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Transcendant, in Even soil needs a little TLC sometimes.

Bizarre, I actually saw the book this meme is based on, on Sunday! Was helping a friend’s mum move, saw the book cover and felt hungry.


You saw a copy of Holes by Louis Sachar?


Yes, and life hasn’t been the same since

Digestive_Biscuit, in Bone-her

Like that Chemical Brothers music video. Hey boy, hey girl or whatever it was called.


Superstar DJs

Here we go!

g8phcon2, in Paying rent in capitalism is not so bad with this simple trick

Isn't the title redundant? Is their any other economic system where one has to pay rent?

tacosanonymous, in Come back to us bro!

Or when you’re fighting with your siblings and one of y’all gets hurt.

gogosempai, avatar

Just don’t tell mom, I’ll do anything!

shiveyarbles, in Simple Truth

The best way to end war is to put the people who declare war on the front lines.

jackmarxist, avatar

Boxing Match

AccidentalLemming, (edited ) in Feels bad man


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  • snowraven,

    It’s not socially acceptable anywhere in the urban places but in rural places it can a quite a problem.

    I have lived my entire life in a urban city without any discrimination whatsoever, but I have also heard of rural places where they would literally burn people alive for intercaste marriage.

    One of the main reasons it’s not extinct yet is because people love to take “pride” in their caste. There are plenty of songs dedicated to “jatt” people, people of a higher caste. “Khatris” are often glorified in movies for fighting. You can see the problem is same as if white people started making songs on “being white and proud” and Britishers claiming victory in ww2 because they were “white”. It’s absurd and I have felt the pain but I am thankful for the present situation and I suppose it’s better than being burnt alive haha.

    Yes there is reservation and that’s absurd too, imagine if “black” people were allowed reservation for jobs in government.


    imagine if “black” people were allowed reservation for jobs in government.

    I may be wrong but i think it exists in some universities ( student wise). I vaguely remember several article about it


    It’s absurd if that’s true. Who would in their right mind believe this solves any racism? If anything it creates more segregation about races. It’s the social acceptance that minorities need not economic or education privilege. Sad times.


    I tried searching for the articles i read and found none. It may not even be real, I apologize.




    Someone shared a link about it. It seems to be true .


    The idea was to have races mixed together better and not have people from historically discriminated races get stuck in poverty because of lack of education. So, they tried to make sure there were some of them getting university degrees. It’s not completely absurd, but they just started it from the wrong end. They should have made sure the discriminated races who are underprevilleged had more help by helping all poor families, so their kids can focus on school better and it’s fair for poor people of the historically oppressive race, too.


    You should research equity vs equality.


    It makes sense, I agree but speaking from personal experience from India where this positive discrimination called reservation exists, just leads to horrible segregation, it flares up every now and then in people. People from high castes always curse the lower ones for not getting their “supposed government job” that they should have gotten. Such measures should be entirely based on economic status and not some birth status. I say this because I know plenty of rich but lower caste people who have terribly exploited this system.

    I also agree that in the end, matters relating to such birth statuses are complicated. If only humans could co exist all peacefully but alas.


    Not racism. They’re the same race. It’s a class system where your future occupation is set in stone at birth based on your lineage. You can literally be born and your only future career prospect is becoming a latrine cleaner.


    It’s more like Hindu thingy. Other cultures with heavy Hindu influence also have similar caste system.

    rotopenguin, avatar

    Other former British Empire colonies have similar issues


    Technically it’s bigotry since it’s Indians hating other Indians, but yes, India has a lot of problems and those in power mostly ignore them.

    seitanic, avatar

    “Bigotry” is an umbrella term. Racial prejudice is a type of bigotry.


    It’s not racism of you believe those people were born into a lower caste because of their actions in a previous life. It is their punishment and thus you should treat them like shit!

    Eddie Murphy thinking meme

    MissJinx, avatar

    So exaclty what he said

    thisonethatone, in Paying rent in capitalism is not so bad with this simple trick

    Top notch calligraphy there.

    ivanafterall, avatar

    Glad you like it. The oldest one did the sign. Shall we say $1?

    CADmonkey, in All the weird shit happens on nights

    I worked night shift in a metal fabrication shop about 11 years ago.

    Two bastions of humanity figured out that they could light an oxyfuel torch and adjust it to a neutral flame, snuff the flame out of a glove or something, and then use the torch to fill a plastic sandwich bag with a perfect mixture of oxygen and acetylene. They would then place this bag somewhere and light it on fire, which made a lot of noise. They had great fun until they tried it with a small office-sized trash bag. The word of the day is brisance. It made a tremendous bang which cracked some glass in the shop, but of course our two heroes were caught in the blast amd burned, because a sandwich bag made a loud pop, but a trash bag was more of a bomb. They lit the trash bag like they did the little bags, by holding a lighter to the plastic.

    Track_Shovel, avatar

    Holy fuck.

    Imagine filling out the paper work for that one


    We had another shop in the chain I worked for fire everyone for doing that when I was a mechanic. There were no injuries but the neighboring businesses called 911 because they thought there was a bomb.


    Yeah that is attention no business wants.

    bandario, avatar

    I was at an xmas party one year where the workshop boys did this with an upturned 44 gallon drum. It was the loudest bang I’ve ever heard. I thought we were under some sort of attack.

    They expected the drum to launch a little but what actually ended up happening was the upturned metal bottom blew off and launched a LOT punching a hole in the workshop roof. It’s a miracle that nobody was hurt (their hearing probably was). Somehow they didn’t get fired.


    Somehow they didn’t get fired.

    When someone does something really stupid and shows remorse, you can be pretty sure they will never ever do it again. A new guy might though.


    I was invited to a rural party for new years, I’m pretty sure it was 2003-2004. I drank entirely too much, and saw some friends crushing beer cans, and was inspired. I found an old 55-gallon steel drum, put a bunch of water in it, and rolled it into the bonfire. Once steam was shooting out, I put the bungs back on it and rolled it into the pond. After a few minutes, there was a metallic “bang” and the drum was folded in on itself.

    The guy who invited me to the party told everyone for years that I used my head to crush a steel drum.

    lettruthout, in Ring a bell and I'll salivate.

    Pavlov was sitting in a bar, enjoying a beer. When someone else came in, the door caused a bell to ring.

    Pavlov jumped up: “Oh no, I forgot to feed the dog!”

    RudeOnTuesdays, in it's a trap!

    This scenario usually works out for me. Turns out my wife’s friends’ significant others make me look great!


    Even on Tuesday?

    MissJinx, avatar

    because ppl that think like this are not in good relationships. Every person/relationship has it’s quirks but if you this talking about your relationship is a trap just leave, one of you is the problem.

    reflex, in Even soil needs a little TLC sometimes. avatar

    Chicken Soup for the Hole

    Wow, what a hole.

    BlinkerFluid, in Come back to us bro! avatar


    tdawg, in it's a trap!

    People really do this?


    I wouldn’t know, never had a girlfriend.


    Yeah, your GF is probably telling her friends all kinds of embarrassing shit about you.


    Sure whatever people talk. But doing it in front of your so is just kinda rude


    It’s a way of passive aggressively calling you out for shit and yea it’s rude as hell. I’d argue airing out dirty laundry to their friends at all is pretty rude regardless of if you’re present or not. I know I’ve had shit I’d rather people not know get out because of GFs gossiping with each other.


    Sounds like some college bs tbh


    It’s not. I was at a barbeque last weekend and all the wives were going off. If anything it’s worse in the 40+ crowd.

    NielsBohron, avatar

    It can be a passive-aggressive way to call you out, but not necessarily. If you and your SO have a healthy relationship, discussing problems in front of others shouldn’t necessarily be seen as an attack. In my experience, if a situation like this comes up, it’s usually either:

    1. A way to help a friend who that might not realize they’re in a toxic/abusive relationship. For example, “Sometimes, Niels is really impatient with me being late, but he doesn’t demean me or put me down” can be a way of inviting me to provide some context or show that I’m not perfect but also that there are hard lines that shouldn’t be crossed
    2. A way to empathize with a friend that is coming to grips with the fact that no relationship is perfect. It might not be a conscious invitation to participate, but it does potentially allow you to provide another way of thinking about the issue. For example, “Tell me about it; I’m always picking up after this guy” is not mean-spirited or passive aggressive, IMHO. If it seemed like they actually wanted me to participate rather than just have a way to vent, then depending on the friend I might jump in with “oh man, my ADHD has been really bad since the new project started at work! I’ve been a mess and it’s been really awesome that you’ve been able to help me out”

    It’s still not an excuse for an SO oversharing something that you told them in confidence, and it’s not an excuse for turning an ongoing point of contention into a full-fledged argument in front of others, but it’s not necessarily cause for concern. If you’re a very private person, and you ask an SO to not discuss certain things with others, that’s a little different. But on the other hand, they do need to be able to discuss concerns with others to some extent, so maybe differentiating between “good friends are OK, but not that friend” would be helpful.

    GrammatonCleric, in Even soil needs a little TLC sometimes. avatar

    Let’s run with this gag:










    Track_Shovel, avatar

    save our holes

    Name of your sex tape

    TimeSquirrel, avatar

    "Mayday, mayday, the puns are too much, I'm going down!"

    "How many holes on board sir?"


    Try finger but hole

    Album, avatar

    Hole Survivor

    samus12345, in Germans avatar
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