If there was just some obnoxious little T-notch I had to line up on the connector, then I would fumble with it once and after that I could probably get it done in the dark, but apparently it doesn’t matter how many times I use a USB, I’ll never learn to use it on the first try, with the lights on and a flashlight pointed at the situation.
I like that getting it wrong and forcing it also destroys the port, so if it’s a crucial connection, and you’re in a hurry in poor light it’s a great way to kill the whole show trying to insist on that USB going in first try.
Great design, Crowley, you really are a professional. I think it’s better than that awful motorway, this one has touched the world, I can see why that angel loves you so much, what an artist.
Did hobbits exist then? Even if they did, they aren't the type of people to want a ring of power. At best it'd make their pumpkins grow huge and they're feet extra hairy.
Tbf that was the One Ring and IT wanted to be found. The rings referenced above were not semi sentient like the One Ring was. They merely amplified the powers and desires of their races.
Elven rings allowed them to preserve their forests and increased their isolationism. Dwarven rings increased their ability to acquire and desires for money. Human rings gave them increased powers to rule over men.
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