TheGreenGolem, avatar

Big Carl

TCB13, (edited ) avatar

Lmao… it hurts because it’s true!! Debug these windows stack traces in Linux, here you go!! Exception happened at 0xEBFCEBFCBEBXBDBBWBXBENEKWWLLWLFFMLW

0x4E4F, (edited ) avatar

My first Linux install, I downloaded some tutorial from somewhere, can’t remember where (maybe someone on IRC shared it 🤔… IDK, I can’t remember), and this is litelarly what it said 😂.

You have to be prepared when installing Linux. Take a week or two off work or school and make sure you have the following things at your disposal.

  • Find as many bootable floppy’s and as many different dostro CDs as possible. Why? The boot floppy from Debian might work with Suse, but not the Debian CD.
  • Make sure you have at least two CD drives and floppy drives at your disposal. The more, the better. Why? You’ll probably burn out the first ones while trying to figure out which boot floppy goes with which distro.
  • Have coffee at your disposal all the time. You’re at the bottom of the pot? Pour that in your mug and put a new one on the kettle.
  • Stock up on as many different kinds of alcohol you can find, preferably strong stuff. Trust me, you’ll need it.
AnUnusualRelic, (edited ) avatar

Typical of many online tutorials, full of typos and errors.

0x4E4F, avatar

That’s because they were probably drunk when writing the tutorial 😂.


Real Kanjidamage vibes


How I learnt there are normal dot net runtime and Desktop runtime.


Windows can’t run Linux apps (wsl is Linux running Linux apps)

Octopus1348, avatar

Both Linux and Windows can’t run macOS apps.


Just for awareness

Octopus1348, avatar

Yeah, I remembered there was some project like this but never looked into it.

nifty, (edited ) avatar

I hate comments that are like “oh if only Linux could run Whatever” etc. You can have more than one computer (or partition), and you can have more than one OS. Windows isn’t going to divorce you if you spend time with Linux.


You can use Linux and Windows at the same time with WSL. Works extremely well for people who develop Linux but also need Windows stuff.

nifty, avatar

Hmm, WSL has created more issues for me than I’d cared for. I don’t think it’s an ideal solution.


I don’t think any solution is ideal but imo it’s better than dual booting.

fossilesque, avatar

WSL enters the chat.


It works great too. Day to day I’ll be building Linux code, running IntelliJ under X, installing docker containers and doing other stuff all from a Windows desktop.

TheGreenGolem, (edited ) avatar

Similar. WSL is fucking good, at least for me. It was a surprisingly good move from MS.

MashedTech, (edited )

No, but it sure is annoying having to switch in the middle of doing something especially when you’re working. (Also, there’s that pesky thing that happened to me as well where windows doesn’t play nice with the Linux boot partition and fucks it up) So there’s always going to be a main os. If you’re fortunate enough you can use an old laptop for windows. Or, if your computer is powerful enough run an windows VM. For me, Gnome Boxes offered a really easy to use experience of running windows. It worked out of the box, no special tweaks.

sagrotan, avatar

I installed Garuda on my wife’s gaming machine last autumn, dual boot with Windows. I haven’t seen her using Windows since then, and she said she hasn’t. She loves it btw, says, even better graphics in some games. And KDE is an eye candy anyways.


If you don’t turn on windows of course you won’t have problems.


If I ever dual boot again, Windows will be on it’s own HDD.


If AutoCAD could run on Linux I’d change in a heartbeat


AutoCAD seems to be it’s own worst enemy.


I think this software is on its way out anyway


Not sure if you’re going to like the route they’ll be taking.

I bet AutoCAD will collapse either way if Microsoft decided to purge legacy components from the OS. Feel like the codebase hasn’t changed since the early days and it probably depends on some APIs that have been there since Windows ME.

0x4E4F, avatar

I bet AutoCAD will collapse either way if Microsoft decided to purge legacy components from the OS.

I’ve been saying this for years. Their code base is ancient, it’s just makeup on a granma.

The trouble is, I think MS saw through this. Why do you think backwards compatibility suddenly got so good with Win8/8.1/10, while it really sucked with 7 (blue screens all over, especially with drivers from XP). Hell, I’ve installed XP graphics drivers on Win10 x86 LTSC 2019 and everything was hunky dory. Sure, no Nvidia control panel (it just errors out when you try to rum it), but hey, at least they work. Same with software, CorelDRAW 12 was a PITA to get working properly on Win7. On 10, it works out of the box.

I think they were aware that their mobile OS escapades might flop, so they focused on getting better backwards compatibility. If this thing fires back (which it did), stick to your guns, you still are no.1 in the CAD software market.


While I’m not exactly an expert user of AutoCAD (my background is architecture, industrial design and full stack development), I know enough about the software where I can tell it’s based on a lot of legacy spaghetti code.

It’s the same for Solidworks, which I know through and through, including the shitty VBA scripting environment. My CAD teachers always used to say the software is built like a wooden playhouse, which has been extended over the years to include a second story, a slide, a swingset and a roof extension. But underneath it all, it is still the same “don’t fix it if it aint broke” codebase that Dassault has taken their chances on since the '90s.

The second someone invests any kind of money into an open source alternative, the way Blender has done for the mesh modeling industries, both Autodesk and Dassault systemes stand to lose their respective monopolies on 2D and 3D CAD.

But the trend is not limited to CAD software only, it is also highly prevalent in software providers for governmental tasks. Most of which sell the same products for years without iteration on their codebase. The result is that government organisations have to deal with shitty software that requires their individual users to connect to the database (yes, you heard that right, every user has to manually input database credentials that include all grants on all of the relevant datasets). Most of these cronies are reselling badly thought out software, where they’ve outsourced the development to third-world shitholes. Is is a goddamn miracle that there aren’t more major incidents with government organisations.

The only solution for this kind of bullshit is open standards that encourage an open source approach to these kinds of critical applications. Where more parties are actually encouraged to build their own software and where the businessmodel is built around being a service provider and not a magical black box salesman.

If you’re able to stop worrying about generating revenue based on your intellectual property and focus on generating revenue from the service you provide, surrounding your product… you’ll automatically build a better product.

0x4E4F, avatar

I completely agree, but there is a problem with that approach. It means you have to work hard… which is not what most of these software companies are ready to do.


To be fair AutoCAD couldn’t be stable if AutoDesk built their own custom OS. It’s such hot garbage.


I think the market share is shrinking anyway with BIM being ubiquitous


I think that’s Kool Aid.


I was thinking Hawaiian Punch. (I think we may have found a new versioning theme)

RealFknNito, avatar

Better not be because I can’t see an inch of sugar building up at the bottom so it wasn’t made correctly.


Adobe products: Hello there!

0x4E4F, avatar

Yeah, you can run them with some heavy modding. I’ve done it with Photoshop 2021 and Premiere 2021. Takes a lot of work and debugging, but it’s doable.


That’s a solid no for me and most people. I’m working on getting my office above 50% Linux but I’ll probably never get to 100%.

0x4E4F, avatar

Well 50% is good, not bad at all 👍.


Probably an idea as old as time but wouldn’t it work to stream adobe products from a terminal server?

Let me elaborate: two major fronts I’ve seen are “I type data and write emails” types that can easily work on the terminal and “I make heave graphics and video editing and cant work without 4090 gpu” which we usually just leave to it.

Obviously there are more nuances but most should be doable in terminal unless no internet or very bad internet. I’m somewhat hopeful this would work. Everyone has a very efficient linux pc/laptop and the heavy lifting is done by windows vms with adobe suite running on shared A100s. And while they are not used they could be rented out for extra cost efficiency.

stom, avatar

Possible, not practical.

I use substance painter and I need it to work. I don’t want to spend hours messing around trying to make it work and jumping through hoops.

Wine for DCC is great if you enjoy tinkering with pipelines rather than using them, but impractical for people who are trying to reliably get work done.

0x4E4F, avatar

Possible, not practical.

Yes, true to be honest.


I would like MS Office to run in Linux… and not have to vomit even more money to Crossover to get it to work.

And when you play the “LibreOffice” card, I play the “Word doc with custom layout tables” trap card!


Try freeoffice, I remember it having better compatibility with word docs

0x4E4F, (edited ) avatar

Which version? 2007 runs just fine. 2010 requres some custom libs, but there are tutorials (there is also a patch that makes it an endless free trial). 2013 is not a finished product IMO, so I haven’t used it all or tried in Wine. 2016… yeah, that’s a PITA to get working. One thing I can suggest is go with the MSVC++ installer from this link and go from there. You might also need x64dbg, but I seriously doubt it.


MS Word past 2007 is not MS Word anymore. Microsoft fucked up the menu and the toolbar intentionally, to lock new users into their new fancy user interface with menus-as-buttons. LibreOffice is more MS Word from the usability standpoint than the MS Word 2016. Like, you can select Format - Paragraph and edit your paragraph formatting, all in one dialog, and not search for the right icon out of a hundred pictograms spread evenly over ten dynamic toolbars.

0x4E4F, avatar

I completely agree, I like LibreOffice way more than MS Office. It’s basically got the pre 2007 look and feel, and that is what I like and what I’m used to.

I just happen to work on getting MS Office working on Wine for a small local company and know a thing or two about getting it working in Wine.


On another note: why do we have open standards like jpeg and png but proprietary shit like docx?

0x4E4F, avatar

MS took over that market in the 90’s when shit was settlig down after the UNIX wars and people didn’t actually have an alternative. MS came in and swooped the market.

It is hard to switch when ”the defaults"are in place.


Thanks. Thats actually very interesting. Do you know if there is a good open alternative at this point?

jkozaka, avatar

I think odt is pretty good.


Thanks for mentioning it. I had forgotten it exists since I barely use word processors atm.


And .ods in LibreOffice Calc has been great for me, and lightning fast. There’s nothing I can think of that makes me want to go back to Excel.

0x4E4F, avatar

Yeah, but if you wanna share your file… 🤷.

Andrew15_5, avatar

What’s “custom layout tables”? Anyway, I now only play card, because I don’t use LO Writer anymore, only LO Calc for some stuff. Typst has a ton of scripting capability and granular customization, so it will probably beat your “custom layout tables” by a mile kilometer!

Typst is the future for document creation. Mark my words.


Do you know of any Google xcel alternatives? Something that still allows public viewing, and collaborative editing?

Andrew15_5, avatar

No, but you can allow read only access to your document on and you can collaborate with it too.

Hexarei, avatar

I don’t know of any public ones, but you can always host your own copy of Collabora with an instance of Next cloud.


You based chad. Typst is absolutely awesome. It made me ditch Libreoffice and LaTeX at the same time. Haven’t looked back since then.

Andrew15_5, avatar

Glad you’ve made the switch! If you want, you can hop into the discord server.


I’m sorry but discord is a nogo for me. I’m already in the matrix room so feel free to join, we could use some more discussion ;)

Andrew15_5, (edited ) avatar

Matrix room? Where? There is no official Matrix space.

I agree, I hate discord, but that’s where everybody is messaging, including authors. BTW, we had a “community call” a few days ago in the discord. It’s a monthly thing.


No it is not official unfortunately. Just search for it. Maybe you could advertise the matrix room a bit :)


Yeah, enjoy that… I’ve tried it enough times to find the process cumbersome and full of troubleshooting. In the right state of mind I enjoy that, but I could never straight up ditch windows as someone who games often. Sometimes you just want to download a new game and play it.

Linux will get there, if things keep going that direction. It’s not there yet, though.

0x4E4F, avatar

Yeah, enjoy that… I’ve tried it enough times to find the process cumbersome and full of troubleshooting.

But… that’s part of the joy 🤨…

In the right state of mind I enjoy that, but I could never straight up ditch windows as someone who games often.

Who said you have to ditch Windows 🤨. I mostly use Wine so I don’t have to restart and boot into Windows or fire up a VM. It’s just simpler.

Hexarei, avatar

I’ve played games on my Linux desktop without so much as even needing to care it’s running on Linux via Steam and Proton for years now, and it’s only getting better. Basically the only games I’ve seen not work are the ones with kernel level rootkit anti cheat really.


Guava juice in a wine glass?


I don’t know but it definitely doesn’t look like wine.

CaptainBlagbird, avatar

This is not wine… Powerade at best 🤔


Mad Dog 20/20.

Klear, (edited )

This is not Madd Dogg. Big Smoke at best.

IntentionallyAnon, (edited )

Denuvo drm: allow me to introduce myself

Rikj000, avatar

Just find a build with it ripped out / worked around it and play offline?


It works nowadays.


Honestly DRM is bad and should be rejected. That means no Spotify, Netflix or Denuvo.

0x4E4F, avatar

Hell, I’m down with that, I don’t use any of that.


Exactly it can be very hard to break away for some people but once you do its a breath of fresh air.

0x4E4F, avatar

Meeh, I’ve had so many things in life taken away from me at some point that I just stopped caring to be honest 🤷. I just keep an open mind now (or at least try to) and am more like “oh, no more of that huh… ok, let’s see what was next on my to do list”.

My mom always told me “people can take away everything from you, money, status, freedom… one thing they can never take away - your mind”.


I can’t find it now, but there is an Existential Comic that addresses this attitude perfectly. The philosopher is talking about how he always has some form of freedom, so he gets chained to a wall in a dungeon, and then he says “at least I still have the freedom to interpret my situation!”

0x4E4F, avatar

Ah, yes, I saw that commic somewhere, I think someone posted it on Lemmy, but there was a twist to it at the end… can’t remember what it was, but it was funny 😂.


The person who chained him to the wall asks “And how do you interpret this situation?” He replies “it sucks.”

0x4E4F, avatar

Yes, that was it 🤣🤣🤣.


It should be circumvented, not rejected.


That’s illegal

0x4E4F, avatar

Ummm… not exactly, they sell shit and then take that shit away from you when they see fit. If that’s not illegal, then me circumventing their DRM for my own personal use most definitely isn’t.

Plus, it really is legal to do RCE for your own personal use. It’s illegal to share that info.


I think you are mixing up illegal with unethical. I strongly disagree that any level of DRM warrants piracy. If you don’t like a company having power over you its time to seek alternatives.

0x4E4F, avatar

This where you and I differ. I can cross that threshold if I’m motivated enough (have done it before). I’d do it just for the f u’s if nothing else. And share it as an ultimate f u.




That’s a good fucking image.

DrDominate, avatar

I need that as an animated gif.


Have fun consuming media then


Badlands chugs, legend

agent_flounder, avatar

Oh holy shit you’re right! Badlands Booker! Total legend. I actually met him at an eating contest way back. Seemed like a really cool guy.

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