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arymandias, in Trust me bro it's 100% true

To everyone getting offended, clearly nobody is asking for pictures of dead baby’s.

Of course war and propaganda go hand in hand, it would just be nice if western media (or the president of the United States for that matter) don’t just blindly copy Israeli propaganda without checking sources.


I am asking for them.

Believe nothing without evidence.


As rowdy as that sounds you are completely correct, it is newsworthy and every war with modern media has had exactly the same because people need to know.


pics or it didn’t happen


The Israeli Prime Minister’s Twitter account has posted them.

tocopherol, avatar

The prime minister posted that, even though they officially state they cannot confirm their original claim? (CNN)


I checked. I saw dead babies (hard to say 2 of them are actually babies as they’re too charred). But nothing beheaded.


So link?


See my other comment in this thread.


Twitter must be really on the ball this time then, because I can’t seem to find any evidence at all.


See my other comment in this thread.

zazaserty, avatar

Learn to use x or whatever it’s called ig


Then it should be very simple for you to provide a link to it, I would think that our secretary of state would have seen it and even he is saying he hasn't seen any pictures of beheaded baby so far and with the heart on that our country has for killing brown people and any sort of support for it I think we'd be right on top of it


I'm not going to give you an out. You want to claim this shit than post it otherwise you just seem like an Israeli lickspittle


I am not going to post a direct link to such horrible images. They are findable by going to IsraeliPM on Twitter/X, pressing media and unblurring pictures that are about 24 hours old by this post’s time of posting. If you want you can debate the authenticity of the images and so on, but that is where you can find the images in question. I am not sure why people started attacking me in this thread, another user simply asked where they could be found and I replied.


Lickspittle throwing lies


Why call me names when you can easily verify the steps I posted?


Because I believe you are a liar and i am not going to Twitter and sorting through their system.

If you are telling the truth and you know where the images are out should be really easy to link to them instead of playing the internet game where you pretend that something is real knowing that 99% of people are going to take it at face value and not click into it.

To to make this very clear I think you are a liar, I think you are trying to deny genocide that is happening, or at least justify it, and I think you are completely implicit in the genocide by supporting lies.



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  • NoIWontPickaName,

    Dead babies are very different than deliberately beheaded babies

    Here is a link from the Israelis saying they can not confirm it.


    You are making ridiculous claims based on nothing which is making you looked unhinged. I have in no way excused Israeli actions or policies. Your inability to follow instructions or to use a platform that millions succesfully use every day is not my problem. You asked for proof and was given instructions in procuring it, but are now unwilling in looking at it and attacking those who tried to help you, undermining your original point about seeking the truth.


    I have no idea, you asked about the images and I told you where they were. I have no stake in the conflict and I am not making any statements regarding the authenticity of anything, no matter what your paranoid mind seems to think.

    zazaserty, avatar

    It’s true tho…


    I scrolled and scrolled where you recommended, couldn’t find proof, of any kind. I’m willing to assume I was just looking in the wrong place, but only if you actually link what you are talking about.

    Just put a big warning around the link so people don’t click on it unintentionally, there is no reason to be squeamish about the literal link itself.

    I think the claim is bs and unless you can post a link your claim of evidence is bs too

    Titan, in Trust me bro it's 100% true

    They also have sleeper cells and weapons of mass destruction!!

    RememberTheApollo_, in HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

    Someone complaining about Reddit and Reddit mods on Reddit. That’ll show ‘em.

    RickyRigatoni, avatar

    I’m already seeing lemmy mods starting to act exactly like reddit mods so it’s not that ill-fitting.

    We shouldn’t be surprised that the reddit-like website made as an alternative to reddit becomes more like reddit as more redditors leave reddit for reddit alternatives.

    did i say reddit enough yet? reddit.


    Mods acting like mods everywhere else in response to users acting like users everywhere else.

    No, we shouldn’t be surprised when we think we reinvented the wheel only to act surprised that it’s still round and rolls.


    I do like that moderation log feature on at least one lemmy instance. It allows you to see what the mods are doing and helps avoid communities with bad moderators. Or at least it would if you could search by community.

    RickyRigatoni, avatar

    If you go to the community itself first you can then go to the modlog for just that community. But it would be easier if that filtering was already in the main instance modlog. I think the frontpage modlog even gives some logs from other federated instances but I might have hallucinated that.

    LemmyIsFantastic, in If you're feeling left out it's probably because you defend billionaires who would mince you into fertilizer

    The delusional thought process is fantastic.

    You have, maybe 2k users here, defederate a new insurance a day, and users are constantly finding lack of content; but yeah it’s the normal user who is quite in the corner 🤣

    umbrella, avatar

    mmm salty



    The_Eminent_Bon, in making memes from stock photos, day1 (oc)

    Must be really small cos I aint distracted

    Mighty, avatar

    My eyes are up here pointing


    Can you point to something bigger


    Perspective, you only see his right leg.

    Zerush, in The NYC subway banned dogs on trains unless they fit into a small bag, so this guy trained his Pitbull to sit in a small bag. avatar

    Here we see a dog which want to put his owner in a small bag

    SARGEx117, in America is Socialist for War

    Are we talking a world war, or just a war somewhere in the world?

    Because one of those things we won’t have a choice over. I can not want a war while still preparing for one.

    I don’t believe the US would be left alone in a world War, simple from all the shit we stuck our noses in in the 50s-90s, to say nothing of the last 23 years.


    Nobody will attack the US first if the US does nothing.

    Name, in Trust me bro it's 100% true

    Didn’t they claim the same duritg the Gulf war, and it turnjd out not to be true?


    The claim then was even less believable as it was republican guard were dumping babies from incubators.


    I can’t remember if there was actually a pinch of truth to this claim but was spun in such terrible faith. From memory I believe what happens is when a fetus is aborted for what ever reason such as a termination or a threat to the mothers life, the fetus has to go somewhere. It’s a logical thing to incinerate the dead we do it all the time and same goes for fetus’s. I’m unsure if the mothers have the option to bury or cremate or if in a hospital setting it’s called incineration. I just reread you’re last word and may have got your subject wrong now I see incubators.


    It turned out to have no basis in reality - the person telling the story turned out to be the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the US or something like that.

    yogthos, avatar

    Repetition legitimises


    Repetition legitimises

    hoshikarakitaridia, in making memes from stock photos, day1 (oc)

    My favourite series

    waow, in Vegan food: The west vs India

    I would kill myself if I had to eat Indian food regularly. Perfumed slop. Indian “cuisine” is by far the worst in the world.

    Haui, avatar

    Typical troll comment.


    Enjoy your stale rice and rotting chicken drowned in masalas and curries that taste like dish soap. I will be eating a sumptuous rare steak, seasoned only very lightly with salt pepper and some butter.

    When it comes to cuisine, white supremacy is very real.

    RealM, in Trust me bro it's 100% true avatar


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  • bestusername, avatar

    There seems to an influx of fuckwits this week in most of the popular communities.

    Blackout, avatar

    You really shouldn't follow m/memes, r/memes or any other memes cause personal feelings don't matter here, just memes.


    It is a meme yes. Just because it tackles a current even doesn’t change that.

    jaybone, in America is Socialist for War

    Lemmy just loves to use the word socialism even when it doesn’t really fit.

    My duvet cover is socialism.




    Your? You mean ours

    Fades, in Vegan food: The west vs India

    What a brain dead post, which makes sense given the unfunny and lame as fuck “I’ve depicted the group I don’t like as soyjack” bs




    What a weird post to get upset and offended over

    be_excellent_to_each_other, in D and D had multiple 10 episode seasons to get it done. Lucas did it in three movies. avatar

    Clone Wars did a great job portraying Anakin's gradual slide. There was nuance and plenty of exposure of the good parts of his character. His friendship with Obi-Wan was in evidence. His relationship with Padme was believable.

    The fact that post-pubescent prequel-Anakin was ever trusted by anyone is at best evidence of how the dark side clouds perception.

    In the prequels, from EPII he continuously felt like someone who should clearly be a Sith being shoehorned into being a Jedi. His friendship with Obi-Wan existed in name only, and his "romance" with Padme was in fact not a better romance than Twilight. (And that's saying something.)

    OG fans waited decades to see Vader's backstory, and what we got was about the least rewarding most hamfisted and uninteresting portrayal of that backstory that could have been achieved. Decades of fan appetite regarding that backstory, possibly the only time such a thing has been maintained in the history of cinema, or likely will be again, and Lucas gave us Jar-Jar, cringe dialog, limp acting, and endless CGI.

    D&D royally fucked up with GoT, but using the prequels to shine a light on that reads like something from The Onion.


    The whole point of it is that whatever you described is still somehow better than that disappointing bullshit of a last season

    be_excellent_to_each_other, avatar

    The whole point of it is that whatever you described...

    It's only a matter of degree though, at best. The three movies OP refers to were absolute shit in their own way. OP could have done a like to like comparison with Clone Wars and GoT and had a meme that made much more sense.

    Meanwhile, I think there's a credible argument that the prequels (you do know what I'm describing, right?) are not in the slightest better than the last season of GoT (if we ignore their contribution to the meme-o-sphere), making OP fairly weak, and in an almost Onion-like way.

    be_excellent_to_each_other, avatar

    I just realized I may have entirely missed the point of your explanation. Sorry. I'll leave my other comment for posterity.

    BelieveRevolt, in Vegan food: The west vs India

    No animals were harmed except for the ones Impossible tested on.

    im-vegan btw.

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