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RizzRustbolt, in Five apps😅 not so many for me

Time to play Core Keeper.


I tried a while ago, but didn’t enjoy it. It felt very barren. Do you play solo or with someone?

Quereller, in 2 genders

Interesting. In German there is the old (biblical) word “MĂ€nnin”. Which is literally the female form of “Mann” (man). Maybe the original language the translation comes from has something similar.


MĂ€nnin is more of a word Luther came up with when translating the bible and no one used ever since (except in quoting Luther of cause).

The thing is that in Hebrew, man and woman are the same but with other ending. Luther tried to recreate that.


Thanks for the info. Serious discussion under a meme post :-)

UnverifiedAPK, (edited )

I’m guessing it was someone doing translations, getting confused, playing it safe, and accidentally recreating Old English.

This is either Chinese or Japanese on the sign. But Japanese derrived from Chinese so both langues have the same origin for a lot of words:

Male 男 is a compound word of Field and Strength.

Woman ć„ł is a pictogram of a woman with breasts kneeling. A bit easier to see in the non-modern symbol. And pretty blatant when you compare it to the modern symbol for mother æŻ which is taking the old symbol and adding two nipples.

So nothing in the original language for this translation error to make sense.

But English has roots for “feman” to technically make sense. In Old English there used to be “man” meaning “person” and “wif” meaning “female”. This turned in to “wifman” meaning woman. Recently “wif” turned into “wife” and “wifman” turned in to “woman”.

In their language there are two distinct words for “woman” and “man” so when they got “male” for 男 they went “ok cool now on to ć„łâ€, and got “female”. Now that’s basically the same word
 So they backed up and retranslated 男 to “man”
 Then got “woman” for ć„ł.

Now pretty unsure they looked up “man” and got that it could just mean “person”. Then they put “male” “man” for male person. Then they got really confused and instead of “female” “man” for “female person” they cut out the “male” and put “fe” “man” essentially re-inventing the word “wifman”.

And finally somewhere along the way they found out about prefixes which fe- kinda acts like so that’s why there’s a space in “male man” and no space in “feman”


Another funny detail I’ve heard: the Old English word for a male person was something like “were”, as in “werewolf”.


Thanks to the in depth explanation.

FlyingSquid, in No, por favor. avatar

That’s fine. If Mexico gets into financial trouble, it can just sell its two golden arches.

radioactiveradio, in Who wants to live forever

If they’re funny to you, that’s all that matters. It’s about sharing your fun with others.

demonen, in What is this? Wrong answers only. avatar

That is a Seven Nation Army.

vivadanang, in glad 2 b here


emumu, in Given the global cultural significance of monobloc chairs this makes sense

It’s garden chairs all the way down.

Sphks, (edited ) in AI can generate memes now. This could potentially lead to a new robot-communist era. avatar

It’s funny how people here take memes really seriously and are offended that an AI could, in the future, create shitty memes.


people here take memes really seriously and are offended that an AI could, in the future, create shitty memes

Where? Not seeing it here.

It’s funny how

You sure you didn’t just come in here pre-loaded to be mad at people you conjured up?

Sphks, avatar

It’s funny how you overanalized my comment


It’s funny

Stop prefacing totally-not-mad reply with “it’s funny” challenge. Difficulty level: Redditor.

Sphks, avatar

It’s funny how you care.

comrade_pibb, avatar

It’s funny how poo poo pee pee

D1G17AL, in What is this? Wrong answers only.

Sir, This is a Wendy's!

jendrik, in What is this? Wrong answers only.

Looks like a fancy guitar hero controller. I like the old design, this is too complicated.

Etterra, in AI can generate memes now. This could potentially lead to a new robot-communist era.

I’d date a three-armed chef chick built by an AI.

SternburgExport, in What is this? Wrong answers only.


jollyrogue, in What is this? Wrong answers only.

The only way we can communicate with the aliens.


If you’ve ever seen the Dead (or one of their variants) do Space live while you’re in another dimension

Dead & Co’s last Sunday night show in SF this past summer was epic.


I’ll have to check that out. 🙂

I was thinking of “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” and their toy xylophone.

beefbot, in Five apps😅 not so many for me

meditate, idk? the crud I read always bubbles back up then & I can chew on it more & even get more out of it (c.f. rotating a cow in your mind) & eventually the thought of something fun to do takes over & then I don’t need the garbage feeds anymore. Free dopamine!

pleb_maximus, in glad 2 b here

Oh, we happy.

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