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roo, in Dear bosses everywhere, avatar

Same guy. I don’t see anyone different.

Schnitzel_bub, avatar

I think you’re statistically right.

gun, in 10/10 avatar

October 11th, 2023
It’s not in order but it’s the same order as how dates are normally written.


Well no, normal people write 11th October 2023.


Normal people write “11. Lokakuuta 2023”

unionagainstdhmo, avatar

12th of October 2023 is how dates are written at least in Australia

PeriodicallyPedantic, in Buying a new car is not better than keeping an old one

We will never consumer our way of of a problem capitalism created. And public transit is nearly always a better solution to spending on car infrastructure.

… but… If you’re gonna buy a new car anyway, they have the potential to cause less climate impact (although they’re still environmentally devastating in other ways). As power generation becomes cleaner, so too do the cars. ICE cars are already about as environmentally friendly as they’re gonna get, but EVs still have a lot of potential improvement (both in emissions and in things like material mining).

Although the tire microplastics is gonna get worse.


They already do cause less of an impact than ICE powered cars. Anyone can Google the information that shows that even though battery production is unclean, fossil fuel production over the life of a car is worse.

If the EV last for more than about 5 years, it was worth it.


…except not, how rich are you that buying a new car every 5yr is viable?! I need longer than “about 5yr!”

I know that’s not what you meant but it made me chuckle.


That’s the break even point for the environmental benefits to overtake production negatives for evs…what the fuck are you talking about? Of course they last longer then that that’s my fucking point you dipshit

ArcaneSlime, (edited )

If the EV last for more than about 5 years, it was worth it.

This is the crux of the joke, the joke being that I am too poor to afford a car every five years, which subverts the expectation of “what you were actually talking about.”

I even said “I know that isn’t what you meant but it made me chuckle.” You really didn’t get the joke?

That says more about you being a dipshit than it does me, frankly, considering I literally told you it was a joke.

Also you’re rude.


I don't understand it either, but still, there is a very active used car market these days. It's not like those 5 year old cars are getting thrown in the dump.

But like you said, it's not what the original poster meant. That's just the cutoff for when it is less environmentally harmful than an ICE car.


Some people are also forced by their job to lease a new car every 4 years.

It so bad that I cant even lease a 400km old car from 2022 … No I had to have a new one and if I dont want a car I need to find i different job.

Shit’s fucking dumb.


Jeez, buncha moneybags around here that don’t like a joke, huh?

What job forces people to lease new cars? Sounds like the job should be providing them if it’s gonna be like that, like they do with cell phones they require you to use as “work phones.”


It is like that, it isnt so much a personal issue as I can run the car as much as I want.

Its more of a “we want to be good for the environment… But everyone needs a new car. And its mandatory”


5 Years… This is part of the problem… What happens to this car after 5 years, it gets “recycled”. The metal does and the rest goes into a landfill to gas off. Micro plastics are just part of it, the gasses are a major polluter too. The reason you can own and keep your old car is that they were built to last, our current disposable society is the problem. Electric cars are dirty! Let go dig massive hole in the desert, lets separate the wanted materials out with lovely chemicals, then we can throw it all away. So clean… Right to repair, build to last, and strong public transport is the way to go.


Phew! My electric car made it five years, right to the theoretical break even point with a gas car. What will I do now? Keep driving it? No, I have a better idea. Drive it off of a cliff and go buy a new one. Yep, I love throwing money away for no reason.


That is not what I said, but good job taking care of you toy car.


You need help with reading comprehension and deductive reasoning


So cars are not cheaply made, nor are they unfriendly to repair. The experiences that my family members and I, who have worked on repairing cars is a mass delusion. Not to mention those delusional mechanics that have shared their stories. Everything is recyclable, mines are clean and beautiful. Is that better. Lets be happy!


No one is recycling still-working cars after only 5 years. Unless you’re talking about insurance deciding to salvage a vehicle after a wreck, which is a different story. Even those don’t always get destroyed, some are parted out and some are probably shipped overseas to get a second life.


New cars are cheaply made, with parts that sold in modules (parts attached to other parts) and are by far more expensive then their older counterparts. They also have been engineered to be a pain for mechanics to work on, they are no longer built to last or be repair friendly. Many parts are engineered with fasteners that break when you remove them, not making them friendly to being parted out. As for EV’s they are a dirty bandaid to a dirty problem, the batteries alone are, made with rare earth metals lithium, manganese and cobalt. These are all pulled out of the earth using chemicals to separate the materials, these mining areas may never fully recover the impact is huge. We still do not have the technology to recycle them, they just like plastics are not fully recyclable. We could build an affordable, repair friendly car that would be a great trade in for Dads old beater, but that wouldn’t get you into a New Ford Crapbox Deluxe.


Yeah but by the time some of that potential is realised, your brand new EV is now a few years old and almost worthless cos the batteries are next to useless.


Modern EV batteries last for over a decade and still retain most of their original capacity even after a few hundred thousand miles.


A well worded nuanced take on Lemmy? Where am I?

DuncanIdaho, in Public Transit my beloved 😍

In the UK in the 1960s the Government fabricated “evidence” about train use so they could cut about 70% of the railways and sell the land on. It was known as the Beeching Report iirc.

Automated_Footprint, in Satisfying fart avatar

Excellent use of the new template 🫡

TheGiantKorean, in A meme for math people avatar

My kids are √-1


they live in a different dimension

TheGuyTM3, avatar

Imaginary kids are better

dan, avatar

They’ll get complexes

norgur, avatar

Kind of hard to define but refer to themselves as I?


Sounds pretty complex

CodexArcanum, in It's coming.

I’d accept Maria’s as the only Christmas song anyone is allowed to play if it meant that they never played goddamn fucking awful Wonderful Christmastime ever again!

Askingforafriend, in 10/10

I don’t get why more people don’t go biggest to smallest. Makes so much more sense. Especially when listing dates in order. YYYY/MM/DD


That’s how it’s done in chinese. Imo DD/MM/YYYY is better though, since in practice the year is most commonly just the current year and isn’t nearly as important as the day or month.


ISO 8601, BABY!


Not only that but it is different enough with the year in front that you can assume MM/DD is next. With the other two MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY you are stuck relying on context to fully know what format someone is using. (Unless the day in question is greater than 12.)

mexicancartel, in But it's all about convenience

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y`

cyclohexane, in The correct civilians to slaughter

Hamas targeted military facilities and personnel, and civilians were caught in the crossfire when Israel fired at them.

Israel specifically targets civilians and massacres them. Even children. They burn them alive and torture them. Hamas is the last group left putting up a fight against this genocide. Hamas is not even a fraction of the concern that Israel is.

redballooon, (edited )

In what world are music festivals and kibbutzim a military facility?


You’re surprised that a dance rave that was held 10 minutes outside the border of a concentration camp and active war zone got caught in the cross fire?

It was held in Re’im kibbutz, which is right next to the the Re’im Israeli military base.


And pretty much indistinguishable. All those ravers, how could anyone differentiate them from military personnel???

your logic doesn’t make sense to anyone who is not caught in ideological hatred.

No wait, I’m calling it lies. Not logic. Lies.


The rave had many Israeli military soldiers positioned, and they fired at the Palestinian resistance forces heading to Re’im base and skirmished with them, putting the ravers in the crossfire.

TimeSquirrel, avatar

The person I saw desperately hiding behind their car and shot and killed from three feet away by a Hamas fighter did not look to me to be an IDF soldier. They were deliberately targeted, not "caught in a crossfire". Videos don't lie.


Can you please share a link to the video, or point me to where I can find it? I am open to changing my mind.

TimeSquirrel, avatar

Guess you haven't seen this one. It's in the first couple minutes.


Thanks for the link! I assume you’re speaking about the part between 1:30 and 1:40. a person wearing black appeared behind the lines of Palestinian forces. This would be pretty alarming to the fighters, as the person in black could be undercover or off duty soldier. The person was probably yelled at and told to get down, but proceeded to move in the wrong direction (could be language barrier). It seems that this is when someone opened fire, but you can see smoke appears on the ground noticeably far from the person. This means whoever was shooting shot at the ground, to alert the person in black. It was immediately after that that the person in black dropped to the ground.

Most likely, they dropped not because they got shot and killed, but because they complied after being warned with the gunshots. If you’re shooting to kill, you wouldn’t be shooting on the ground far from the person, or even their legs. Moreover, if you look close and zoom in, the person is seen moving after they drop right before the clip ends, indicating they’re probably still alive, and the video clip ends immediately after.

TimeSquirrel, avatar

Sorry, justify it and sugarcoat to yourself and speculate however you want, you're not going to convince me both sides aren't evil sick and twisted assholes in this conflict with both Palestinian and Israeli civilians caught in the middle.


No need to apologize. I understand you’ve made up your mind already, but the facts are clear, and others reading my comment can cross what I said with the video to compare and verify me.

“both sides” is a meaningless stance. What are you recommending, other than maintaining the status quo of massacre and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians? Of slow death and suffocation? What are Palestinians to do but resist?

TimeSquirrel, avatar

I don't have an answer to that. Nobody has a good answer to that. It doesn't mean I condone targeting civilians, no matter who it is. They both have the right to exist and live in peace.


By supporting the status quo, you are supporting the murder of civilians involved in said status quo. No worries though, its not surprising from westerners. Been doing it for centuries now.

TimeSquirrel, avatar

Did I say I support the status quo? No, I did not. But your "solution" is also not acceptable to me. I'd say the same damn thing if I ever found out that people who lived under the holocaust harmed random people in the streets of Germany. That is simply never justifiable. I would take my own life before I ever take the life of a noncombatant civilian who has personally done me no harm. That's something I could never live with, maybe you can.


Did I say I support the status quo? No, I did not.

You have opposed any change to the status quo. What else would that make you?

I’d say the same damn thing if I ever found out that people who lived under the holocaust harmed random people in the streets of Germany.

The resistance against Nazi Germany actually had far far more civilian casualties than Palestine’s resistance against Israel, despite the fact that the Palestinian cause has been ongoing for way longer. Did you really not know this? I must be misunderstanding you, or maybe you misspoke. I thought they teach about this extensively in the US


This may be true but in order to come to a meaningful solution you cannot be afraid to analyze the situation. By all conclusions the violence and power in this situation is entirely asymmetrical. The IDF have been operating an apartheid state and an open air prison. These conditions led to the violence. The solution is a free Palestine.

redballooon, (edited )

Eye witness report “ Gunmen chased fleeing revellers across the desert, shooting and snatching people.”

And many very similar stories, including brutal rape and beheadings.

I continue calling your words lies.

cyclohexane, (edited )

Gunmen chased fleeing revellers across the desert, shooting and snatching people

They moved people off the battle field and kept them hostage, yes. They did not target and shoot civilians, the IDF put the ravers in crossfire when they engaged the Palestinian resistance. There’s plenty of footage of the incident online, and none of it shows that. I’d be happy to be proven wrong; show me evidence. If all you have is “trust me bro” from the Israeli government and media, who have a proven track record of lying (and already admitted that they lied about this latest Hamas operation), then your claims are to be ignored.


Average terrorist supporter


I do not support Israel



Dreamer, (edited )

The onus of responsibility lies on Israeli’s leadership and all that support the kinds of rulings and actions that have blurred the lines between combatant and non combatant.

Compulsory military service needs to go. Willing or unwilling, every citizen is forced into this conflict because they are required by law to do what their leadership asks them to, even if it means continuing the cycle of oppression. As we have seen with the Nuremberg trials, “Just following orders” is not an excuse.

There have also been numerous cases of the Israeli military protecting settlers in plains clothes as they commit terrorist acts against the indigenous populations. Doing so allows Israel to further its goal while officially creating plausible deniability for numerous humans rights violations.

These two factors alone heavily blur the lines between combatant and noncombatant, guilty and innocent, and fascist and non-fascist. It is very possible that this was done by design to force every Israeli citizen to have a stake in the conflict regardless of whether they want to. Israel knows Hamas does not have the luxury nor the technology to sift through potential targets to identify the legitimate ones. In a sense, the Zionist leadership is using the entirety of its population as a human-shield, and this placement of a civilian festivity near a military facility in a hot zone was a strategic one, such that when the legitimate target is attacked, others are caught in the cross-fire, and Israel can then use this to justify collective punishment against innocent civilians.

redballooon, (edited )

Just as the reactionary Republicans who accuse the democrats of all sorts of foul play that’s in their playbook, this whole comment looks to me like projection.

Using the population as shields, by hiding weapons and militants in hospitals and schools is what the Palestinian combatants have done for years decades. Etc

You have a few points, the Israeli government has long been gone across any reasonable state of mind.

But the whole mindset you describe did not originate in Israel. This whole situation is waaay less one sided than you make it appear. And it changed significantly last weekend, initiated with a terror attack of unprecedented scale by the Hamas.

OhStopYellingAtMe, in Public Transit my beloved 😍 avatar

This isn’t a meme. It’s just stupid anti-car delusion.


Depending if the person means it seriously. If you didn’t know, it’s a meme template, usually used more absurdly though. Original

OhStopYellingAtMe, avatar

Oh wow til. Thanks.


There are other countries in the world than the shithole you live in. Some of them figured out how to not be a car-centric hell.

knorke3, in Urban Warfare
th3dogcow, avatar

That was cool to watch. Thanks for sharing!


happy to have helped :)


happy to have helped :)

Peafield, in That's some good shit

Here is an interesting fact: Bananas are naturally radioactive. They contain potassium, and a tiny fraction of that potassium is actually the radioactive isotope potassium-40. This has even led to the creation of the “banana equivalent dose,” a playful unit of radiation exposure!

TimeSquirrel, avatar

Kazakhstan, greatest country in the world, is No. 1 exporter of potassium.

TheCheddarCheese, avatar

get the potassium


I am sorry sir, but you have received a lethal dose of banana radiation poisoning. You have about 2 days to live and should start making arrangements.


XKCD created this handy Radiation Dose Chart that shows the radiation exposure you get from bananas as compared to other sources of radiation, to put it in perspective. Luckily, I’ll never get radiation from sleeping next to someone else.


So what Randall saying is that eating a banana is the equivalent of a threesome? Never knew bananas were so SPICY


This was an interesting and humorous little factoid, thank you for sharing this with us

VikingHippie, (edited )

Another fun banana fact: banana equivalent dose is also the threshold at which a beer is allowed to be classified as non-alcoholic in spite of not technically being completely devoid of alcohol.

The (quite reasonable) compromise being that any content below the 0.5% some bananas contain metabolizes so quickly that it’s literally impossible to get drunk on it and furthermore too dilute for even the severely allergic and people on medicine with adverse interactions to feel any ill effects.

negativenull, in Business is going well

Like the joke of old:

Internet Explorer: the best browser for downloading other browsers

Kecessa, in Public Transit my beloved 😍

Engineers designed these roads, not urbanist.


Traffic engineers are hilariously bad at their jobs in the U.S.


Traffic engineering isn’t a university program and we’re still using studies from the 50’s to dictate our traffic engineering. It’s civil engineers in NA who are forced to follow outdated policy which maximizes for car traffic flow, regardless of body count or overall flow of poeple across all transit options. Generally, city planners are all for public transit and walkable and bike able cities but have to battle with politicians appealing to suburbanites with cars.


I don’t understand why this is such a hard thing for people and government to understand. Your car isn’t going to a place, you and the stuff you need to carry are. The car is just the means and there are many other means to do so, they just get a lot less attention and funding. Cars and traffic infrastructure have been subsidised for over a century now. Of course cars more developed, and of course we build our cities for cars, we’re socializing cars.

Yes, there are many areas that have been developed so car focused that it’s a necessity to own a car. People living in rural areas will always need personal cars. People in urban and suburban areas probably don’t and should give up their personal vehicles so Farmer can keep theirs.

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