A Supreme Court Justice who has solicited and accepted many bribes but will never be held accountable because Republicans have no shame and would never hold one of their own accountable as long as they continue to be useful to the party.
But Timmy - God doesn't love you. Not at all. Tonight when you go to bed, just know the end of days is near and soon we'll see all the stars wink out one by one, the cold embrace of death is near and soon the black shroud of death will become your pillow. Oh, and sleep tight son.
MoistCritikal pumps out a 12 minute video of him sitting in a chair going, “The recent YouTube drama with xXxBlorpkin and Tglof has gone too far” and generates millions of views.
They don’t have much in common besides being just awful, bigoted, and black Americans. Chappelle has far more in common with Ricky Gervais and J.K. Rowling in his awfulness while Thomas is more like Samuel Alito, Brett Kavenaugh, and Rudy Giuliani (who is himself the most knockoff possible version of Roy Cohn).
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