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SexualPolytope, in Wanna watch a movie? avatar

My roommate is the worst when it comes to this. I don’t wanna know what this scene is a reference of. Just let me watch, motherfucker! I do like to discuss movies and get nerdy about them, but only after I finish watching it. I’ve told him so many times, it’s honestly insufferable.

And then he’ll start scrolling through his phone 10 minutes in whenever someone else suggests a movie. He’s a good friend, but God do I hate watching anything with him.


I can’t stand watching film with anybody. I shush them as soon as they start talking, even if there’s no dialogue happening. I just can’t divide my focus like that. But even worse is when people pause the movie to explain things.

aceshigh, in Wanna watch a movie? avatar

Is this a response to YouTube ads?

baronvonj, in The size of a what avatar

Alt: The character The Boulder from TV series “Avatar: The Last Airbender” captioned “The Boulder feels conflicted.”

morrowind, (edited ) avatar

Doesn’t markdown let you add alt-text in the form ![alt text](url) ?

Wait lemmy test
test alt text

edit: yea it works
edit2: maybe not
edit3: no it def does

baronvonj, avatar

I don’t see any alt text in yours when I click the image in my mobile client.

morrowind, avatar

It’s showing up in the html, maybe your image viewer doesn’t show it?

baronvonj, avatar



Sync supports alt text on xkcd at least, not sure if it does for uploaded images.



Been wondering why people just upload with “image”.


I try to always add useful alt text.

baronvonj, avatar

I’ll definitely try and remember to do it moving forward, I didn’t know about that feature.

crockswithsocks, in Interview with a VIM Enthusiast

I miss the Vi vs Emacs wars. Vi is just like Vim, only different.

0x30507DE, avatar

Emacs: For when you want to quickly play some Tetris while borking your code.


What blissful place you must be in, to think the wars have stopped. Hell, there is even inter-Vim wars now (vim, neovim, lunarvim et al)

porcupine, in Dilema

The issue, which is obvious to most people that aren’t Euro-American, is that if you view generations of colonial violence as a normal baseline, then calling for “both sides” to “stop fighting” whenever colonial subjects resist isn’t actually calling for peace. It’s calling for the colonized to submit and go back to being quietly exterminated in an orderly fashion so you can go back to not thinking about it.


Is conquest exclusive to euro-american history?

ComradeChairmanKGB, (edited ) avatar

No but colonizing generally is.

With the exception of Japan.


Do you think all other borders were agreed upon via a nice arm wrestling match?


They already acknowledged that conquest isn’t exclusive to euro-American history so I’m not sure what point you think you’re making right now.


Oh, really?

What about the middle eastern empires? Or the turks? Or the Aztecs?

Or literally any other force in history lmao


If you reread they never said those nations didn’t engage in conquest.


And they also settled and slaved on the annexed lands, thus engaging in colonization


No, but modern settler colonialism is largely limited to the Euro-American present. White Euro-Americans built the empire they now live in on a centuries long campaign of ongoing brutal extraction against the rest of the world, then turned around and said “This is just the way god made the world. Why would anyone want to disrupt this natural state of peace?”

Peace for a slaver is not peace for a slave.


Brutal extraction isn’t unique to colonialism either. Colonialism is just ancient imperialism with boats.

That said, imperialism has never been moral and we shouldn’t excuse contemporary imperialists, just like we’d probably be appalled at the exploits of Julius Caesar during the Gallic Wars if we weren’t so far removed from them.


Which goes back to the saying “you can’t use the masters tools to tear down the masters house.” Which I disagree with, you can’t use the masters tools to build your own house but you can and should use any and every tool available to you to tear down the masters house.

With that said, us being observers at best, you can just feel bad about the whole thing. It’s okay to just feel bad that bad things are happening, you don’t need to force that feeling to pick a side. There is no both sides argument, but people on both sides are getting hurt and it’s okay to not feel okay about that.

Naratetama, in The old dilemma avatar

I still have the time, yet it doesn’t feel as fun as it used to be.


One of the reasons for this is that you already experienced a lot of games and there are less of those “first” experiences. Another reason is that AAA and AA has been very same-y for a while (I almost wrote ‘trash’, but not really, it’s pretty cool how far technology has come). AAA doesn’t try anything new, AA tries to be AAA. I tend to go back to older games I’m not familiar with and I follow the indie market, there are pretty cool niche games out there which sometimes bring back the spark of that “first-experience” feeling.

Schnitzel_bub, avatar

it’s been almost a decade for me to “digest” this truth. But to be honest, I don’t even miss or regret it much anymore. I end up cooking, going out, cleaning up or resting instead. and doing those with the same openness to let them absorb me the way games used to,… man, they sure can be enjoyable


I have been feeling the same. I only really enjoy gaming with friends now because I like the social aspect. Otherwise, I’m filling my alone time with reading. It’s much more satisfying.

terminhell, in The size of a what

So, medium?

nevial, avatar

No, it’s clearly the size of a small boulder

Sage_the_Lawyer, in A real bone to pick

Hmm. I’m annoyed at my lawyer brain, all I can think about is how this would actually be a very interesting case. At least, based on my understanding of U.S. Torts law, which is not my practice area (but which is bar tested and a required law scool course). Don’t take any of this as real legal advice.

But, there’s a concept known as the eggshell plaintiff rule/doctrine. Basically, it states that if the person you injured is unusually fragile, you’re on the hook for their injuries regardless of whether they’re a typical result of the action you took. So, here, while the typical result of pulling a finger would be a fart, the puller may be on the hook for the entire damages of a lost arm.

However, undercutting that is the defense of consent. The “victim” here clearly consented to the activity which led to the injury, and should have known that the action may likely result in the loss of an arm, based on the lack of tendons/muscles/skin/everything.

I’m gonna have to save this to show at conventions and see how people think this would play out. I’ll totally be the coolest kid in school then. In your face, Mark.



doctorn, in The size of a what avatar

I just realized I have a giant cat the size of a small cat…

Nature is amazing!

Jake_Farm, in Wanna watch a movie? avatar

Anyone know the artist that made this?


This is the album artwork for The Cranberries’ Bury the Hatchet

Jake_Farm, avatar

It’s a little obtuse, don’t you think? Not exactly a subtle message it’s sending.


Dont know the specific artist but its the album cover for a Cranberries album, “Bury the hatchet”

Demuniac, in oof

You would rarely buy random cd’s or whatnot. You would hear one or 2 songs on the radio, or from a friend, or you already loved the artist. You’d loan it from the library, or spend 30 min listening to it in the store.

Then you would come home and set it on repeat for weeks. Even the tracks on the CD that were less good, you would appreciate.

I definitely preferred how much I cared for the music back then a lot more. Even pre-Napster.

NocturnalMorning, in Interview with a VIM Enthusiast

VIM can go burn in hell. I was forced to use it in a c programming class like 12 years ago, and then never had to use it again.

illectrility, avatar

Nano ftw ngl


I don’t want to use any command line code editor to be honest.


If you have to use any, I recommend “micro” It’s very easy to use and has mouse support by default. Many of the shortcuts are also reasonable, like Ctrl+z for undo.


I'm with you. nano or GTFO.


need more vim


you vimp

craftyindividual, in The size of a what

Fortune favours the boulder.

CryptidBestiary, in The size of a what

Would you rather fight a large small boulder, or a small large boulder?


This reminds me of the joke about the little person psychic who escaped jail.

They’re a small medium at large.


Flows a bit better if you just use little psychic instead of little person psychic. Or maybe short psychic so it’s not as obvious.

roon, in Oh no… avatar

Is that the Samsung drawer I see on the top left of the screenshot?


Lol why is it visible. Mine is completely transparent.

roon, avatar

It’s supposed to hide itself during screenshots

Sneptaur, avatar
roon, avatar
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