You don't like excessive padding and useless information thrown into your face? The update is just to sell themes and shit on mobile, there was no UX consultation. Download version 205.15 to get the normal UI back.
How the fuck do I see who's online on a server now that I can't open the drawer on the right anymore? I don't use Discord much but I could figure it out.
There’s a chevron next to the channel name, indicating that you can get more details if you tap that. I get that it’s a significant design change but I don’t think it’s that unintuitive.
Not quite. It shows the online status for the people that are in that channel. Not all users are in all channels so, imo, it makes sense. The only complaint I can think of is that you can’t see the status for all of the people in a server.
It's not clear though, because if I reminder correctly, tapping channel names before this update would give you information related to the channel, didn't it?
Barring design changes, Discord changed the user interface of their mobile app that is functionally worse than the old one:
—search results no longer show images and are an endless scroll instead of pages, making it harder to find stuff.
—search function no longer has filters for channels. You have to be in the channel for search results to show, which is not only annoying but is limiting if you’re looking for results across multiple channels.
—can no longer swipe right to show the list of server members. Instead, you have to click on the channel name to see it. However you can still swipe left to show server lists, so it’s inconsistent and breaks muscle memory.
—by default, contact lookup is enabled, which is big privacy violation and isn’t easy to turn off. Such a thing should be opt-in, not opt-out.
—you can no longer see who has DMed you. All you see is a notification in the direct messages button instead of the user’s profile image.
—some users have reported that when they send an image or video in a server, the screen opens to the latest DM instead of that channel. As a result, they’ve seen images and videos to the wrong chat. It might be a bug but, if not, a very poor decision.
—the new dark mode is not accessible to users with vision problems.
—a lot of buttons were moved needlessly, which not only breaks muscle memory but generally isn’t common sense. Some options, like in voice calls, are harder to access now.
A lot of users liked Discord’s simple and intuitive UI. In my experience, the updates in the past weren’t so radical and unpleasant. Such an overhaul is just really disorienting and irritating, does not make for a good user experience.
Also, Discord on Twitter has been dismissive of people’s complaints, telling people to get used to it rather than acknowledging the issues they’re bringing up.
There's lots of information on downloading APKs, the instructions can differ depending on which phone you have.
But essentially you download an APK file from a mirror site and install it. An example being APKMirror, just the APK version will work.
Oh and this is android btw, no idea how you would do it on ios.
They essentially took notifications/settings from the bottom corner and the personal chat section and just made a four panel bottom menu with individual icons for each. They’re simple in aesthetic but fairly clear, in my opinion.
I just hate that I can’t swipe to easily to get to servers from messages anymore. You still can but it takes a second to load now after swiping and it’s not as consistent to get it to do it.
Edit: Also removing the member list for a server being on the right when you swipe is annoying too.
I used the beta UI for a while and imo the new one is worse since it brings backs some of the old UI (i.e. the 1:1 port of the desktop UI for the server sidebar). What they had in the beta UI for server selection was so much better
the drawer was pretty convinient but didn’t work with server folders that well…
also the fullscreen channel list didn’t look good.
the current “new” ui is a nice middle ground
It’s a departure from the desktop UI and it made the whole thing much clunkier.
I will be fair, moving the button to the bottom row is more convenient if you have a lot of servers to scroll up through and use the DMs a lot, I don’t care about that as much.
What I do care about is how the rest of it changed. Can’t just quickly swipe into the DM list and back any more, if you exit the DM that’s it, you gotta click on it again. Switching between DMs and servers is more clunky, a bunch of UI I was actively using is broken up. They broke the search function, and the new way to check channel participants (click on the title) is uncomfortable as hell compared to old “just swipe to the right”.
Personally I hate the new UX even if some bits are an improvement. It’s just too much stuff to change all at once and not for the better.
Eh, I was, and I am undisturbed. I honestly find it incredibly hard to believe that any 40+ year old netizen could find any meme format actually disturbing.
That is true, I likely would. But I would know that internet meme formats are cross-platform and freedom of expression dominates the internet as a whole over other priorities. So, I wouldn’t be able to do anything about it, and it wouldn’t be a great idea to try.
I’ve honestly never met more oppressive and less compassionate people than the ones here after I wrote a single comment that showed how brittle all you little babies are when confronted with the complexities of this planet.
Easier to enjoy them when people aren’t trying to shut others down by pretending to get “offended” so easily, and tossing around casual insults when challenged.
For most of us who aren’t American, this format is funny.
More people died per day from COVID than this attack. More people have died from gun violence since this attack. America has a ton of problems, stop holding onto this attack so tightly for some reason.
Yeah because before then, Americans were still very isolated. The only “bad stuff” going on was across an ocean one way, or an ocean the other way. Suddenly most Americans actually realized they live in a big world that holds more than just America.
No you don’t. You want to tell yourself, but you get mad at what the media conglomerate tells you to get mad about. You don’t give a fuck that somebody else fucks up your things until it becomes chosen to be popular political rage target then you rage at it
Tell me - if a terror attack murdering 3,000 innocent people justifies the murder of 45,000 innocent people, how many terror attacks does the murder of 45,000 innocent people justify?
Your logic is caveman level stupid. Continuously murdering each other’s civilians in the name of payback or consequences will never end.
It would have mean that you were following the thread.
My claim: The Bush meme template is tasteless.
That’s all I’ve been suggesting.
Reason: living relatives of the thousands of victims find it painful.
Evidence: personal experience
That’s it.
But just to suggest that a meme template that might be offensive to others
Imagine an image of a man raping a woman and he had a joyful smile on his face. The tagline: When I get my final in at 11:59pm and the assignment closes at midnight
Pretty sure some people would find that offensive?
Please name the Afghani people who attacked the U.S. on 9/11. Unless you think those consequences should be killing people who had absolutely nothing to do with it. 15 of the 19 9/11 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia. Shouldn’t the consequences have involved Saudi Arabia? As someone who was orphaned by Saudis on 9/11, shouldn’t you be upset that we went to war with Afghanistan and not Saudi Arabia?
The Saudiee surely funded Binladen if we are to believe any of the official story.
And it’s regrettable that Bush allowed them to get off the hook.
And later some Saudi prince murdered Jamal Khashoggi.
All shit from beginning to end.
I’m bored as fuck of this conversation.
Use the template or not.
I’m not going to because it’s distasteful to the relatives of the Americans murdered in the attack. You won’t see me using any templates of smart bombs murdering innocent people in Afghanistan or the Middle East because that too would be tasteless.
I’m glad I got under all these little babies skin though. I’m one person with 300 downvotes for a single comment.
What I learned from this is the Lemmy is filled with a bunch brittle fucking crybabies.
Maybe because you started out as hostile to everyone long before you said that you lost your parents on 9/11, so you had already spent all of your goodwill.
It’s hard to have sympathy for someone who has been rude to everyone who talks to them.
You have said this at least three times. Did you lose your parents on 9/11 or are you just speaking on behalf of others?
And if you lost your parents on 9/11, I would think you would appreciate people making fun of Bush not doing shit about it for minutes when he should have been out of that room and acting immediately.
I was an adult on 9/11. I am an American. I watched the second plane hit live on TV.
Bush being told that it happened and sitting there like the moron he is for a long time before excusing himself is not part of the tragedy. It is absolutely something to be mocked. And this is funny.
I was orphaned on that day. It’s not funny for me. But I think it’s okay it’s funny to you. But I think if our positions were reversed you wouldn’t find it quite so funny.
Did you read what I wrote? Because I don’t think you did. The only reason I can think of that you would find mocking George W. Bush on 9/11 offensive is if you voted for him. And if you did, I think we can disregard what you have to say.
I hated him with a passion every single day throughout his entire tenure. Hanging Chad’s?? I opposed the opportunistic invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq so hard I was literally photographed by newspapers.
Smug, self-righteous, and wrong in every way — you have a litmus test for humanity that smells like the mutual admiration society.
I have literally been pepper sprayed my cops at protests against fascism since then.
How dare you.
Honestly, stranger in the internet, you have zero fucking idea.
I’m pretty sure George W. Bush is, in fact, a person. And yes, it was an iconic moment. An iconic moment of George W. Bush acting like an idiot and an asshole. Why you think he deserves to be protected from being mocked I don’t know.
Please explain what is offensive about mocking George W. Bush on 9/11. Why does that hurt you? All you can say is 9/11 made you an orphan. That sucks, but it doesn’t explain why you find mocking George W. Bush on 9/11 when he did something extremely stupid and unhelpful is offensive to you. What he did (or rather didn’t do) is the thing that should be offensive to you.
Telling me what my “move” should have been did not answer my question.
I think the reason you didn’t answer the question is that you can’t support your claim, and thus can’t support the reason you’ve been so indignant and rude to everyone.
If you have sensitives, you should work through them on your own or in counseling. Maybe you’re not ready to view memes/jokes like this one, it’s okay to keep scrolling without sharing your personal trauma. I appreciate your perspective but it is very unique.
If the majority of people would react a certain way, that’s the social norm. Your personal reaction to seeing Bush’s face on 9/11, after 22 years, is just not the norm, nor anyone else’s responsibility. This is not a graphic image, and it was not addressed to you specifically.
Norms aren’t right/wrong. You are on lemmy viewing this image, that’s your population. And that’s what you should be considering when offering your perspective.
You’re being so heavily downvoted because people here don’t agree with you. Not that anyone is right/wrong.
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