I am not that simple , some issues are due to my horrible mental health which is horrible for reasons which are not entirely caused by capitalism , I think
I live life to the fullest by driving my family around in the backseat of my Prius, and not being skinned alive by road rash. You live life to the fullest by praying there isn’t sand on the next exit ramp.
Biden sucks… but vote for him. I mean the two party system sucks, first passed the post sucks, gerrymandering sucks… but the republican party sucks even more. I’d rather have a dottering old liberal than an outright fascist, and at the same time the system won’t be reformed because of an election cycle. People need to organise, get off their lazy butts. But since you ain’t doing that, there’s only one thing to do.
Vote Biden. Don’t be dumb. It’s like the only sane alternative, no matter how insane that sounds.
What’s that? Somebody thinks that a different president is going to stop the drones and bombings!? Like they’re not tied up in deals?! Like if a third party candidate won the process would just magically stop?!?!
Bush made the bombs drop, Obama made the bombs drop, Trump made the bombs drop, Biden made the bombs drop… wtf do you think the next president will do? The CIA tells them what’s what and that’s it.
Vote Biden, or get a republican president. Your call.
The faster USA collapses, the faster a possibility would be created for tearing down the 2 party Deep State terrorist system, rebuilding America, and ushering in socialism without leftover crusty poisonous bread crumbs like Bernie Sanders.
It is better for a Republican to accelerate the process that Democrats will eventually lead to, regardless of the quality of copium Americans smoke.
I know. This was clapback to all those who think the notion of voting third party does anything else but taking away votes from the democrats. It’s naive, it’s dumb, it’s quite frankly ignorant. Change in power dynamics happens from the ground up, not the top down.
You know, when Biden took office the capitol building had literally just been attacked by a violent mob who smeared shit on the walls. And we were still in covid-lockdowns, and gas was $4 a gallon, and Ukraine had just started getting attacked.
Idk why Biden gets so much shit, but given where he started, I think we are doing a damn fine job and our inflation numbers are much better than most of the rest of the world.
Trump would’ve done the exact same thing. You’re not minimizing any damage your regime is facilitating a literal genocide. The fact that you’re keep trying to minimize this fact because it’s your fascist in office shows how utterly morally bankrupt you are.
The immediate response to the war would probably have been the same, but another 4 years of Trump would have meant more time to inflame tensions in the region even worse with actions such as:
Biden has continued all the same policies and has also dragged the world into a proxy war against Russia while continuing to escalate tensions with China. Biden is a lunatic whose actions continue to bring the world closer to a world war.
Pretty sure it was literally Russia who started that war.
Edit: Sorry, meant to say ‘special operation’. This is how states operate now. It fucking sucks. It all fucking sucks. Everyone fucking suck. Throwing shit at each other is no way it’s going to stop. People need to pull their heads out of their ass as point fingers at the people who actually put this shit together. The entire world economy is tired to oil and guns. As long as oil and guns reign supreme, so will war.
Meanwhile, people who put this all together are the ones running the empire, and as long as Americans keep voting for the lesser evil nothing’s going to change.
Meanwhile, Stoltenberg finally admitted that the reason the war started was because of NATO expansion
Your link does not support that. It literally states that Putin wanted to completely veto NATO expansion, which he has no right to do. In retaliation for not caving to his absurd demands, he declared war on Ukraine. All of this are actions by Putin and could only have been prevented by Putin. He started the war, nobody else.
Stopping NATO expansion would be an absurd demand if Russia did not have the power to stop do so by force which is what it’s now doing. Russia gave NATO a choice of either stopping expansion to its borders, or resolving the situation by force. NATO chose to resolve the situation by force. The whole narrative that Putin started the war and nobody else is beyond infantile because it just ignores all the history and geopolitical context pretending as if this was some random event that happened out of the blue and for no logical reason.
NATO has maintained a policy of might makes right since the fall of USSR, it has invaded and razed numerous countries over the past few decades, and now it’s run into a country that will no longer tolerate an aggressive military alliance on its borders.
NATO did not fire a single shot during this war. Russia was the one who started all the shooting. Not to mention that Ukraine is a sovereign nation that gets to choose if it wishes to associate with NATO. Russia decided to use force to prevent Ukraine from doing that.
There is no history or geopolitical context here that justifies Putins invasion of Ukraine. To claim anything else is an endorsement of Putins flavour of fascism, where he is literally saying that Russian might makes right. It’s insane how deluded you are to literally draw the opposite conclusion from facts that do not support your arguments at all.
The whole point of a proxy war is that you use somebody else to do the fighting for you. Meanwhile, Ukraine lost its sovereignty back in 2014 when a democratically elected government was overthrown in a western backed coup. Painting this as Ukraine freely choosing to associate with NATO is the height of intellectual dishonesty.
Meanwhile, bleating about justifications is just a distraction from the reality of why the war happened. Pretty hilarious of you to run around calling others deluded while spewing utter nonsense. One thing that’s abundantly clear here is that you don’t care one bit about the actual facts. You’re an ideologue regurgitating propaganda you’ve memorized.
Meanwhile, Ukraine lost its sovereignty back in 2014 when a democratically elected government was overthrown in a western backed coup. Painting this as Ukraine freely choosing to associate with NATO is the height of intellectual dishonesty.
You are ignorant of the facts. The democratically elected Ukrainian parliament adopted a treaty for closer association with the EU, which Yanukovich tried to block. After sending snipers to fire at protestors against his deeply unpopular decision, the Ukrainian parliament voted by a large majority to remove Yanukovich from his post. There is no evidence of Western involvement here, and the only nation that spoke of a “coup” was Russia, as Putin lost his ally in Yanukovich. All of this happened through democratic votes, by a democratically elected governing body.
And one of the first things the interim government did? Hold new elections. How did Putin respond? By sending in troops and illegally occupying Crimea. And in Donetsk and Luhansk the pro-Russian separatists tried everything to disrupt the elections and deprive the Ukrainians there of their democratic right to vote.
Had Yanukovich decided not to send in snipers, the protests would have happened without bloodshed. Had Putin decided not to send in troops, there would not have been bloodshed. Every single time the decision to use violence was taken by Putin or one of his allies.
You’re an ideologue regurgitating propaganda you’ve memorized
Rich coming from someone who only regurgitates Russian talking points verbatim.
Jesus lotta “motorcycles are a deathtrap” in here.
Hi, I’ve been riding for 10 years on all different kinds of machines through many lengths of commute/fun. allow me to be abrupt motorcycles cost more than a Prius to own. The tires don’t last as long, the maintenance is more frequent, obviously the gear you absolutely should be wearing is expensive but hey if none of that bothers you please continue to enjoy riding.
It’s not very active but there’s a motorcycle community here on lemmy, please join us ;)
Yeah, priuses are really low maintenance for the most part, it’s nice. And motorcycles aren’t necessarily the death traps people are making out here, higher risk yes but if you’re a defensive, aware driver and not a squid it’s really not bad. Motorcycles don’t tend to attract defensive drivers though.
It is really strange seeing that rhetoric here too especially with the “fuck cars” group. A lot of countries other than the US have way more riders and less of the squid culture going on because its more of just the norm over there. Also to compliment your picture heres one of me camping with the bike:
Yes! Its not really an offroad bike by any means but it can take the occasional gravel road to the campsite as well as any bike. The panniers are a god send The CP3 engine is wonderful on the road and betrays the “grandpa bike” stature. It wasn’t my first choice as I was looking to get a Ninja 1000sx or GSXS 1000 GT but im really glad I landed on this.
I actually met someone with a ninja 1000sx and they love that thing. For a while I had a concours 1000 that I adored but that has since turned into an indefinite project bike :(
I rode one and definitely fell in love with it its just none were available anywhere plus all the fairings just get in the way of maintenance 😂 Imo Sport Touring or Adv bikes are the way to go if you want a daily all season rider. They hit this perfect trifecta of Utility, performance, and comfort. Though I really wish I could find something like a Trail Tail that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to get that last bit of utility
I’ve been on plenty of shiny new full fairing machines and they always remind me of just how easy it is to work on my KLR. I really like that in 15 or so minutes I could probably have the bike down to whatever part I need and probably also fix it without resorting to a shop.
Motorcycle emissions standards are incredibly lax by today's standards when compared to cars. That Prius just might be releasing less toxic substances than your motorcycle - while being able to cart around more people and stuff.
That Prius, just by being manufactured, had an incredibly toxic environmental impact that it would take a motorcycle hundreds of thousands of miles to equal. Lithium battery manufacture is hell on the environment.
Oil processing is definitely bad for the environment, but think for a moment about the scales. Just in raw materials, ignoring the massive impact of battery manufacture alone, the average motorcycle weighs less than 600 pounds. The Prius weighs about six times that. That means six times the amount of shipping, forming, refining, finishing, et cetera…
The Prius still has an internal combustion engine that burns gasoline, and requires a significant amount of rare-earth minerals for the construction of its catalytic converter. Most motorcycles now have catalytic converters, but they are smaller and thus the environment suffers less damage per vehicle.
I agree that a Prius will burn cleaner while running than probably any motorcycle – but the total amount of damage done just by being built has to be a whole lot more than almost any motorcycle and it can’t be close.
This is very true, even newer bikes that have more modern emissions are still generally exempt from the same standards as any car.
That being said if you have a high traffic commute it would still be faster for you to use a bike as well as better for everyone else in traffic so pros and cons.
Fortnine has a video that touches on the emissions/trying to be green and riding a motorcycle. The fact is most bikes not made within the last 10 years (and some that are) are carbureted and have little if any emissions control. Sure that Yamaha vstar250 might get 80mpg but that has more to do with having a smaller engine than a lawnmower than it does any modern engineering.
E-motorcycles really are best of both worlds. Small, mobile, and more energy efficient. Plus high torque means it feels powerful. They were available on market several years ago - I remember seeing a Wired piece on one.
They’re very cool but the problem is aero. To build an ev-bike that’s fast enough to be a motorcycle you run into a lot of drag. Ebikes that still go pretty fast but still technically are a bicycle fit this gap nicely.
Another issue is price though. To do my current commute via electric motorcycle id probably need to buy the HD Live Wire Del Mar, which if I remember correctly is about 17k. Do you know what else was 17k? My electric Fiat 500e which is what I generally use to do my commute. On the other end of the scale is pricing for ebikes which isn’t that bad and does start around the 500-800 but can easily get into the tens of thousands of dollars for some very high end options.
While I see there’s a lot of people here that disagree with me on motorcycles being just fine for commuting, it’s important to recognize that not every task needs a car. Motorcycles are not the cleanest way to get around but they do overall have less impact. Sure you can off-road in a Cadillac Escalade, but how much will that tear the trail up compared to my 450lb klr650? You might be able to fit 6 months groceries in the back but you also need to park in the back to find a spot. Sure you can haul 8 people but how often is it just 1?
Not only capitalism entirely based on the hierarchy of ownership, but it also reinforces already existing social hierarchies as those in power receive more profits and capital, and thus more power and influence in a broader society. You cannot say hierarchy is bad and be pro capitalism. Leftist ideologies are ways to try to democratize the economy, which flattens hierarchy. Anarchism is inherently anti capitalist.
Capitalism is fundamentally hierarchy established in property rights. Doing away with hierarchy does away with Capitalism. Unless, of course, you’re arguing for Anarcho-Communism or something.
This is the neuance. Could there be a fair form of capitalism? It depends upon the systems and the people that run them. Centralisation of ownership is the next step beyond the centralisation of power, because after a while they become intrinsically the same. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, absolute wealth corrupts absolutely.
But also, the stock markets which can be beneficial are also forms of glorified gambling where the house always wins, the commodification of the housing market, the silly notion of shell and shelf companies (easiest, most effective way of side stepping regulations and laundering money), debt slavery, the price gouging of life saving medicine, the race to the bottom where costs, quality of product and salaries need to be cut, where the line between product and service becomes thinner for every day to the point where you retain less and less ownership by each year, which you can’t really blame anyone for, because all of these systems are designed to be a constant, churning, soul killing rat race, turning the pace of life to a literally unlivable speeds, which also reveals that even the ones up in the hierarchy become degenerate with greed, mostly because they live so far up that their human brains can’t fathom the effect they have down the chain, because it goes against their interests.
Instead of then going on another witch hunt, we need to look at these systems and the effects they have on the human psyche.
No there cannot be a fair form of capitalism because it is centered on exchange. You have to center your life on turning your time into a profit to afford the whole rest of society’s product also sold at a profit, at its most basic level it is unsustainable.
Citizens of the US are really screwed, with a pseudo-democracy where they can only choose between conservatives or fascists, apart from practically half of the population who show that Descartes was wrong, because they exist but they don’t think.
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