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Askingforafriend, in 10/10

I don’t get why more people don’t go biggest to smallest. Makes so much more sense. Especially when listing dates in order. YYYY/MM/DD


That’s how it’s done in chinese. Imo DD/MM/YYYY is better though, since in practice the year is most commonly just the current year and isn’t nearly as important as the day or month.


ISO 8601, BABY!


Not only that but it is different enough with the year in front that you can assume MM/DD is next. With the other two MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY you are stuck relying on context to fully know what format someone is using. (Unless the day in question is greater than 12.)

Gbagginsthe3rd, in Vaccine research vs. anti-vax research

Imagine being the model. Alright, you look amazing. Now drop your pants and pretend to take a shit. Yeah thats it, just a hundred more photos in different lighting. Perfect, thats the one we upload to the internet


I wonder if she lost the feeling in her legs from sitting on the shitter that long for a photoshoot?

Trekman10, in Reddit be like avatar

Twitter too now

WuTang, in Vaccine research vs. anti-vax research avatar

For my part, I was listening to a doctor McCullough testifying in front of a senate committee. Talking slowly, calmly with experience and common sense.

I never seen the so called expert defending the vaccine who was not treating me like a dumb and a potential assassin.

Nobsi, avatar

My dude are you okay? You fell for an idiot because he was talking calmly?


Kind of wild you got down voted for showing people credible sources that raise concern. I don’t think they want to hear it and I’m not sure why

TheGiantKorean, in A meme for math people avatar

My kids are √-1


they live in a different dimension

TheGuyTM3, avatar

Imaginary kids are better

dan, avatar

They’ll get complexes

norgur, avatar

Kind of hard to define but refer to themselves as I?


Sounds pretty complex

Lexam, in This is Sparta ;)

Pretty sure that is true anywhere.

norgur, avatar

The difference is that especially in Greece, those kinds of relationships (forced or otherwise) were part of the non criminal open society.

EdanGrey, in A meme for math people

I hate that I get this


I genuinely feel bad for you, understanding 4th grade math must be such a burden, thank you for carrying this weight.


You must be such a lovely person

Ilovethebomb, in A meme for math people

I don’t get it.




I still don’t get it.


2^0 =1^1


The 2⁰ looks like 20 (for the 20yr old’s birthday) but when you calculate 2 to the power of 0 it’s equal to 1 (which is for the baby’s birthday). It’s a math joke, hope that helps


Oh, I get it! I get jokes!

Borkingheck, in Buying a new car is not better than keeping an old one

This is a terrible arguement. It has the premise that all ice are going to be scrapped at once and we will just make a bazillion electric cars. It’s a phase out thing.

Also quieter cars and no tailpipe emissions are fantastic.


Well. Bought my new electric car. What am I going to do with my old gas one? Trade it in and get money? Nah. Pay to get it scrapped? I’m such a genius.

Guys, cars don’t last forever, but when you own a car that doesn’t burn dead organisms, get ready to almost never change your oil because it doesn’t collect soot and for engines and cars to last much longer because they don’t generate grimy grease and heat and exhaust, all of which are terrible for mechanical parts.


Part it out and scrap it for cash.


Pre-emptive caveat: I am fully in favor of electric cars, and will happily switch if I can ever afford to do so.

Yes, most of the parts that are going to wear out on IC cars are motor and transmission parts, and those are complicated and time consuming to fix. In many cases it’s not practical for the end-user to do so anymore. Electric cars OTOH are more likely to have electronics issues, and the batteries are ridiculously expensive to replace when the capacity is reduced below a useful level.So you’re still going to end up with similar maintenance costs over the lifetime of the vehicle, but they’re more likely to be concentrated at one or two irregular points in time rather than small bits of preventive maintenance done at regular intervals.


Small anecdote: I bought a new Cheverolet Bolt about two years ago.

A couple of months after I bought it there was a recall on the batteries, they had to replace all of them in the car.

They were out of stock for quite a while (I assume because of supply chain issues)

They finally replaced them a couple of months ago.

I choose to see that as a 2 years extension on my bettery life,lucky me!

flashgnash, in Vaccine research vs. anti-vax research

Didn’t pfizer have to be court ordered to release the results of their testing with the vaccine though? Whether the vaccine works or not that’s shady as hell


Yea Pfizer as a company is deeply efficient at marketing and shareholder capital.

tigerjerusalem, in Stronger then Super Saiyan Goku

Noi best girl forever!

Fridgeratr, in Stronger then Super Saiyan Goku

Is it possible to learn this power? 🤤

DingoBilly, in Buying a new car is not better than keeping an old one

Huh? This is just flat out wrong.


It’s not entirely wrong, public transit is better


Not for people with mobility issues, ableist.


My man, all the buses around here have systems that allow them to go down to street level to allow wheel chairs and all the metros have elevators. If your public transportation isn’t helping the differently abled then your local government is to blame.

vox, avatar

uhh how’s public transport bad at that?
most buses have spots and lifty thingys needed for wheelchair users


You haven’t seen good public transit then, are you being satirical or are you really that dimwitted?


Also not for people who don’t live in big cities and/or work shifts and overtimes. If I didn’t have a car, I wouldn’t be able to get to my job site in reasonable time and at times I couldn’t get there at all. And no, I’m not going to spend 2+ hours with public transport after working my ass off for 8 hours every day when I can do it in under 1 hour (both ways together) with my crappy old Dacia.

vox, avatar

like if you already have a car, buying a new one is a pretty bad idea for the environment even if it’s “greener”


Nobody does this. You are parroting billionaire anti-climate talking points.


You are parroting billionaire anti-climate talking points

Where does one go to get these billionaire anti-climate talking points? Is there a service I can sign up for?


Well you sell the car so it’s net the same…

vox, avatar

it doesn’t matter, buying 1 car= manufactoring 1 car. net +1 car.

vsh, in School, then cram school, then study at home avatar

For real. Asian kids don’t have lives outside of school, they are like robots with one purpose in mind - to pass. High suicide rates are not coming from nowhere.

Ghyste, in A meme for math people

That’s not a meme.



RickyRigatoni, avatar

“Look at this zebra”

“That’s a giraffe”

“Stop gatekeeping”


Meme is a much broader and looser defined term than zebra


So is your mom




It’s not less of a meme than most of the other posts in this community.


Idiots think posting “funny” pictures are memes.


They are either part of the “everything is a meme” bullshit, or they don’t care whether the crap they’re posting is a meme.

Both crowds will complain that they’re not posting to other communities because they’re “dead”. Neither group sees the irony.

In the end, these idiots are looking for upvotes and have found the community of other idiots who will upvote anything in their feed without a care of where it’s posted. This group of idiots can go back to reddit.

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