I did do a lot of repetitive manufacturing and construction for several years that pretty much fucked my hands and arms. But, its really not a big deal as long as I don’t do anything too impactful.
From his Wiki page, he is in hiding and his army has all but entirely disbanded. It also notes that by 2012 he was already in hiding and and the US was already providing Uganda with military assistance against the terrorist group he founded.
Rant incoming: I cannot tell you how many times I’ve tried to create a meme and the stock image has the logo all over it. Search for anything on google images (spaceship, boat, man smiling, etc) and you will get a ton of stock images with the stock image stamp of annoyance on it. /rant
It’s fine if it’s not an issue for you. But for me, if I’m creating something, I want the image itself to look as clean and HD as possible. For a lot of my memes, the joke is in the image editing itself.
But all that is just my personal preference for my shit. The rant wasn’t meant as an attack
Everything hurting for no discernable reason isn’t normal at your age. The difference between your 20s and 30s is that in your 20s you don’t need to do anything to not hurt. In your 30s and beyond you’re gonna need to start taking care of yourself in order to not hurt. The pain is your body telling you something is wrong. Could be sleep apnea, hypertension, lack of activity or not enough recovery after activity. Again though, pain all the time for no reason isn’t actually normal until much later in life.
Is this really how people who aren’t disabled feel all the time?? I have had significant daily pain for close to 20 years at this point and I’m not 40 yet. 🥲
Implying that parents don’t have any free time? I mean, my time isn’t “my own”, but my wife and I sure as hell have free time.
Personally, I would go insane without free time – likely literally. I would be an anxiety-ridden mess with a hair trigger. If my chores won’t allow any free time, the chores don’t get finished. They’ll still be there tomorrow.
I guess there are scenarios where I have free time, but it’s less than 30 minutes daily. In some evenings I can fight the exhaustion of a full day of child care after putting them to sleep to stay awake and get some free time, taking into account of being very tired when they wake me up quite early.
It probably gets better when the kids are older, mine are little.
Two humans are just too few to take care after two kids. Originally humans were not isolated to 4 person families like they are today. The whole tribe was looking after all the kids, sharing different duties and having a collective schedule, similar to Kindergarden today, but the whole day.
After that a few generations lived together in one house, still having less impact on the actual parents. Then we got our 2 parents + kids family model where in the beginning one parent was doing childcare full time.
Arriving in todays society, where both parents need to work and do the child care on the side by themselves after parental leaves from work are over. This is from the age of 1 where I live, but e.g. in the U.S. it’s right away.
Obviously this most parent hostile setup in the society of today, adding also some financial disadvantages, is a big reason this societies demographic issues.
My first had major medical issues (for her first 3-4 years) that necessitated close supervision after a 3-month stay in the NICU. She had PT, OT, speech therapy, and feeding therapy every week, appointments with cardiology and pulmonology, gastroenterology, regular post-operation and post-NICU visits, and the normal doctor appointments.
She took a lot of work, and severely limited our options for going out, due to a feeding schedule (while trying to limit projectile vomiting – and I do mean vomiting, hard and loudly, not just “spitting up” – to 2 times a day, when possible) that allowed practically nothing. Still, we managed to have downtime, where we could just relax and unwind. It’s how we stayed sane.
Given the circumstances, a second child really changed very little, in terms of work required. We still found time for ourselves.
Admittedly, it would have been impossible (or extremely cost-ineffective) for me to have a job at that point, but my daughter was a full-time job and then some. I realize that this probably negates everything I’ve said to most in this thread, but still.
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