stinerman, Where’s your shell?
bjoern_tantau, Strange, we usually have them by the toilet.
KISSmyOS, But how do you use it?
Aggravationstation, He doesn’t know how to use the three seashells!
j4k3, (edited )
MonkderZweite, Badly configured server. Showing server and version in 403 is a first step for attacks.
j4k3, Not mine, used Moe’s litterbox not knowing how long it might last as a temp image of OP image as BG for GNOME. Turns out that temp hosting option is probably rate limited…no big deal. It wasn’t a forever internet pic anyways.
InternetCitizen2, Neofetch pls?
camelbeard, (edited ) The exact perfect image, well done!
Edit now realize this is probably ai generated, still well done!
WhiskyTangoFoxtrot, Of course it’s AI generated. It’s the systemic anomaly.
KISSmyOS, Watch out, the KDElves won’t like that at all!
Veneroso, The XFCEsketeers have asked for a pause on the puns.
kalkulat, Guess not, Gnome desktops have nothing on them.
Draconic_NEO, Not if you have the DING plugin installed (can be installed either as a plugin from the store or from the repos as a system-wide one) then you can have the icons on your Desktop just like other OSes.
kalkulat, Gnome purists would be very offended tho…
Safer to try every keypress to find out how to get to the terminal.
KISSmyOS, Super-key -> t -> Enter
If that doesn’t work, you’re not using the terminal enough.
RageAgainstTheRich, Hmmm are you missing packages? My GNOME desktop looks different 🤔 is it a custom distro theme or?
postmateDumbass, HUMMEL distro.
woelkchen, Am I doing this right?
No, it’s a shelf, not a desk.
Hellstormy, Elf on the shelf?
mxcory, I would prefer gnome in a nook.
const_void, Needs more extensions
glowie, Red hat
Moshpirit, Please, share your dots file
Quills, Ah yes, it looks perfect good job!
sagrotan, I’m curious about the fluxbox though.
BeatTakeshi, Nice light… dm
OddFed, Well, a humorous fauxpas! While others just find it amusing, I, cannot refrain from teaching that GNOME is actually a so called Desktop Environment! A computer program to be installed on your home PC.
Lifter, That’s not a desk though
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