My sisters: “You’re way too picky when it comes to dating!”
Also them: — date dudes with so many personal issues that it ends up driving them up the wall and disrupting their lives with obsessive neediness and constant insecurity —
Me: lol ok.
My standards aren’t even that high. I just live in a shitty conservative town and don’t feel like traveling 1 hour+ just to see a human that might just be trying to hookup even though I clearly say that’s not at all what I’m interested in.
Just give me a stable dude who can communicate well, is secure in their sexuality, doesn’t have a criminal record, likes Stardew Valley, lizards, and is cool with stuffed animals, and I’ll give it a shot.
Jocat gave me a lifetime ban like seven years ago when I sent a message in his twitch chat that didn’t translate right. Sent an apology dm to him in hopes I could clear it up, but that seemed to make things worse. People just don’t give each other the benefit of the doubt on the internet 😔
I can go on about it but I imagine there’s not much interest, just wanted to vent.
as a wannabe creator it’s rather terrifying to see that even Jocat, one of the softest and most wholesome creators I’ve had the pleasure of watching - gets bullied out of doing what he loves. Where are those hate mobs coming from? what is their point?
Some put the whole eggs with shells and all. I’ve always found it weird. Who wants to stop eating the cake to peel an egg? But hey. That’s a Spanish Easter Cake for you. (Rosca de Pascua)
They also borrowed the money from each other too, so each has a $25 card and a $25 debt. The debt will never be paid, and they’ll acrue interest with each other. They’ll all use the growing debt as a justification to cut social services.
Fresh minced garlic is easier to use and likely better, but the jarred stuff probably works fine in a pinch. I stopped making fresh ginger and used jarred for that now because it’s such a pain in the ass to prep. Garlic is too easy though, I never use jarred. I see the appeal though.
I know some people think there’s an aftertaste with iodized salt. I don’t have that experience. Is sea salt or kosher salt better than table salt? Maybe? There honestly isn’t much of a difference unless your recipe calls for a more coarse grind, in which case you need to adjust to prevent oversalting.
The prepackaged parmesan (which I like to call wood pulp) has a hugely inferior taste to freshly ground Parmesan. Big difference in flavor, but it also does depend on the application. Mixing a large quantity into a sauce? Yes, absolutely get fresh. Using as a garnish? Who cares?
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