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VikingHippie, in D and D had multiple 10 episode seasons to get it done. Lucas did it in three movies.

I will never not read D and D as Dungeons and Dragons, so this was highly confusing to me at first šŸ˜‚

Techmaster, in D and D had multiple 10 episode seasons to get it done. Lucas did it in three movies.

Star Wars is a simplistic naive story where every single character is either good or evil. Thereā€™s no character complexity whatsoever. The main reason the original trilogy was so successful is because they were very well made movies made in a time when well made movies hadnā€™t even been done yet. Star Wars raised the bar of how good a movie should look and feel. But the story is trash.


The main reason the original trilogy was so successful is because they were very well made movies made in a time when well made movies hadnā€™t even been done yet.

Thatā€™s certainly a takeā€¦

radioactiveradio, in my dirty laundry keeps respawning

The frenzy has begun, the moon is red, run if you value your lives.

Crul, in Satisfying fart
computerscientistI, in Vegan food: The west vs India

Indian food most often is vegetarian but definitely not vegan, in my experience. Also: It often seems to be colorful mud. Some parts of the dishes tend to be way too hot.


Itā€™s not most often vegetarian either, it just has more vegetarians than other continents

about 25% of the population is vegetarian

Elgenzay, in Vegan food: The west vs India

america bad

fox2263, in D and D had multiple 10 episode seasons to get it done. Lucas did it in three movies.

I donā€™t know. They both flipped on a dime into kid murdering.


I meanā€¦ Iā€™m not saying that either one of them is good.

The prequels are hot garbage start to finish. But at least the ending makes narrative sense, if you squint and look at it sideways.

Thereā€™s just no way to look at the last season and make it make sense.

EternalNicodemus, (edited ) in If you're feeling left out it's probably because you defend billionaires who would mince you into fertilizer avatar

Capitalism is a good library, itā€™s the devs that implement it wrongly šŸ˜­


Capitalism can never work, because itā€™s self defeating. The point of capitalism is to maximize immediate profits, nothing else - as a result, it will gladly destroy its own means of growth if as a result instant profits increase.


But itā€™s working, many are happy. If youā€™re unhappy itā€™s probably your fault and not the fault of the system you are living in. Take ownership of your situation and improve it.


20 percent of children in the US are food insecure and we have the largest prison industrial complex on the planet. If I had a shittier job and broke my leg I would end up homeless. My cousin who canā€™t hold down a job due to a chronic illness would die on the streets if she didnā€™t have family support. But yeah the system works.


Sounds like a lack of compassion in your family. Just build a unit and live together, makes live easier if you support each other. But no the system is the problem! Some people would be always losers, regardless the system.


What about disabled people who have no family? What about people who have family that canā€™t support them financially? What about people who canā€™t afford to build a unit? The system is the problem. We are more insulated from it then most.


If I drove a nail through your skull, many would still be happy. Does that mean itā€™s okay to drive a nail through your skull?

EternalNicodemus, avatar

Regulations, regulations, mors regulations!

umbrella, avatar

We tried that. Capitalists just end up skirting around rules or straight up funding politicians to deregulate.

Muhr, in Vegan food: The west vs India

With the power of spicesā€¦ I lived in an apartment with Indians as neighbours 2 floors beneath.

There wasnā€™t a single day when you couldnā€™t smell all spices combined when you walked past their apartment. It was ā€¦ an interesting smellā€¦šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø I donā€™t believe they could smell/taste the original flavours of their food

Nice neighbours though


Nice if you like Indian food.


the original flavor of their food?

what is that? bland?


Yeah, tell him.

I like that all my different vegetables taste like cinnamon and curry.


I see the seasoning police has arrived. Itā€™s funny and also sad that you think normal food flavors are ā€œbland.ā€ Better drown everything in Lawryā€™s seasoned salt and Dr Buttblast.


Probably. The spices must have been worth more than the actual food though (:

Surp, avatar

The smell of all the spices is too much for me at times but I am super sensitive to smells. Gives me headaches.


I used to work with a guy from Pakistan, my car would smell of curry for a week after a couple days of driving about with him. I could tell that heā€™d been back to his hotel room by the lingering smell in the hallway.


Haha :D


Yeah, some foods are like that - my ex-father-in-law had a similar thing with garlic. You could tell he had it for a couple of days

psud, in You don't have to use customer service voice anymore šŸ„ŗ

I worked as one of my first jobs for my countryā€™s telecoms former monopoly

We had to use the same phrase and say it with a smile when answering the phone: ā€œwelcome to Telstra, Psud speakingā€

I now hate it when I slip into the vocal register I used there, but at least when I do, Iā€™m usually using it ironically

PolyLlamaRous, in Vegan food: The west vs India

Thereā€™s actually a lot of plant based meat that are chemical / preservative free, Redefine Meat comes first to mind. As there is a lot of animal meat that is full of chemicals, preservatives, carcinogens, and antibiotics use.

I would only assume most fast food meals, meat ones included, are not chemical / preservative free. Thatā€™s a western fast food problem, vegan or not.

Lastly, vegan people broadly donā€™t eat plant based meats. Like it get the jokeā€¦ Itā€™s just broadly inaccurate. Meat eaters, people trying to eat less meat, and some vegetarians buy plant based meats.


Very true, great points all around

Now with that out of the way, this is literally just a lame ā€œIā€™ve depicted the group I donā€™t agree with as the Soyjak and my group as the Chad, thus superiority confirmedā€.

It was never going to be a balanced take


Thereā€™s actually a lot of plant based meat that are chemical / preservative free

Literally everything in this sentence is wrong.


Thank you, it drives me nuts when people say shit like ā€œchemical-freeā€. Everything is made out of chemicals, tell me which one otherwise Iā€™ll just assume youā€™re uneducated and afraid of things you canā€™t pronounce.


My dudeā€¦ Says who? You? Itā€™s not hard to Google - you find lists of them when you do.


Chemical free food? Everything is a chemical. Not hard to google that


ā€œplant-basedā€ is not ā€œmeatā€. Are there ā€œmeat-based plants?ā€

All food is comprised of ā€œchemicalsā€.


Lastly, vegan people broadly donā€™t eat plant based meats

I think itā€™s a demographics thing. Thereā€™s a whole lot of vegans who eat ā€œfake meatā€ regularly or even exclusively. I have a successful restaurant chain near me that specialized in ā€œplant-based alternativeā€ meals, from burgers to lasagnas and everything in between. No itā€™s not all meat. Lots of ā€œCashew Cheeseā€ and similar.

And honestly, I donā€™t think vegans should be faulted for ā€œwanting meat but not eating itā€. Itā€™s the ones that get judgey of non-vegans like the other 99% are somehow inferior to them. I know way too many vegans who are vegan for good reasons or for personal-trauma reasons, and they should be left alone. Even if they want a miracle burger and mac 'n cashes.


Of course there is. Not saying no vegans eat it ever. It could be a regional variable, but Iā€™m speaking about population as a whole, not your local vegan restaurant. Google says 86% of plant based meat is bought by meat eaters. I also work in the field so have some knowledge on the subject. 86% is about right but could be 5-8% high. But in any case, the people who buy it are broadly meat eater, or more likely ā€œflexitariansā€ .

And vegans should eat more plant based meats. The better brands are very healthy and it could help them stick to their vegan diets.


Google says 86% of plant based meat is bought by meat eaters

The reference behind that Google statement (assuming the same) is a vegan blog talking about the Beyond brand only, and itā€™s citing a wordpress site as its source, and the wordpress site has been deleted.

NPD has a study mis-cited by (that MPD doesnā€™t actually seem to cite), but it includes plant-based milks, and I donā€™t think that gives meaningful numbers. Iā€™ll drink a soy latte with a steak any day. Iā€™m lactose intolerant.

NIH has the most reliable study, that settled around 2/3 of plant-meat consumers are omnivores. Which is saying something, but is also not surprising from the fact that almost 90% of the world consumes meat. So I think it sorta just runs out to nowhere, with regards to being a demographic thing. Clearly, vegans and vegetarians are more likely to consume plant-based meat than meat-eaters. With 10% of Americans being vegetarian and representing over 30% of plant-based meat consumers, theyā€™re eating that stuff up.

FreshLight, (edited ) in *Violet explosion in background*

ā€œOompa Loompas dancing in the face of a dying childā€-memes will never not be funny to be me.

There I said it!

Gorgeous_Sloth, in D and D had multiple 10 episode seasons to get it done. Lucas did it in three movies.

There are people who think otherwise ??

gravitas_deficiency, in D and D had multiple 10 episode seasons to get it done. Lucas did it in three movies.

Well itā€™s mainly because D&D decided itā€™d be a great idea to do it mostly over the course of a single episode


they think shocking effect just for the sake of shocking is great, and always works for GoT.


Dany the compassionate and kind, snapped just in 1 episode to become his father, burrrn them all.

Jaime whole character arc become waste that he came back to Cersei after post nut clarity with Briene.

Jon Snow, the Ice and Fire, the prince who was promised, Azor Ahai, simping for muhh qweeen, yells at zombie dragon, while Arya stab the big bad Night King like it was just random villain.

Varys, Littlefinger, and Tyrion, those who always playing 4D chess, become so dumb that it hard to watch.

and the most shocking of all: ā€œand who has a better story than Bran the Broken?ā€ like what the fuck man, I thought Bran story become much sinister and dark that he is the Bran of All Time (Bran the Builder, Bran that become Night King, and other Bran, etc). Like, also why bother create a story about the connection between him (as three eyed raven) and the Night King, psychic bond between them when he wargs, etc. and no, itā€™s just ā€œWesteros now are adopting Democracy, and Bran is the leader choosen by the councilā€ thing.


suBvERtEd ExpEcTAtiOnS

cyberpunk007, in Public Transit my beloved šŸ˜

I love how people just come up with this shit with their knowledge of their local area. Any train here requires driving to, and does not come and go frequently, and takes longer. Our infra is terrible.

On the flip side, some places have awesome infra and I wish I had that. Iā€™d prefer to pedal bike if I could. But where Iā€™m at youā€™re very likely to be killed without bike lanes or sidewalks, and it would take hours to get anywhere important - IE work.


Also mobility issues factor in. There is no better way for such people to get around. This anti-car movement is ableist.

Nobsi, avatar

Still no. You can stop claiming that now, youā€™ve been proven different many times already in all the other threads.


This person has a point though. Typically most people canā€™t even afford to live where I live, and most of the jobs are 50Km away. The nearest bus stop is an hour and a half walk. Biking is dangerous since there are ditches and no sidewalks on either side and people typically drive 90Km/hr.

And when you get to the bus loop, buses come every hour. Takes 3 transfers before you get to a train. Then you take a train to a bus. Then more walking.

Itā€™s 2.5 hours each way if you bike. 3.5 hours each way if you walk to the bus stop.

If it snows, itā€™s a crapshoot. Sometimes the trains cease to function. Longest one way commute Iā€™ve had on transit was 7 hours.

I think some people just need to realize not everywhere is like Amsterdam and has a wicked bike lane and transit setup.


How many cars have you seen with step-free access?

And besides, surely there exist no disabilities that inhibit peopleā€™s ability to operate a vehicle like a car, right?


I wish people didnā€™t assume we know what country they live in when the reference ā€œhereā€.

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