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dingus, in Feels bad man avatar

I hate it. It’s why you have a lot of immigrant Indian men up-and-coming in the US Republican party and US conservatives in general.

Indian conservatism is just as bullshit if not moreso than US conservatism.

SamXavia, in But it's all about convenience avatar

Pretty much the reason to use Lemmy, Kbin or any other Fediverse based system.

dingus, in But it's all about convenience avatar

I have drawn myself as a chad and you as an ugly wojack so my position is clearly the correct one.

Windows users hate this one neat trick.

jelloeater85, avatar

I mean, Windows 10 is okay, but man have MS really gotten shitty in the last few years.


In the last few years? You might want to read up on them


I’m literally going to use windows 10 until it completely stops getting updated, by that point hopefully someone will invent a Linux distro that doesn’t irritate me


Have you tried mint? Its basically Linux windows but breaks less


I have tried mint, I mostly did like it, but there were just some small things that really got on my nerves. The fact that middle clicking a webpage did nothing was unbearable, that’s how I scroll all the time


Settings -> click scroll enable. Maybe you had some weird version or you couldnt do that before. You can now.

jelloeater85, avatar

Yeah, it might be you DE settings as well? I middle click all day long w WaterFox on Mate.


It does do something though, it paste directly from the latest info from the clipboard XD. So, if you highlight something, then middle click somewhere else(not just a browser, basically system wide) it will paste what ya highlighted.


default settings, everything on GNU/Linux can be customized. Getting done to change the default is always a struggle. For example it's been decades that in GNUDE the middle button click has been paste, so while it may seem dumb to you that it does that, it's user base expects that to be the default.

But as you've already found in this thread in a meme community, one of the best ways to learn how to customize your system the way you want is to claim in a Linux forum that Linux can't do such and such.


That’s “autoscroll”. It’s under the “Browsing” section on the General page of the Firefox settings. It’s turned off by default, but you just have to check one box to turn it on.

dingus, avatar

Fully agree. Windows is trash spyware now that doesn’t respect user choice.

I was really commenting more on the meme itself.

jelloeater85, avatar

For sure. Man I miss Windows 7, that was the best. No crap, updates just worked. Was nice.

TragicNotCute, avatar

How about that XP though? It was pretty excellent in its day.

jelloeater85, avatar

XP was OG AF 🔥


How about MS DOS though? That was also pretty good for its time.

jelloeater85, avatar

Heck yeah, used to play Doom and Duke Nukem 3D.


DR DOS was better. It came with NetWars.

SloganLessons, avatar

It was the inverse for me. Windows 7 was always a nightmare to set up drivers, it was common to manually download the wifi drivers from the laptop's brand website. I groaned whenever someone asked me to help set up their PC.

Windows 10 just works out of the box. The only downside for me is aesthetics, I always preferred Aero.

jelloeater85, avatar

I’m weird, i always liked the classic theme.


Yeah, it’s cyclical. They’re re-entering their shithead phase.

Embrace. Extend. Extinguish. The got smacked with those EU antitrust lawsuits and they reset back to Embrace, and started participating in open-source again. Then they started extending by doing shit like buying GitHub and adding even more cool shit to it. Now they’re entering in extinguish phase where they’re doing shit like making it difficult to change default browser, and integrating all their services together without the ability to integrate 3rd parties.

They’ll (hopefully) get smacked with another EU antitrust lawsuit and reset soon.

jelloeater85, avatar

Yeah, I really would like them to go back to being the cool weird uncle, not the cousin everyone is forced to play with at family gatherings.


It’s legal and user pushback - and it’s a battle I’m bored of fighting. I just use Linux, and find it simpler. With Windows, it’s ads, forced updates, ‘upgrades’ that re-enable ‘features’ i never wanted, a billion background services, most of which I don’t need - and more.

Fuck the battle to keep shit from being shoved down my throat.


I still game a fair bit, and although gaming on Linux has come a long way, I unfortunately still find its not where I want it to be, yet.

Hoping that the popularity of the Steam deck fixes that, although idk if AAA games are really targeting it


Makes sense, everyone makes the trade-offs they’re willing to make.

Next best thing to Linux is stripped windows installs like ghost spectre. I dual-boot, myself, but spend most of my time in Linux, with windows being a regrettable but useful occasional tool for gaming.


Have you got any idea if ghost spectre fucks woth how games and anticheats work?


Ghost Spectre has a few different distributions, at least one of which is minimally intrusive, and works with most if not all anti-cheat software.

The guy’s site is weirdly organized, but he describes the tradeoffs of each distribution pretty well.


Is it the one that ends with .jp?



seitanic, avatar

Did you read the words on the picture, too?

PaupersSerenade, in Ring a bell and I'll salivate. avatar

How does Pavlov greet his friends? 'Sup dog

dan1101, in 2spooky4me

Your bones are in the dark, and wet. All the time.

Feathercrown, in But it's all about convenience



Why did you quote this one specifically? I only recently shut down a CentOS 5 system that ran for 3300 days.


Linux is very reliable when used continuously in a static environment (eg. a server). I mean, 3300 days is like what, 9 years? (!!)

But as a desktop… let’s just say yesterday my friend brought their PC to my house and spent an hour and a half debugging a graphics card issue (yes, it was Nvidia) before we could play Distance (great game btw, highly recommend).


let’s just say yesterday my friend brought their PC to my house and spent an hour and a half debugging a graphics card issue (yes, it was Nvidia) before we could play Distance

Oh please, you say this as though no one has ever spent literal days debugging Windows quirks and issues. Windows updates especially have nuked many systems.


I haven’t had windows refuse to turn on after a update yet, but linux broke after a update. Probably wouldn’t have happened with a different distro, but can happen in both camps.


but can happen in both camps

That was my point.


I’m sure if you’re doing advanced things in Windows then you can mess it up fairly badly, but in my personal experience, it’s never happened to me except in the laptop I had that literally fell apart.


I’m sure if you’re doing advanced things in Windows then you can mess it up fairly badly

I’ve helped so many people fix their Windows systems who barely know how to open their email. Computers are complex. No system is perfect (Windows less so IMO).

Zehzin, in Paying rent in capitalism is not so bad with this simple trick avatar

(not) Hemingway kicking himself for not thinking of that 6 word story

LesDeuxBonsYeux, in But it's all about convenience

A bit of convenience. Right, and a liiiiiittle bit of time as well


And technical expertise, and the ability to use a computer without accessibility aids, and the notion of what a “format” is so that they can open their kids’ halloween homework assignment without the formatting being completely broken, and the ability to solve computer problems on their own without calling Geek Squad or visiting a Genius Bar…


I was unaware of convenience being made up of anything in addition to time-preference.


it's more convenient for me to put a frozen ready meal in the oven for 30 minutes than it is for me to make dinner, even though the act of making dinner might take less than 30 minutes


but isn't that just based on the time preference of whatever you are giving up during the time you have to actually think about & make dinner when you otherwise would be whilst "cooking" food someone else made.

alldreadme, avatar

Just a little… Turns into a few hours or a whole day sometimes, not that I hate it though.


and that can be about what you enjoy. I like making my computer so shit. Others like fixing engines or playing video games, they're all different ways to scratch that same itch.

stonedemoman, (edited ) in But it's all about convenience

I feel like I’m going to get flak for taking a position that’s not completely anti-Windows, but please try to hear me out before casting judgment. I use both OS and think they both have merit. Linux- for the reasons listed in the meme, and windows- for those without the technical know-how, patience, or time for the better alternative.

That being said, if anyone thinks like how this Ed, Edd, N’ Eddy looking mofo in the meme does I’ll be the first to say that’s a horribly bad take lol

Of course it is. There’s 0 reason to come after anyone for choosing Linux as any, if at all, of the extra effort incurred is only going to affect them personally.

Edit: Not even a single flak in the comments, the happiest I’ve ever been to stand corrected. We’ve done it, world peace achieved.


I use both. I’ve tried using Linux on desktop and there’s always been a few handfuls of minor but annoying enough issues that make just want to go back to windows on my main computer. For my laptop that I don’t use often, Linux is fine. For hosting services on my local network, Linux is fine. Neither are prefect but Linux definitely has come a long ways.


For me the main issue is the time effort and the incompability with other people and my work that work with Microsoft products.

Poggervania, (edited ) avatar

How fucking DARE you. People should be forced to learn how to compile their OS, like Gentoo allows, and then have it crash and burn in front of everybody in social studies when you have to present your LibreOffice presentation about why Teddy Roosevelt was objectively the best president and spent a lot of time on making a slide with Abe the soyjack and Teddy the chad.

/s in case somebody needs it


That reminds of the time a teacher asked to borrow my computer running arch to display a spreadsheet on the projector using hdmi. I couldn’t remember the xrandr command to mirror screens so I just lied and said “I don’t have a hdmi driver installed”.


Linux isn't an OS. It's just a kernel, which doesn't do much like it self. GNU is an OS and Linux is one of its kernels.

waybreadenthusiast, (edited )

Yeah thanks sherlock… But it’s quite a common simplification and understood by almost anyone.

Edit: I’m sorry – after reading my comment again– that came across quite a bit harsher than it was meant.


I'd argue it was appropriately harsh. God am I tired of seeing "but muh GNU" every time someone calls Linux "Linux."


Ok Richard

ICastFist, avatar

Don’t stall, man


put some respect in your voice when you speak of our lord and savior ;-)


Considering that Hurd is still not finished what other kernel does GNU use other than Linux?


HURD is the default GNU kernel. From what I here there are also GNU systems running on BSD'd stuff, and I suspect they're are many GNU systems running with Kernels users have created themes, whether for very specific use cases or just for fun. I recall following someone's blog an Diaspora* about the latter a year ago until she got bored with it.


Is it finally the year of the GNU desktop?


Did you seriously just post a GNU/Linux interjection unironically?


yes...why would that be unexpected, particularly on our free and federated network?

ZILtoid1991, avatar

Linux is slowly getting there, it's developers just need to drop the "git gud" and "special club status" mentality and concentrate more on user experience.


Some people clearly are! Some distros are clearly focused on getting a friendly interface for everything, and proton finally made Linux gaming possible, despite all the grumbling from “purists”

loudWaterEnjoyer, avatar

I stopped reading after Windows and just wanted to tell you to educate yourself. I’d recommend Arch to any sane person.

stonedemoman, (edited )

Brother, we’re on the same team. There’s a Debian distro on nearly all of my computers. I was just trying to add a bit of nuance to the conversation and bridge the divide. We don’t have to be enemies.

Edit: I’ve been had. Bamboozled, even.


People like you are the reason for the bad reputation of linux.

loudWaterEnjoyer, avatar

If you see someone making a bold statement and then referring to Arch Linux, it’s probably a joke

stonedemoman, (edited )

JFC that joke went over my head like a B-2. Whoops 🤦

Edit: I deserve that downvote for not getting the joke lol


With the people in here you can’t be sure sadly.

loudWaterEnjoyer, avatar

Yeah I was making a joke when I said I was making a joke. Actually I am serious.


This but unironically.


I prefer Windows because I don’t need all the extra customization and in depth features, and I don’t want to bother setting them up. Like sure I could use commands to queue up file transfers, but I would never have the need and could get 99% of the way there with a drag and drop…

AnUnusualRelic, avatar

It’s fine until you have to move more than a handful of files and discover it takes the better part of a day and slows your machine to a crawl.

File management under windows is really something else. Apparently there are third party tools that somewhat mitigate this.


Had to copy a couple of TB to a new drive the other day.

Just selected all, and dragged them over. Then I just walked away, because even during those rare situations, it doesn’t matter how long it takes.

Only took an hour though, and Windows was still working flawlessly in the meantime. Running on +8 year old hardware even.

You sure you used Windows in the last 20 years?


Can’t say I’ve ever had that problem myself. Then again I never move more then, say, 20-30 GB at once.


yeah I'm forced to do such inside a Microsoft eco-system at work, and Beyond Compare was surpsingly helpful at such.


I think the problem is preinstalls. No one was born understanding how Windows works, we had gathered that experience over time. If the computer you were introduced to was a Linux system (with X11 and KDE or GNOME), then that would be what you would get used to. Unfortunately, getting Linux preinstalls on laptops is basically impossible. Vendors love that preinstall money.


That’s very true! I would’ve loved this option in my formative years back before developing all the bad habits lol

I must forget everything I know about computing. 🥋


I read your name as stoned morman


I find this both humourous and troubling D:


Companies that sell “enterprisy” laptops (like Dell and Lenovo) usually sell a few models with Linux. And while not a laptop I wouldn’t be surprised if almost half of Desktop Linux users today have a Steam Deck.

ZombieMantis, avatar

I would be one of them 👋 I’ve used Windows up until I got my SteamDeck, & it works perfectly for my mostly light browsing needs, when I’m not gaming on it.


I think that would not change the opinion much among the existing desktop userbase. That being said the younger generations are not by nature desktop users the way Gen-xers and millennials were. I think getting GNU/Linux as the default desktop for educational settings I think will have. Thankfully there is some traction being made on this front, particularly in places like France, Brazil & Argentina. Then again I guess it's not an either or, as having more vendors with preloaded Educational focused distributions & support would make such adoption more likely to successfully launch in such settings.


Yeah like I switched and love it and I think the gap is closing fast, but whether linux closes it or windows closes it is still up to chance. The easier Linux gets for everyday users who don’t want to learn command line the more people are going to use it. The more software that just works on Linux the more easily you’ll convince people. It’s not about getting to where your coworkers or your grandma can use it. It’s about getting your in laws to not need your help to use it after a friend recommended it

sparklefall, in it's a trap!

like the question…. “do I look fat in this ?”


Me: Does this tie make me look bald?
Her: You are bald.
Me: Exactly!


Not in that

dragnucs, in Religious parents

Wait, muslim women cannot marry non Muslim men. What’s the deal?



photonic_sorcerer, avatar

Everyone deals with their religion differently


When I was a somewhat devout JW (people often say Jehovah Witness as a noun, but that always bugged me grammatically since properly stated it should be "Witness of Jehovah), I told a nonJW Christian friend that I couldn’t be “unevenly yoked with unbelievers.” She (who wasn’t interested in me, she was trying to matchmake me with a mutual friend) got offended since we should all have been Christians and she felt I was calling her an unbeliever.

Certain denominations have so very different beliefs that if followed to their logical conclusions they shouldn’t be able to have relationships, but so many people bend the rules. I fortunately am no longer captive to that ideology, though I do think I’m permanently damaged. Still, not as damaged as people who went through sexual abuse. My stuff is mostly mental and will probably just mean I’ll never have a romantic relationship.


It’s not “the same”, but I’ve been reading Joe vs Elan School and it’s really made me feel better about the shit I went through to read someone else’s story, you should check it out if you think it could help you, plus it’s just a great story.


Turns out most humans just do things.


Do you realize you have just singlehandedly explained the Israel-Hamas situation and we can all stop arguing and pretending to be experts about it?


Turns out people don’t always follow every single rule their religion has.


Maybe he married her, instead of the other way around.

snowraven, in But it's all about convenience

Ah yes, linux supremacy

nicman24, in But it's all about convenience


joyjoy, in But it's all about convenience

y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

TimeSquirrel, avatar

...y y y y y y y THE y FOLLOyWING ACTION yCANNOT BE UNDONEy y y y y...

"Shit, what did I fuck up?"


Yes, do as I say


Beat me to it.


Damn it, you beat me to it. A wise linux user you are.

MindSkipperBro12, in Paying rent in capitalism is not so bad with this simple trick

Capitalism is when rent.

Zehzin, avatar

Pretty much, yeah.

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