The meme refers to the problem of handling implicit multiplication by juxtaposition.
Depending on what field you're in, implicit multiplication takes priority over explicit multiplication/division (known as strong juxtaposition) rather than what you and a lot of people would assume (known as weak juxtaposition).
With weak juxtaposition you end up 9 just as you did, but with strong juxtaposition you end up with 1 instead.
For most people and most scenarios this doesn't matter, as you'd never encounter such ambiguous equations outside of viral puzzles like this, but it is worth knowing that not all fields agree on how implicit multiplication is handled.
And the… non-WASPs knew their place. They loved it too in fact!
(I’m paraphrasing some actual things that actual people have actually said about the good old days (but I can’t remember their actual euphemisms (dysphemisms) for non-WASPs))
This is a bit of me-thing, but yeah, I’m annoyed that YouTube is the way it is. It’s non-trivial to embed videos from there without violating the GDPR, so embedded videos are basically not a thing these days on general-purpose social media.
And personally, I also want to avoid the tracking from clicking through to a YouTube video and Google encourages long-ass videos, so I always hesitate before clicking through. Also, people without ad blockers go through a completely different circle of hell before a video starts.
Basically, I miss the days when memes could just be short videos. Where everyone could see on the embed that, oh, it’s a 30 second video, I can watch that. And then they’d just click play, without leaving the page.
I do understand that likely no one would care to provide the bandwidth for dumb meme videos on PeerTube either. But yeah, I just dream of that being a thing.
One advantage of linking a YouTube video in an aggregator setting is if the video goes viral, everyone is spamming Google’s server for delivery instead of hammering smaller services. Video is pretty expensive, so for now I see no issue abusing YouTube (assuming everyone here is already ad-blocking & DNS sinking anyhow).
Peertube uses the torrent protocol to distribute the load among active viewers.
I found a $15/mo server with unlimited (10Gbps) bandwidth for my personal instance. It would only become expensive if were to open it up for public registrations and use a lot of cloud storage space. Anything I upload can theoretically be viewed a billion times at no extra cost.
That’s still a lot of monthly money for a lot of folks which hurts accessibility for many, not all. The fact that we can’t agree on codecs throws yet another wrench in things as you need multiple resolutions & formats. I’m happy it exists tho & uses distributed serving.
In my case, I was already paying for this VPS to host other services, so the cost of adding peertube was essentially nothing. The server has enough storage and bandwidth to support dozens of users and hundreds videos, so the cost per person would be pretty low.
There’s a cost to doing the (re)encoding & storing multiple version of video. It’s relatively not more data to send one codec versus another, but storage & processing aren’t free either (especially with AV1 requiring hardware encoding unless you want to grind forever on a file).
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.