As an Indian, I would like to congratulate everyone here, you tax returns are here, but there is a spelling mistake in your name and it would take $5000 to correct it, please call 1800420SCAM to get your refund.
bad jokes aside, these are the scum of the country and I am sorry for this shit.
If we’re apologizing for national issues that aren’t our fault, I’d like to say sorry for mass-shootings, exploiting poor people and the widening wealth-gap, and (worst of all) obnoxiously loud Americans abroad!
I post a lot to Lemmy, and the majority of the memes I share are stolen from elsewhere on the internet (although I try to give credit if it’s art and I get it from the creator). I’ve only personally made like 10 or so, so far.
I support ecovandalism but not on property that belongs to average humans trying to live their life. Yeah I own an ancient car with a combustion engine, but please don’t destroy it, because I don’t have money for a more efficient one and other that it, I try to do everything as ecologically as possible.
I use public transport when possible (even in my village in the middle of nowhere), I separate waste, save energy by not using proprietary software that’s inefficient, everything I buy is second-hand, just a few things off the top of my head. I had two windows and the windshield destroyed over the span of a few months, with all-caps text sprayed on the doors saying “I destroy the planet”… Please don’t do this, don’t be a scumbag. There are plenty of us doing their best in our financial situation :)
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