Alright, I’ll bite - I’m a soil scientist, and yeah, people make good fertilizer. Our C:N ratios are low (meaning evenish balance of carbon and nitrogen) and we have a lot of calcium and phosphorus in us too, relatively speaking. Some of the P is quickly available, the rest is in our bones (with Ca) and given their low surface area and relative stability, its really slowly released. But hey, if you grind those orphans up, yields will increase faster!
While it does work, it’s the form of garlic that is the most destructive to the flavor compounds in garlic. Hence most cooks who know something about garlic, avoid it. Garlic powder and flakes are the most effective preserved forms of it.
But even with that this “meme” doesn’t have a leg to stand on. You can make do with pre-minced garlic, though you’ll end up with a lot more of it in your dish to get the same taste.
My downstairs neighbor seems to be wearing some of those glass breaking pens you can buy for emergencies, as heels.
Our apartment is incredibly well sound proofed, you can't hear any of the city noise and usually can't even hear the elevator bell on our floor, even though it's obnoxiously loud. You also can't hear voices, radio or TV from downstairs.
But yet my downstairs neighbor, who apparently ALWAYS wears heels and can't sit down for longer than 5 minutes, manages to make it sound like someone is constantly hammering a nail into solid concrete, with every step she makes.
The tack tack tack tack noise coming from down there, you can figure out where she is in her place, simply by where the sound goes and comes from. From that I know that while most of the layout of her apartment seems the same, two doors are in places where we have walls.
My bottle of direct lemon juice can sit in my fridge for months without going bad. Also I don’t have to use the whole bottle at once or at least half of it, like you have to with fresh lemons. And when used in cooked or baked dishes, the difference in aroma isn’t worth the hassle.
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