not necessarily the same number of farts though. think about it; if you are known as being pro-fart and think farts are funny, farters are going to gravitate to you and are going to fart at you. if you’re vehemently anti-fart and make that clear to people around you, they won’t feel comfortable farting around you. these fart lovers ain’t tricking me again. keep your bodily gasses to yourself at all times
One could argue if you have those “not playing along” vibes in general on top of the flatulophobia, they might go out of their way to keep them in and seek you out just for extra fun. Behold how the funny stacks:
undesired fart
undesired stealth fart
undesired stealth fart one cannot really address
undesired stealth fart nobody can really address with a layer of spite and schadenfreude
I think it depends greatly on what part of the fart they’re enjoying and why. Someone laughing at a nicely audible, clean rip is very different than someone chuckling at overhearing a wet one.
This isn’t update related but when I inserted an SD card into a laptop running Windows it blue screened. Yeah that’s right, the OS crashed due to a fucking SD card.
a single anecdote that could have been coincidence proves nothing bud. i’ve been running Arch for years and recently my laptop has been having some issues. the trackpad only works intermittently, the speakers will randomly quit halfway through a video, and lately it’s randomly shutting down with no warning when running a game. does that mean linux is terrible and nobody shouls use it cause it fucked up my computer and is a pox on all humanity? of course not. all it means is this laptop is a lemon. all those issues happen in Windows too, the once in a blue moon I have to reboot to run a game Proton doesn’t support yet; i’ve called a repair guy in twice to replace the trackpad, and both times the issue has completely gone away for a few months before creeping back again; the speaker issue gets triggered when the laptop gets bumped, so it’s almost certainly a loose connection; and i’ve all but confirmed the random shutdowns are thermal.
also, fwiw, i recently had to try to recover data from a physically damaged microSD card. plugging it into my laptop under windows, nothing happened. plugging it (via USB mind you) into the exact same laptop under linux and trying to mount it caused mount to lock up, requiring a reboot before it would do anything else involving filesystems.
am i still a linux fanboy? yeah. linux is infinitely better than windows for the things i need to do, most of which involve programming. but that doesn’t and shouldn’t mean that i believe microshaft winblows is the worst piece of software ever created and that arch is the one true OS that everyone would be using if only they would see the light (looking at you, Gardiner Bryant).
linux diehards get outta here. you’re making the rest of us look bad.
All I did was make a simple negative comment about windows. There was no need for a multiple paragraph rant. I’m assuming it’s because of my username and if that’s true then I need to tell you my username is mostly a joke.
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