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tdawg, in Don't follow your ex's

Moving on starts at the block button

hemko, in But it's all about convenience

At this point trying to get around Windows would be inconvenient. The only “convenience” you’re sacrificing is that you’re probably been trained from kid to use Windows, and many things just work different on Linux.

yogthos, in Business is going well avatar

I find it funny how the only problem people see with Twitter is that the wrong oligarch owns it. The real issue is with reliance on privately owned social spaces. Corporations shouldn’t be in charge of how people communicate with each other.

OppositeOfOxymoron, in Buying a new car is not better than keeping an old one

My electric car was manufactured ONCE. It’s powered by 99% green power (hydroelectric). It burns no gas/diesel, requires no oil changes. I intend on keeping it for 15+ years (my last vehicle got to 16 years before the electrical system fried).

It is better by literally every measure short of walking everywhere.

andy_wijaya_med, avatar

Hey how about bike man

Nobsi, avatar

How do i bike 30 miles each way? Even ignoring infrastructure needs and how bad most road surfaces are and how biking is death on a highway…

spauldo, in Buying a new car is not better than keeping an old one

Guess I’ll keep pouring lead additive into my '65 Galaxie, then. Woo! 10 miles per gallon!


If you can, use public transport and ride a bike.

If you can’t, using the same private vehicle for a long time, while not ideal, is acceptable.

Buying a brand new electric car to replace a relatively new ICE is not a great solution.

HeartyBeast, avatar

Buying a brand new electric car to replace a relatively new ICE is not a great solution.

That is absolutely sound.

However and if the cartoon said that, it would be fine


Reality is very few People can afford to replace their car every few Years.


I stand by what I said.

We should have less private transport regardless of if it’s electric or ICE.

Arguably action on climate change warrants a significant reduction in car use generally to stop our extinction.


Bikes count as private transport. You wanna take those away too?


No I don’t.

In that context private transport meant cars.

HeartyBeast, avatar

I'm in London. I cycle to work and use the tube network and bus network whenever I can. I also have a private car which I use for trips where public transport or my bike is impractical. It's a 2016 model, I expect that it may need replacing in 5 years time. If I took the cartoon at face value, I might think it makes no difference from a climate chang perspective whether I choose petrol or electric - and this is clearly wrong.


If I took the cartoon at face value, I might think it makes no difference from a climate chang perspective whether I choose petrol or electric - and this is clearly wrong.

That's ok, OP will just block you for making a valid point that doesn't align with whatever is written on the inside of his colon.


It really depends on the new model of car you choose to replace your outgoing one.

This was the website that I have been thinking of:!/explore

You can see some electric cars are far worse than a hybrid as an example.


you can also see that there are only a few hybrid vehicles a bit better than bev, and bev are overall ‘better’ in this diagram?

in fact - if you filter by vehicle class you see that bev are always ‘better’ in their respective class than hybrid or ice. you can’t compare a bev suv with a midsize hybrid.

Nobsi, avatar

Do you also see the amount of carbon to the left? That isnt total. Its per mile. You cannot even read the diagram and then you claim switching to evs is bad…

southsamurai, avatar

The problem for us country fuckers is that cars take a beating. Then you run into a lack of parts to keep a good car that’s just old going in good trim. My car is a 2007, and I’m already running into trouble with some parts. Well, that and the fact that I let my dad drive it, and he seems to attract idiot drivers that want to hit him, so even new parts won’t always fit, which is double frustrating.

And it isn’t like we have reliable public transport as an alternative. We do have a bus line, if you don’t mind taking two hours just to get to a grocery store, standing around in southern humidity and heat, and then walking a quarter mile from the stop to the store. Which, if you’re also disabled, good luck on that last part along a crappy road with a nasty ditch. Don’t even try that in a wheelchair lol. My buddy, spider, had to get his scooter hauled out of that ditch when he tried to save gas money by using the bus.

But, yeah, the whole idea of cars as disposable to a degree has gotta stop. They’re tools, not ego extensions.


That would require OP being capable of nuance.

HeartyBeast, avatar



Public transport takes 3.5 hours for my daily commute each way. Personal vehicle is 45 minutes.

A bike is going to get you killed in numerous parts of the Country. Here the massive pick ups that have never hauled more than a sack of groceries take sharing the road with bicycles as a very personal insult.

Depends upon the old one, (huge difference between 12-18 MPG and an EV), and what is done with the it after doesn't it?

I suspect you swallowed a lot of Corpo propaganda to believe the issue is the common individual's actions.
just a few to get your deprogramming started.


No doubt your logic is based on the carbon footprint of two cars - the old ice and the new BEV.

Where that logic falls down is the old ICE becomes a more affordable efficient used car that can replace an older ICE that it blowing blue smoke. Further, new BEV become used BEV in a few years. Used BEV are becoming quite affordable and cost effective. They are also far outlasting their projected battery life.

Finally, demand for BEV increases R&D on more efficient storage technologies that are cheaper and have a smaller environmental footprint.

Yes, more and better public transport should be a thing. But the US is just too big - and in many cases too empty - for ubiquitous public transport to be cost or environmentally efficient.


I disagree strongly about the US not being suitable for public transport.

There are large cities that could introduce effective metro services and that would be a vast improvement.

Rural areas can remain ICE/BEV.


Show me one State, just a single one, where the majority of Cities have functional mass transit across the entire City which does not take five or six times what a personal vehicle going straight there takes. I'll wait.


The fact that the implementation of public transport is poor is not a criticism of public transport.


No it is an explanation of why the suggestion that it was an option is untenable. Which of course is why at no point did I criticize it.


After the pandemic you want me to share a big box with a load of strangers? Nope.

Nobsi, avatar

In the US everything is rural. Did you ever see a map of it?


If you can’t, using the same private vehicle for a long time, while not ideal, is acceptable.

The typical breakeven point for an ev (when carbon emissions saved overtake emissions produced by its production) is around 30k kilometers. That’s excluding potential downstream emissions saved by the old ice being sold second hand. I don’t think even very wealthy people are getting rid of their cars so soon.

Nobsi, avatar

My brother in christ are you dense? No. Parking the 65 Galaxy and buying a new ev is most definitely better than driving it. 10 miles to the gallon is horrendous.

0x0, in everything is fine I'm just overreacting

The concept of gaslighting has been diluted beyond recognition. It used to mean lying to someone with the goal of making them question their own sanity. Now, it just means lying.

ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

Right. If the advice was “tell yourself it’s not happening and you’re just being paranoid” I’d think it was gaslighting yourself.


but that’s what it says, the text in the picture is literally telling you to tell yourself it’s not happening, it’s something else.

ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

No, it’s telling me that it is happening and it’s for my betterment and it will give me strength. Gaslighting myself would be saying it’s not happening and there’s nothing there, I’m just paranoid. What the picture is suggesting is that I console myself.

UntouchedWagons, avatar

You’re just making that up.


How can you be sure I’m making it up when your judgment is so unreliable?

ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

You shouldn’t concern yourself with that, you know that you have a tendency to ask too many meaningless questions.

jabathekek, in It's coming. avatar

My day is ruined.



Nerdybynature, in The NYC subway banned dogs on trains unless they fit into a small bag, so this guy trained his Pitbull to sit in a small bag. avatar

I’m glad dogs are so normalized, this isn’t even a thing anymore. They’ll be just chilling next to their owner.

ulkesh, in Satisfying fart avatar

And then the elevator stops on the next floor and someone new steps on.


Then you do the Family Guy line. Look into their eyes and assert dominance by saying, “you did it.” Then awkwardly staying in the elevator as it goes to the next floor.

ulkesh, avatar

Touché, salesman.

TesterJ, in 10/10

I remember in high school a friend waited until 10/10/10 to ask a girl out so he’d never forget their anniversary. I think they dated for like a month lol


10/10 plan


10 percent of the time it works 10 percent.


It's not a bad idea, that's why I got married on 2/14 so I wouldn't get stuck having to have an extra gift giving holiday.


i’ll say it time and time again:

This format is shit and makes no sense


How does it make no sense? I read 2/14 as "February 14th". How do you read 14/2?


In most contexts, “/” means something like “(out) of”, and “14 of 2” makes a lot more sense than “2 of 14” when describing the fourteenth of February (or February fourteenth, as you would say it).


Pretty weak reasoning. It just as often “or” like this/that. If not more— who’s actually looking at fractions that often? I’d argue the punctuation attached to that specific date format shouldn’t be the basis for the order itself, and dashes or periods are common too.

The better reasoning is that the day is typically more relevant than the month. A downside though is that it’s bad for sorting: YYYY-MM-DD is the best way to automatically sort by date, and ease in digital sorting is arguably the most important factor in date formatting. It’s kind of a silly thing that people don’t care about outside of memes otherwise.


Fourteenth of February? Just like Fourth of July.


that's...more words, and more thought, it's only the 4th of July because it's a holiday preceding July 5th and following July third.


It’s just one more syllable, or one word(no s, because it’s not plural). People prefer to say dou ble u dou ble u dou ble u instead of world wide web, and that’s even more syllables. It’s also arranged in a neat way, from day to month to year.

it’s only the 4th of July because it’s a holiday preceding July 5th and following July third.

That’s the issue i guess, you guys jump from one format to another and then back and that’s considered normal🤷


You know, there are other languages besides English as well


Yeah but God wrote the Bible, the Constitution, and the Star-Spangled Banner in English, so that means it’s God’s language. Y’all can suck our Freedom!


2nd of Dodecember


2nd of Dodecember

I find it hilarious that the imaginary 14th month gets to be called “12th” because (ostensibly) the early Romans couldn’t be bothered to have winter months.


Vierzehnter Februar

Fourteenth February


No no, he got married in the 14th month of the year which doesn’t exist, so there wouldn’t ever be an anniversary


I unironically asked myself what happened in February of 2014 at first lmao


Let me guess, instead of asking out another girl on 11/11/11 he played Skyrim?


In my opinion that game aged quite poorly.

Revolutionary when it came out, nearly unplayable now though. It’s like a modern Goldeneye.

Computerchairgeneral, in It's coming.

It's too late. She's already here. My local Walmart threw out all the outdoor stuff in the garden section and put up Christmas trees, decorations, and lights.


Bro it’s not even Halloween yet

jabathekek, avatar

Christmas is hawt this year.

menemen, avatar

Still good. In Germany the sale of Christmas sweets and decoration started in the last week of August. It’s just ridiculous. I think we had almost 30°C when I first saw it.

RIP_Cheems, in I'm a Possum on the edge ! avatar


Borkingheck, in Buying a new car is not better than keeping an old one

This is a terrible arguement. It has the premise that all ice are going to be scrapped at once and we will just make a bazillion electric cars. It’s a phase out thing.

Also quieter cars and no tailpipe emissions are fantastic.


Well. Bought my new electric car. What am I going to do with my old gas one? Trade it in and get money? Nah. Pay to get it scrapped? I’m such a genius.

Guys, cars don’t last forever, but when you own a car that doesn’t burn dead organisms, get ready to almost never change your oil because it doesn’t collect soot and for engines and cars to last much longer because they don’t generate grimy grease and heat and exhaust, all of which are terrible for mechanical parts.


Part it out and scrap it for cash.


Pre-emptive caveat: I am fully in favor of electric cars, and will happily switch if I can ever afford to do so.

Yes, most of the parts that are going to wear out on IC cars are motor and transmission parts, and those are complicated and time consuming to fix. In many cases it’s not practical for the end-user to do so anymore. Electric cars OTOH are more likely to have electronics issues, and the batteries are ridiculously expensive to replace when the capacity is reduced below a useful level.So you’re still going to end up with similar maintenance costs over the lifetime of the vehicle, but they’re more likely to be concentrated at one or two irregular points in time rather than small bits of preventive maintenance done at regular intervals.


Small anecdote: I bought a new Cheverolet Bolt about two years ago.

A couple of months after I bought it there was a recall on the batteries, they had to replace all of them in the car.

They were out of stock for quite a while (I assume because of supply chain issues)

They finally replaced them a couple of months ago.

I choose to see that as a 2 years extension on my bettery life,lucky me!

guywithoutaname, in 10/10


ohlaph, in It's coming.

Oh, you mean on black Friday?

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