Meanwhile, mosquitoes... pollinating, cleaning waterways as nymphs, females just needing the slightest amount of blood to lay a couple hundred eggs. Forgotten, maligned, made the focus of actual efforts to purposefully cause species extinction. ._.
Mosquitoes don't directly cause death, though.
They are susceptible to diseases. They pass those diseases on. Those diseases cause death.
Bees cause more direct deaths due to anaphylactic shock from allergies to apitoxin.
Not all mosquitoes bite humans. So, you could eradicate the biting variety, and a non-biting variety would step in to fill that ecological niche. I don’t see a downside.
Oh shit! Thats I need money, god damn!. When we first met-up, he wrote on a slip of paper “I NEED MONEY”, I said “shit, me too!”. We started making it together after that.
I just bought 4 hard drives. They are the most cutest effective way of storing data for most people. I’m pretty sure tape is more expensive, if it’s not there are other issues like sequentially written data. Anyway, this is a dumb example and I don’t expect old reddit to last.
I have a little theory that the hard drive market will collapse fast once SSDs become 2x the price per GB. My reasoning is that a lot of these setups for large data storage are using four drives on RAID10. With SSDs, those can become just two drives on RAID1 for the sake of redundancy; the speed advantage of adding RAID0 to the mix will be inconsequential. So they can cost twice as much when you’re buying half as many.
Actually I would assume that most people with 3 or more drives are running some form of RAID 5.
With 4 drives and this structure I receive the capacity of 3 drives. The final drive is called the “parity” drive which keeps some kind of copy of the information on it. If one drive fails then I can replace it with a new drive and rebuild the data from parity. This is a long process that requires the data off the parity drive and the other two drives. But you can do this with any disk, from any other three disks.
It’s really cool. Sure there are speed benefits but the real kicker is the size of the pool. With current tech I can fairly reasonably get four 18TB drives SSD’s have a long way to go before they affordably reach that kind of capacity.
How is it hard to believe VLC or hard drives still exist? HDDs remain the most cost effective way to store large amounts of data and VLC is a widly popular open source media player that is often the default media player on linux systems
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