There is no Nordic model. The Nordics have substantially different economic histories and have developed in different ways at different times. Finland was poor until really very recently, Denmark was and still is a colonial exploiter, Norway got oil rich, Iceland was a haven for bankers and tax cheats, and Sweden only saw a recent blip of social progress from the 40s into the 70s and then destroyed the labor movement that built those gains over the previous 20 years with the impressive equality achieved in that period rapidly eroding back to the 1920s when you look at disparate investment in education and other ways of funneling public benefits to the already wealthy. And don’t forget that Sweden are colonial bastards towards the Sami as well, and still are looting their way through those spoils for resource wealth.
Anyone who tells you there even is a Nordic model is a fucking idiot.
Canada just released its timetable to phase routine maintenance dental care into a consolidated health plan.
It’s starting small, but if our Republican wanna-bes don’t kill it we could have universal coverage and equal access to dental care regardless of economic station.
Wait 'till you hear about when a streaming service has season 1 and 2 in the original language, but only season 1 in English, plus season 1 and 2 (dubs and subs) are merged into a single season. This is space dandy on Hulu (I think it’s Hulu, mighta been Netflix).
That’s has to do with the backend server that’ve been chosen at the preference page. Servers becomes unavailable all the time, and the frontend don’t change a server when it happens. Just choose a few servers that works well and you trust, and switch back and forth when needed.
Wir sind hier doch gar nicht in unserer gewohnten Nachbarschaft. Hier auf c/memes wissen die Leute nichtmal wer EherVielleicht ist. Also woher sollen sie wissen, dass wir er sind?
I love how everyone here are just saying to pirate. I wonder if someone made one streaming platform to rule them all. I’m talking no ads, no missing parts, no extra fees, no shitty quality streams. Would people still pirate, as they just bearly reached what piracy offers, or would ppl just be happy that they can pay and then actually watch shows?
When there was basically only Netflix I paid for it and almost completely stopped pirating. Now I have acces to Netflix, Disney, prime(Disney and prime by password sharing) and I again started pirating years ago.
I for sure pay €20 for one service with almost everything, no ads and decent quality. Then I again stop pirating
Netflix used to be that and everyone bought the hell out of it. Then it enshittened and all the shows moved to proprietary platforms and now you need 19 subscriptions to get a selection of shows you care about. No thanks.
There are powerful lessons to be learned from the successes of Steam and Spotify if only the relevant people look and listen.
For games, I still pirate them for a couple of reasons, one of them being monetary. However, if the game is good, I buy the game afterwards to support the developers, and if it's bad, they won't see a dime from me. I might be a pirate, but I have honor.
Would people still pirate, as they just bearly reached what piracy offers, or would ppl just be happy that they can pay and then actually watch shows?
It’s not an either or thing. No matter what, some people will pirate. No matter what, some people will choose to pay. Those aren’t even mutually exclusive, some people will pirate and pay.
You are right, not even arguing this. But I ment like the ratio then. Caz I feel like it’d make more people pay, but you can’t unteach the masses of how easy it is to pirate, so the damage might be permanent.
“Just wait till my evil demon gets to amorally act with impunity!
What? He already is?”
There is no way the sc will rule that chief executives can be prosecuted for crimes committed while in office. Every former president would be drowned in lawsuits immediately. Discovery alone would subject so much information to FoIA that it would require additional staff.
I couldn’t tell you how far into the series it is, but that is how I came across Detective Conan. Nearing a decade ago I found it on netflix and had absolutely no clue what was going on but I stuck with the maybe 12 or so episodes they had. I eventually learned that it was pretty far into the series. Couldn’t tell you how far, but pretty far in.
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