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AllonzeeLV, in If you only criticize civilian casualties when Palestine resists, then your concern isn't civilian casualties. Your concern is Palestine resisting massacre.

So seriously, fuck the closet racist xenophobes masquerading as defenders of freedom and democracy here. Tools of the state.

matcha_addict, (edited )

It’s important to note that the real disparity may be even far worse.

OCHA-OPT (the committee gathering this data) is strict about verifying validity of Palestinian casualties, requiring two independent, verified and non-affiliated sources. Casualties in Israel, however, they trust the media at face value. They also exclude a lot of Palestinian casualties even when verified in certain situations. Example, and I quote them:

People who were killed or injured in conflict-related incidents that took place in Israel and did not involve residents of the oPt are also excluded.

oPt (occupied Palestinian territories) are the areas that Israel does not directly oversee. So most of Israel is not oPt by their criteria.

Israel is notorious for restricting journalists reporting on Israeli crimes, and has murdered journalists countless of times, like last year the Christian Palestinian Shireen Abu Akleh reporting on the forced expulsion of Palestinians from Sheikh Jarrah (so not even in a war zone area). This causes many casualties to go unverified and thus undocumented.

And Israel has been caught lying before about its own casualties, like the 40 beheaded babies.

Take that as you will.


That 2023 number is about to get way more lopsided.


Wouldn’t be surprised if it ends up the same ratio as 2014


They’ve got a long road ahead of them to kill that many people but i admit the thought occurred to me as well. There does seem to be a ratio being followed here.


Given Israel’s rhetoric, they are literally letting us know the number will climb much higher. But the West is too busy condemning Hamas, and will sponsor yet another genocide in the modern era.

wantd2B1ofthestrokes, (edited )

Definitely helps that Hamas uses the Palestinian people as human shields launching rockets from schools and hospitals.

Just stop and consider the psyche that takes. You have to 1) be completely willing to sacrifice the most vulnerable of your own people and 2) admit that your enemy doesn’t want to kill those same people. Imagine how things may go if Israel attempted to use Jews as human shields against Hamas.

This isn’t the Palestinian people “resisting”, it’s their batshit “government” that would kill us all if they had their way, killing as many people as they can regardless of whether it actually helps the cause of their people.

There is no doubt the Israeli government has and continues to commit war crimes. But supporting or justifying Hamas is just insane.


Imagine how things may go if Israel attempted to use Jews as human shields against Hamas.

You mean like putting many settlements and civilians right on the border of Gaza, a concentration camp and active war Zone? Or allowing a rave dance to occur at the gates of a concentration camp and active war zone, and next to a military base that would be targeted by Hamas? And sprinkle in some IDF tanks while you’re at it.

Wait, we don’t have to imagine it.


Didn’t look like you’re replying to anyone supporting Hamas.

Also, there is an alternative #2 in your scenario. “Know your enemy would lose too much western support too readily if they were to fine on all the civilian targets they would like to”.

Floey, in Vegan food: The west vs India

Think this post confuses veganism and vegetarianism. Also it’s chemicals all the way down. Those spices? Made of chemicals.

Those alternative burgers are actually pretty tasty but also very heavy because they are imitating beef. For American fare I’d generally prefer a sandwich with deli style meats made out of tofu or seitan, or a bean burger.


“pulled pork” Seitan is probably my favorite fake meat, its got the right mouthfeel.

Haven’t been too satisfied with Tofu, its ok, but there’s no pretending its not bean cheese.

Retrograde, avatar

Lol, I’m calling it bean cheese from now on


Tofu has a lot of range, there are many types of tofu you just won’t see that many in a Western market. There are also a lot of ways to prepare tofu, it’s very versatile.


vegetarianism minus butter/ghee = veganism. there are tons of dishes in vegetarianism without milk products


You mean to say scientists don’t sit in a circle and summon the “Chemicals” from the lower tiers of hell?

deus, in Is this how Sealand was formed too?

Love me some Polandball.

EtherealMoon, avatar

One of the few subs I actually miss.


This type of dialog always reminds me of Toki Wartooth’s way of speaking


I wish there was more of it lol

KpntAutismus, in Latest 5D chess move

that thing i so getting homebrewed.


Where to find the wii u stuff these days? Isos and such

dewritochan, you might start here for a program to download them. it’ll ask for “that title keys site” which will be literally the first result on google for that search. here for an emulator or here for how to homebrew your own wiiu.


Heck yeah I appreciate it! I had heard somewhere that the usb helper was gonna stop working once the wii u store went down. I need to get my hard drive partitioned to migrate all the wii stuff over also!

Right now I’ve been having more fun with the hacked switch

Fleur__, in If you're feeling left out it's probably because you defend billionaires who would mince you into fertilizer avatar

Get that mfer, kick his ass!

glitchinthematrix, in Vegan food: The west vs India

I mean have you all seen the videos in tiktok about the zero hygiene they have in the street food places while preparing the food, oh my…

Appoxo, in Thanks, Windows, I didn’t want my computer to turn off, anyway avatar

Literally does what’s on the tin for me.
Updated, restarted to finish it and shut down completely after that.

Sabata11792, avatar

My reboot button wipes the BIOS.

Appoxo, avatar

Never happened to me.
Maybe that’s a problem because you dual boot?

If so: Not a supported use case by windows/ms and they will probably tell you to stop it and then it will work without issues.

If that is actually the case:
You can’t just do stuff the company (as bullshit as it is) tells you not to, break the software and then call the company shit for doing something out of scope.


Dual-booting literally is a supported use case

Sabata11792, avatar

I had to do a firmware update for my new CPU. The firmware is shit. Last version I had the option of virtualization or networking, never both but the BIOS didn't wipe.

erev, avatar

You can’t just do stuff the company (as bullshit as it is) tells you not to, break the software and then call the company shit for doing something out of scope.

The company’s software can’t just do stuff I (as bullshit as it is) don’t want it to, break my system and/or overwrite data on partitions and drives I did not give it explicit or implicit permission to read, access, or modify, and then tell me my use case is unsupported and so I just have to deal with it.

I’m not OP and I don’t even dual boot, but it’s my computer, not Microsoft’s. If I want to dual boot, and Windows breaks that despite me not making any changes to Windows, then yes the company deserves to have shit placed at their feet. Linux doesn’t overwrite any Windows data when it updates unless you tell it to, so why have tons of people (including multiple friends) had Windows overwrite their Linux data on updates?


For me it works sometimes, sometimes it doesn’t.

thatsTheCatch, in Latest 5D chess move

I bet it’s because it was recently announced that the Mario Maker 1 servers would be shutting down. There’s a group called Team 0% that is trying to finish every unfinished level in Mario Maker. There’s a push in the community to get everyone to help. I wouldn’t be surprised if this person bought a Wii U to help.

Here’s a YouTube video about it (2 mins 54 secs)

finickydesert, in Latest 5D chess move avatar

This has to be old or a reseller

BolexForSoup, avatar

Yeah, if I could buy one still mint in the box MSRP I would do it today

Macaroni_ninja, in Thanks, Windows, I didn’t want my computer to turn off, anyway avatar
FierroGamer, in If you only criticize civilian casualties when Palestine resists, then your concern isn't civilian casualties. Your concern is Palestine resisting massacre.

Dafuq is this meme? civilians are civilians, regardless of the country religion or whatever the duck they’re born in.

AllonzeeLV, (edited )

If civilians are civilians…

“Amongst Israelis, 69% of those killed were civilians and 31% members of the IDF. The number of Israeli civilians killed, from attacks by Palestinian armed groups or individuals, has declined steadily, peaking in 2002 at an average of 22 deaths per month, and dropping markedly to an average of one civilian per month in 2007. 6/

In contrast to Israeli figures, however, Palestinian civilian fatalities have remained high. Palestinian civilians, killed by Israeli security forces, peaked with an average of 35 deaths per month in 2002, and again in 2004. In 2007 they dropped slightly to an average of ten civilian deaths per month.”

Both sides kill civilians with abandon, and Israel is markedly better at it. Major media doesn’t seem to care very much about Palestinian civilians though.


But it’s not because of a lack of trying. Israel has the iron dome. Since then the death’s declined. They protect the civilians, that’s why the deaths declined.

bennieandthez, avatar

How is cutting water, electricity and bombing houses and hospitals “protecting the civilians”? Think a little bit please.


That’s a funny way to say “Israel has continued to fire at defenseless civilians”

AllonzeeLV, (edited )

Fair, but the point is that there is no side here playing by the no civilians rule, yet only Palestinians are called out for it.

The headline of the newest chapter in this shitshow for some reason is “How could Hamas attack Civilians?! Civilians?!” When the reality is that hasn’t really been a red line to the Israeli government or Hamas. Never has been.

Its evil all day, don’t get me wrong. The twisted thing is that somehow Israel is somehow perpetually marketed as being the good guys playing by the rules of engagement in spite of being no different with regards to killing non-enemy combatants.

Why are israeli civilian concert goers a global tragedy, while Palestinian civilian casualties past and present just another thursday? Why doesn’t the world lose its shit at 10 Palestinian civilians killed a month? Are Palestinians somehow universally recognized as having less value as human beings than Israelis?


Because the terrorists are specifically targeting civilians whereas Israel is targeting military targets that the terrorists put a bunch of human shields around


This is the correct take. Hamas deliberately built their bunkers underneath schools and hospitals.


I'm sure the cutting of water and electricity to an entire population was something the Israelis were forced to do too...


It is the exact opposite. Israel continuously brutalizes even Palestinian civilians in their own territories, without any military supporting them whatsoever.


I’m glad we can agree that hamas are terrorists and not an actual military at least


What definition of “terrorist” are we using here by which Israel isn’t 100x more terrorist?


The one where specifically civilians are targets. The one that that uses hospitals and elementary schools and civilian apartments as rocket launch sites. The one that explicitly calls for the complete destruction of the other state in its charter. Need I go on?

matcha_addict, (edited )

The one where specifically civilians are targets.

Ahh, so Israel then. I thought you meant Hamas.

The one that that uses hospitals and elementary schools and civilian apartments as rocket launch sites.

Hmmm that’s very highly specific of a definition, and still happens to be Israel.

The one that explicitly calls for the complete destruction of the other state in its charter.

Ok well I guess this one is Hamas alright. Not really terrorism to seek the downfall of an apartheid state.


Oh so all those people at the peace rally were not civilians. Cool. I’d also love to know which elementary schools and hospitals Israel is using as a base to launch rockets into … anywhere really. At least now others will see how deluded you are and know not to take anything you say at face value.


Oh so all those people at the peace rally were not civilians.

Yeah not all of them. This was a rave dance held at the gates of a concentration camp, with many armed personnel and tanks in sight, and minutes from the Gaza division Re’im base.

I’d also love to know which elementary schools and hospitals Israel is using as a base to launch rockets into

There are plenty of examples. Tel Aviv has dozens of military bases near dense residential areas and even hospitals. This is very easily verifiable on Google maps, and articles have been written on this. Here’s an example:


Military bases:

Israel can very easily afford not to do this. Gaza is the 2nd - 3rd most densely populated area in the world, only 12 km in width. It is a concentration camp.


Yeah not all of them.

Having security at an event doesn’t make it not be a primarily civilian target. It’s especially ironic that hamas targeted a peace festival that was sympathetic to their cause. I imagine it’s because they don’t want peace

There are plenty of examples. Tel Aviv has dozens of military bases near dense residential areas and even hospitals.

These are not hospitals and elementary schools from which rockets are being launched. They are based near a hospital which eminently sensible for any military that values its soldiers.

Gaza is the 2nd - 3rd most densely populated area in the world, only 12 km in width. It is a concentration camp.

Auschwitz, a famously prolific and reasonably large camp was less than half a kilometer in width. Please don’t cheapen the experience of those rounded up at gunpoint and forced into cattlecars by comparing it to that of people who moved into an area whose inhabitants were forcefully evacuated (Israel forced its own citizens out at gunpoint in 2005. If hamas had any interest in Israel continuing to give them the land they wouldn’t use the land given to them to pull this kind of crap)

bennieandthez, avatar

“Animals, vermin, savages, beasts” are common terms used by Israel goverment officials, military and mainstream media when referring to Palestinians, they’re not even trying to use dogwhistles at this point.


Are Palestinians somehow universally recognized as having of less value as human beings than Israelis?

Yes, at least among Western media and its consumers


Because it’s not that easy. billions a year go into Gaza as a humanitarian aid each year. So the world cares. The sad thing is, the 24h news cycle isn’t interested in a thing that happens regularly but at outlier. You also don’t get a report every time the iron dome successfully repelled an attack. The death of the people in Gaza is also „planned“ by Hamas to use as a tool to get support from the people and other Arab states, and to get footage to paint Israel as the most evil, to justify their dschihad


I completely agree with you. Which is why when you look at the grotesque number of civilians Israel kills every year it’s pretty easy to condem them.


Get off your high horse colonizer

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar


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  • Astroturfed,

    Israel is the colonizers in this instance and I’m opposing them so???


    Uh, what?


    Jesus Christ I had to scroll through like, 10 top level comments to find someone with a measure of reason. I’m actually stunned.


    Do you somehow not realise that is exactly the point being made?

    Gadg8eer, avatar

    YES, because OP is typing words that can be misconstrued as being a shill or a bigoted asshole. I’m smart enough to recognize it if you point it out, but I’m not fucking psychic, and I’m the kind of person who believes in dream prophesies so that just shows that neither potential delusion nor intelligence have anything to do with people misreading things online. It’s just human and technical limitations, but your italics are clear so: if you don’t want people to be annoyed at you, maybe respond without being condescending.


    How could you misconstrue their words that way?

    Martineski, in Is this how Sealand was formed too? avatar

    I don’t get it but I like it.


    It’s a joke about the Netherlands claiming land from the sea

    Martineski, avatar

    Ah, it makes it even funnier. Here’s a heart: ❤️

    stebo02, avatar

    but what does “gib clay” mean?

    Firipu, avatar

    “give clay”. The Dutch wanted to have clay for their world famous clay baths…


    Give land/territory


    After rereading multiple times to understand it, i think it means the small blob wanted land so “give clay”, the other big bullies didn’t want to contribute, so started taking from the sea.


    In the language of Polandball comics, it means “give land/territory”.

    “Gib” is taken from the German imperative for “give!”

    Best theory is that “clay” as “land” originates from a bad machine translation.

    It seems somene created a Wiki that covers these terms:

    IzzyData, in Latest 5D chess move avatar

    Where can I buy a new Vita?

    WalrusDragonOnABike, in Thanks, Windows, I didn’t want my computer to turn off, anyway

    My shutdown button always just reboots. Doesn't matter if there's an update or not. Like, after a fresh install, it might shutdown correctly once...

    Sprite, avatar

    I had this issue so frequently with Windows yet never with Linux. Fuck Windows.

    abobla, in Thanks, Windows, I didn’t want my computer to turn off, anyway
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