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workerONE, in Public Transit my beloved 😍

“Stop driving cars because places were not supposed to be driven to.” Wow that’s a good point /s

shunir, in The NYC subway banned dogs on trains unless they fit into a small bag, so this guy trained his Pitbull to sit in a small bag.

If it is stupid but it works, it isn’t stupid.

Imgonnatrythis, in Freedom at last

Lords work honey. You’re doing the Lords work .

Taleya, (edited ) in Vegan food: The west vs India

One of these cultures has normalised vegan and vegetarianism for centuries, the other is trying to wean a meat-obsessed population.

They are not the same thing, nor do they have the same requirements to reach their end goals

seitanic, avatar

How prevalent is veganism in India? Whenever I look at Indian food, it’s butter this and milk that. Sure, there are some very good vegan choices, but it seems to me that Indians love their dairy.


Yeah I have a lot of vegetarian Indian friends, not as many vegan.


9% of the population apparently, the highest in the world tied with Mexico.


Veganism is actually a fairly new phenomenon in general, a lot of Jains in particular have adopted it. But vegetarianism in India dates back over a thousand years BCE , so yeah, they’ve got a bit of a head start.


Vegetarian? Yes. Vegan? No.

I am a vegetarian. I eat dairy. I don’t eat meat and eggs.


Just eat eggs bro it’s just a chicken period


Somehow doesn’t sound as tasty.


Except for the part where they’re kept in small cages or “free range” in dirty cramped pens. Luckily it’s easier to get eggs from chickens raised ethically than meats. You just gotta fork over a few extra bucks or get the hookup at a farmer’s market


Effing dinosaurs, with 6,000 years of eating cave men, deserve all the incarceration they get. /s

More seriously, depending on your priorities, factory farmed chicken is less bad for the overall environment than pretty much any beef


Chickens are not people


I never said they were? I’m not even a vegetarian stop being so sensitive. I don’t care for making anything suffer when I can still have eggs without the suffering. It’s that simple. If you’ve based too much of your personality on macho meathead bullshit then do you boo. I’m sure that’s a great replacement for an actual personality.


Based response


Savage but fair.

Rozauhtuno, avatar

To a vegan, that doesn’t matter because it’d be speciesism.


Yeah, Vitamin B12 defiencies make you act erratic


or “free range” in dirty cramped pens.

We drive 10mph around here because the damn chickens like to “free range” in the road. Those are pretty large pens, the size of a damn town.

The USDA needs to get their pockets out of big ag’s hands. Free Range should be Free-Fucking-Range. I get to know the chicken I eat got to run wild 16 hours every day, but many people do not.


Yeah the fuckery that they pull when they list things as grass fed and free range is vile. Then they make a profit on top of it because they barely change anything but charge premium prices for the fancy label.

I’m lucky to have a beef farm in my state that ships locally and actually follows the spirit of grass fed up to grass finished in sprawling pastures. They also do individual slaughter. For eggs we’ve got a few locals that bring them to the farmers markets on Sundays. Beef is like a once a week thing for us these days and it’s usually just ground beef. Chicken and fish are our biggest sources of protein now. I don’t really do pork anymore. Can’t find any that’s remotely close to ethically sourced which is abysmal considering how intelligent pigs are. So I just stopped buying it.

Also, and I’m fully aware this could just be some kinda subconscious bias, but I swear the meat and eggs taste SO much better than the stuff from the grocery. Eggs especially. The yolks are so vibrant and hardly break when being fried. Even the shells seem stronger and less likely to shatter into tiny annoying bits.

abraxas, (edited )

Here’s my reason for trying to eat a little more beef than that. If I’m giving “lives lost” any value, you can’t beat cows for calories per animal death. It beats a lot of plant-based foods. And I do have local beef, though it is not fully sustained like local chicken is… which is why I eat more chicken and seafood as well. Not to mention, even though beef around me can be ecologically sustainable, it will not remain that way if too many people eat it because it needs to be supplemented by import. So some beef = good. More beef = less good.

We actually have some ethically sourced local pork, too. I guess it’s nice living in a farming area of my state, despite not living in a farming-state. The butcher’s pork section is always small, but he’s got some.

Also, and I’m fully aware this could just be some kinda subconscious bias, but I swear the meat and eggs taste SO much better than the stuff from the grocery

Not really a subconscious bias. They are fresher, and preservation techniques often have not been started on them. If you eat an egg that has never been refrigerated, of course it’s fresher. (or the opposite, lol)

The seafood my family fishes is right off a boat, generally only a couple hours harvested. After the fishermens’ cut, the best stuff goes to a couple local restaurants and seafood markets, and the rest are frozen and shipped. Yes, you can taste the difference. I never liked scallops until I tasted “the real thing” off a boat.


About 30% are vegetarian in India. Almost 10% are vegan.

So it's very prevalent, but America likes to pretend we're the only country in the world and that problems are never solved anywhere else.


Where are the Indian vegans? I have only ever met ONE in my entire life except myself.


Try India.


Maybe it’s a regional difference? I live in South India


Lol I actually laughed. Maybe it’s the beer. But thanks!


Hi 👋

Source: me



I don’t mean like, online. I’ve met plenty of online Indian vegans. But still, I find it hard to believe that every 1 in 10 people are vegan. Where?!


I would say about 30% of my Indian coworkers over the years have been vegan.

I think the challenge is that, unlike a lot of Western vegans, they don’t go out of their way to talk about it. My second job, I knew day 1 about the white girl who was vegan. It took me 2 years to learn that 4 of my Indian coworkers were vegan since birth. And I only learned it because they learned I was getting into Indian food so they all started bringing stuff in for me to try. Entire meals. Incredible meals. I miss that job, lol.


My family loves to announce to the world that I don’t drink milk. It’s annoying. Idk they’re probably in shock or something that someone would choose not to abuse cows. (They’re vegetarians, I’m vegan)

Where do you live? I assume outside India? Hmm

federatingIsTooHard, avatar

no one abuses cows anyway


Tell me you know nothing about it without telling me you know nothing about it

federatingIsTooHard, avatar

I know enough to tell you you’re spreading misinformation


I’m not going to bother. I’m tired.

federatingIsTooHard, avatar

have a nice day


Well yeah, very outside of India. I live in the US, though I try not to make my identity about that.

But one thing I’ve loved about working in Boston is how many cultures I’ve been exposed to in my life.


Exactly, we don’t go about our day preaching veganism.


It’s not vegan so much as veggie. They definitely respect those cows they get the milk from though.


Quite popular, in my city it’s quite hard to find meat in the popular restaurants. And these places are quite old and we’ll know.

Most foods don’t have any form or trace of meat or eggs, although milk and related items are very widely consumed.

It’s vegetarian and not vegan.


Hence this meme


which would be fine if it were just a straight comparison but it starts bleating about chemicals and preservatives and it’s a bit too purity politicking for my tastes.


This is what people don’t get, if you’ve been veggie for years then you don’t need meat substitutes, these products are for normies trying to cut back or give up while they break the cultural training.

wren, avatar

I’ve been vegetarian for… more than a decade? I love meat substitutes and generally prefer having the substitute present in meals (either as the main thing, like a burger, or as an inclusion). I do agree that meat substitutes are a fantastic way of reducing meat consumption for meat-eaters, but that doesn’t mean you need to do away with it completely once you’re in ‘full veg’ mode


Maybe. While I do sometime choose the plant-based meat, thinking of it as a substitute was my initial reluctance to try vegetarian food. Back then, I ridiculed the idea of a “veggie burger”, but really liked grilling a “black bean patty”. Did you realize Mac and Cheese can be vegetarian? “Greek veggie dip” is horrible, but I love hummus. I always loved various potatoes, but it was quite a revelation that you could spice them up and use them as a meal. My latest infatuation is Halloumi or Paneer - don’t ever call a nice grilling cheese a substitute for anything.

At least for me, it is easier to choose foods for their own value, rather than suffer with a substitute, r a variation “without”. I’m not a vegetarian and have no interest in it, but I will choose what looks good to me at any given time, on its own merits

SpookyGenderCommunist, avatar

One of these cultures has normalised vegan and vegetarianism for centuries, the other is trying to wean a meat-obsessed population

As someone who works in a grocery store, the worst fucking people are the ones who go up to the deli counter and yell at the clerks, demanding the "bloodiest* roast beef they’ve got. That or the spiciest turkey, or whatever.

Dudes who’s entire sense of self is invested in eating meat. Easily the most annoying kind of guy I encounter in my daily life.


That and the ‘for every animal you don’t eat i’m gonna eat THREE!’ Yay well done so macho you get threatened by what another person eats fucking yay for you sir gold star.


Dudes who’s entire sense of self is invested in eating meat

This might sound silly. But maybe they enjoy the taste of rare roast beef? Before this “make meat seem like it’s not dead animal” trend, the rule used to be anything over medium was overcooked for most meats. For some odd reason (actually, not odd. freaking additives) a lot of roast beef is sold medium-well. Which is tasteless enough to make someone go vegan!

I don’t understand “yell at the clerks”. I’ve never seen that. But I agree it’s rude. Just **not **because they are buying meat.

Enigma, in Freedom at last

As a woman who has had tons of trouble with bras, I highly recommend It has been a game changer. The subreddit has some great resources as well (not sure if that’s changed since the protests though). But anyways, the majority of women are wearing the wrong size bra and don’t realize it. I went from a DD to an H. I can wear my bra all day and barely notice it. If you’re breastfeeding I suggest measuring when you’re half full. That’s what I did when I was breastfeeding and got the best results.


Abtf is the one subreddit I truly miss. Even though I still can’t stop seeing ill fitting bras everywhere. It’s a shame people are still squeezed into B cups paired with huge bands and led to think a DD cup was generally gigantic.

But it’s all about the band size, ladies! The cup just scales. Went from 38B to 30F (UK) myself and that’s actually pretty average.


Luckily you don’t need to go to the subreddit to measure yourself, I’m constantly talking to women whenever I’m able to bring it up organically. I fucking hate what Victoria’s Secret has done to women and bras. One day I swear I’m going to stand in front of one of their stores and hand out measuring tapes and a paper with the website on it. I became such a huge advocate after learning my real bra size. I cried when I tried on my first H cup because I was finally comfortable and everything was in place.


I’m a dude and that sub made me realize that tons of women are wearing the wrong size. I’ll see two or three women on the GoneWild type subs that are like “I’m a D/DD/DDD” and another woman say that they’re the same size but the two definitely look different.

Gorillatactics, in Vegan food: The west vs India

If I can’t recreate it in my kitchen with a food processor and a pestle and mortar its too complicated and im not eating it.


American food mentality.

Neato, in Freedom at last avatar

Ties spike my chronic neck pain no matter who tight or loose they are. I 100% understand this.

For anyone who wears bras: my partner likes Tomboy brand a lot. More support and comfort.


Though I’ve never had issues with wearing ties, perhaps a clip-on tie is something you could try if you have to wear em.

lugal, in Vegan food: The west vs India

I’m vegan for a while now and live in Europe. In the past, vegan options were creative and often good and now it’s this fake meat all over. I wish I lived closer to India then to America

BuboScandiacus, avatar

You really don’t want to live in a country close to India.


I was speaking metaphorically but I guess you are right when taken literally


I do wish Indian food was more easily available anywhere in the world, both meat and veg versions but nonetheless available

There are some dishes from every cuisine which are universally loved and should be available universally too.


But what you said… isn’t a metaphor, and the tone of your comment does not hint towards anything but a literal interpretation


What I wanted to say is that I like the Indian way according to the meme better than the American and my home country is tending towards the American. I wanted to hint to that by complaining about it in the first part

Gamey, in Business is going well

Let’s give the Twitter guy another chance, I mean we all loved his platform sooo much before Musk, right? …


Yeah, that’s what bothers me. Feels like people romanticize pre-Musk Twitter, when in reality, its always just been complete garbage. Musk’s Twitter is certainly worse in some ways, though that isn’t saying a lot.

Overall, Twitter just sucks. Use other platforms where possible.


Yea, I have my issues with Lemmy too ever since the Israel/Palestina conflict got violent again so my by far favorite and most used is Mastodon, to me that feels like a supirior Microblogging site that actually dose things different and doesn’t just try to reimplement Twitter!

SaniFlush, in Vegan food: The west vs India

I love me some mango curry



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  • SaniFlush,

    Yeah I wasn’t kidding, I tried mango curry before and it’s awesome. Also this interface doesn’t show downvotes.


    I love Mangalore foods. I’m a big fan. I need to explore local dishes next time I’m there

    toxicbubble420, in Vegan food: The west vs India

    also people think vegan food is unhealthy but will eat carcasses raised in their own shit


    I mean unless someone thinks lettuce or beans are unhealthy because they grow in dirt, this train of thought just makes no sense.


    the wording was a bit of, it should spell “carcasses raised with their own shit”…/pig-farm-investigation-feedback-immunit…


    Yeah I’m not disagreeing about the conditions.

    RudeOnTuesdays, in Twitter in 1852

    The rape and murder of civilians is always evil. I don’t know what is so fucking hard to understand about this.

    Typical braindead lemmygrad garbage post. Stick to your own cesspool of an instance next time.

    Maoo, in Vegan food: The west vs India avatar

    Most veg Indian food has dairy added tho. Avoiding ghee is like going through an obstacle course of nice aunties and uncles trying to feed you. And don’t even get me started on curd.

    Indian vegans also often use substitutes. I’m for vegan food unity: don’t harm and exploit animals and I support you.

    BoxedFenders, avatar

    How is the dairy industry in India? I would assume it is nowhere near as cruel as it is in the West, where sadistic practices are incorporated at every stage of the process in the name of efficiency.


    It depends. India does have some factory farms, mainly for beef. But many dairy cattle are kept by small farmers for whom the milk and meat are a supplement to whatever plants they grow. And these farmers usually belong to dairy co-operative societies like Amul, which do quality control and ensure that the animals are not abused too much. Also some Indian states ban or heavily restrict the slaughter of cattle (although in practise this just leads to them being abandoned or disappearing into the black market).

    Maoo, avatar

    CW: how the dairy/meat industry works.

    It’s basically the same. The driving factor of mass death in the dairy industry is that to make cows produce milk they’ve gotta get pregnant and calf, so you end up with a bunch of cows that are too old to produce enough milk for market and a big of calves that won’t produce milk, ever.

    In the West, those “extra”, “non-productive” animals get killed (the dairy industry is the meat industry). In India, this is still often the case as not everyone is veg and not everyone who’s non-veg avoids beef. But there are enough people that refuse beef for there to be an impetus to follow a “traditional” alternative: you kick the animal out of the dairy for it to fend for itself. In reality, they tend to just starve to death over a long period of time.

    For there to be dairy without a culling there would need to be like 30 pet cows for every 1 dairy cow. Assuming the cost of raising the cow is what people pay for, that would mean milk costing 10X more.

    BoxedFenders, avatar

    sadness My dumb ass assuming India’s culture of reverence for cows would lead to slightly better treatment for them but forgetting that capitalism will always demand the most profitable option.

    MossyFeathers, in Vegan food: The west vs India

    Here’s my thing about meat: I’ll switch away from meat if you make it taste good. It doesn’t have to pretend to be meat, as long as it tastes good, that’s all I care about. I will still eat the occasional burger or bbq, but if you can find me vegetarian or vegan recipes that make me as happy as bbq does, I’ll try it.


    I’m not vegetarian or vegan, but occasionally do a diet with my wife that makes us get creative with food. Here’s a few things I still eat:

    Pad Thai is a good place to start

    Oreos are surprisingly vegan

    Taco Bell’s bean burrito, actually most Mexican food can just replace the meat with refried beans.

    Bacon bits are vegan, toss them on some pasta like Cacio e Pepe

    Chipotle’s chorizo is fake pork sausage, get it in either a bowl or a burrito.

    Then the classics:

    • tomato soup with grilled cheese
    • peanut butter and jelly
    • pancakes
    • mac & cheese
    • All cakes and pies (well excluding chicken pot & Shepard’s)

    Oreos are surprisingly vegan

    It’s less surprising when you realize that stuff that processed almost might as well have been constructed from raw hydrocarbons. It’s like some NileRed “turning paint thinner into cherry soda”-level shit.


    I said this above as a reply to another comment, but I do feel there are a lot of interesting dishes around the world that would be loved almost universally and I wish they would become universally accessible too


    Okay, I hadn’t thought about pad Thai, but I love pad Thai.

    I hadn’t thought about taco bell since its been a while since I’ve been there.

    How are bacon bits vegan?

    I haven’t tried Chipotle’s chorizo, I’ll have to try it out.

    Thanks for the suggestions!


    For bacon bits, they’re talking about the drid stuff in the plastic cans - “Bacos” and similar. They’re usually soy based with artificial flavor - probably for longer/safer shelf life


    Ah, okay. I was like, “how is something with ‘bacon’ in the name even remotely vegetarian, much less vegan.”

    That makes sense, although now I wonder how they’re able to sell them as “bacon bits” if they don’t actually have any bacon in them.

    roux, avatar

    Those fake bacon bits that are bright red and crunchy that people put on their salads and such are made from soy. The real stuff that is chewy is def still pork.

    Klanky, in Vegan food: The west vs India avatar

    Not a vegan, but a vegetarian. This is why I love Indian food. When food is made from the beginning to not include meat products, it doesn’t feel like it’s ‘missing’ anything.

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