished now I’d expect what is actually going on is way more hidden than back then.

If you do want to understand how things work just build a minimal system - either on spare hardware, or qemu/kvm. Don’t go with systemd, or other fat userland options - that just makes you compile a lot of dependencies not adding value for learning.

Use some lean init (or just write one yourself), and some lean shell.


How would you recommend I go about building a system? Should I start with LFS as a base/inspiration?

aard, (edited ) avatar

I’d just start from very simple kernel and static init, and work my way up to adding more functionality. I’d use kvm with rootfs on p9fs - that allows playing with it without having to build images. I can throw together the initial invocation, if you’re interested.

Then start building simple core elements in a language allowing easy static linking - I’d use C with dietlibc or go. Start adding core userland programs, explore initramfs (without using something like dracut), add dynamic libraries and explore the dynamic linker, … - if you’re interested we could set up a matrix channel for questions (typically with some lag, though), and do a github repo to follow along.

LFS iirc goes for full desktop - the high level userland is very complex, but easy to understand when you know the basics. You pretty much learn how to compile lots of libraries - which has limited use. A full LFS style desktop I’d no longer recommend nowadays - it’s just too many dependencies to deal with. I used to build my own system (not following LFS) until the Xorg fork made it sigificantly more complicated - and things got just worse since then, and I never was using a complicated UI stack.

edit: I had a few minutes, so I’ve thrown this together - you should easily get a kernel with a custom init running, and have enough to start experimenting. If you or anyone else is interested to go deeper I’ll set up a matrix channel for guidance.

squid_slime, avatar

All but Arch. Find commands much easier to remember and me having dyslexia and ADHD my memory is shocking.


I put commands in a bash script, with a parameter for each one, and it lists them all if I don’t give a parameter. So for example it goes “arch upgrade” instead of having to remember “pacman -Syuu”.

squid_slime, (edited ) avatar

i do similar too, also found helps alot especially with navigating my system. i also expand on the bashrc by adding custom commands like

<span style="font-weight:bold;color:#795da3;">installed</span><span style="color:#323232;">() {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    pacman -Qs </span><span style="color:#183691;">"$</span><span style="color:#323232;">1</span><span style="color:#183691;">" </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">| </span><span style="color:#323232;">awk -F/ </span><span style="color:#183691;">'/^local/ {print $2}' </span><span style="font-weight:bold;color:#a71d5d;">| </span><span style="color:#323232;">cut -d</span><span style="color:#183691;">' '</span><span style="color:#323232;"> -f 1
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}

its apt as i forget witch packages i have installed


I use paru and the default is “paru” with no parameter for the upgrade. But I am on your team here: I have to Google every single time the -Q params for all the queries and I have been using arch for almost 2 decades now: “who owns this file?” “what are the deps of this package?” “Which packages are installed?” “Which packages I explicitly installed vs dependencies?” Not a single one of them is intuitive to query with the pacman command line for some reason.

gerryflap, avatar

Manjaro. I had previously already used Antergos and Ubuntu, but after Antergos stopped I needed something like it. So I installed Manjaro in my secondary PC (with old components). I constantly got into trouble with the manual kernel version selection thingy. I was used to kernel updates being part of the normal update process, and suddenly I had to manually pick the new one. I constantly ran into incompatibility issues with older or newer kernels, vague update deadlocks where I couldn’t update things because they depended in each other, and I absolutely hated having to use a separate program for updating the kernel. Now the PC runs Fedora and I’m liking that a lot more so far…


Manjaro ships with a LTS kernel, which is marked “recommended” in the kernel selection tool. By default you don’t have to do anything, don’t ever need to use the kernel selection, and you won’t experience any problems, it works like any other distro.

The issues you described are caused by selecting one of the non-recommended kernel versions. It’s assumed you know what you’re doing if you do that.


Exactly I really don’t get the argument there. Manjaro’s handling of kernel selection is brilliant. Multiple LTS kernels, a recommended one, bleeding hedge and experimental ones. There’s something for everyone and it’s super easy to use.

gerryflap, avatar

It’s not so much an argument, it’s my personal experience. My experience was just not great. Maybe I did something wrong, but I’ve had a way better experience with Antergos, Arch, Fedora, and Ubuntu.

gerryflap, avatar

Idk what was wrong then, but I constantly had issues with packages being out of date due to the kernel and not wanting to update. Dependencies were constantly a mess. I’d rather just have normal Arch or Antergos/Endeavor

hypnotic_nerd, avatar

I literally liked parrotOS, but I had other priorities and abandoned it forever


It’s not meant to be a daily drive, hackerman!

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