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the_kid, in Vegan food: The west vs India

when I went vegan, I started eating practically exclusively Indian food. dal, chana masala, aloo gobi, so many delicious foods.

machiabelly, avatar




Pakora 👍

bufalo1973, avatar

Try some Mediterranean recipes. Gazpacho, sopes mallorquines, …

Wage_slave, in Vegan food: The west vs India avatar

I don’t eat a lot of meat, but after hearing arguments like these from vegetarians and vegans, I gave up on not eating meat.

Too expensive to eat vegan and I got really fucking tired of being called fucking stupid for buying meat free alternatives. It’s not worth the effort in the end.


vegan food isn’t expensive. artificial meat replacements are expensive, because you’re paying someone to chemically torture plants until they vaguely remind you of animals. lentils, beans, and other awesome-tasting protein sources are dirt cheap. vegan-first dishes are great and really cheap.

Wage_slave, avatar

See, it’s arrogant, and stupid shit like this that makes me wanna go get a burger just to spite ya.

“Oh fucking no!! I am torturing plants and shit blah blah blah”

No fucking wonder.


I think that may have been a joke.

threeduck, avatar

It was a joke Mark. A Christmas joke.


This is not arrogance it’s playful language for humorous effect. The real reason to not eat fake meat is that it usually doesn’t taste very good no matter how you prepare it, whereas traditional vegan food can be amazing


Ignoring the obvious joke you missed. If someone being a little rude is enough to make you completely give up on your ethical/moral stance, you need to grow a spine dude .

If a gay person is an ass to me i dont decide to become homophobic and blame it on them.

Wage_slave, avatar

I won’t go near the comparison to one’s sexual preference, to another voluntary dietary habits.

But, you’re not wrong. If this was something that was super important to me and life affecting, then you are completely right.

Now, as someone who is just trying to not eat meat for personal and whatever reasons, that’s not how you get people into your cause. I am not bound to it, and the perception of the community is something i get to have liberty with.

How about “well, it’s not an animal. not bad”. Not being me with my kid hearing that her favorite burger patty (the impossible one) is a waste of money and an embarrassment to the real vegans in the middle of the safeway by a random asshole stranger, who had the after thought to explain how tofu is better totally not noticing that his very life is in danger.

frevaljee, (edited ) avatar

Oh yes the voluntary dietary habit of taking a sentient being's life against its will because it's tasty and I can't be bothered to learn how to cook properly using plants.


Nice internet tough guy shit at the end there smuglord


In fairness, it’s really easy to act like a badass in front of…am I reading that right, some hypothetical guy in Costco who told his daughter she’s not a real vegan?

Wage_slave, avatar

I didn’t act or anything. I just stood there much like here watching the entitled dietary moron go off.

But I was really annoyed so like the imaginary cool vegan, it was more contexts. But good notes. It was Safeway. No wonder yall are not taken seriously.

reverendsteveii, (edited )

Once again, because it’s come up so many times in this thread, not at all vegan, definitely omnivorous, just not someone who assumes their membership in the majority defines them as a victim unlike the coward


There’s nothing at all wrong with eating fake meats. i do all the time. Thats not the point i was making

BoxedFenders, avatar

lmao did you just fantasize about threatening a vegan while grocery shopping?


Lol I eat meat but knock yourself out there hero


As a man who fed a vegan child for 8 years…no. Vegan meals cost way more.

That one kid cost as much as two non vegan kids to feed.

Maybe it was because I was buying what she said to buy.

Fortunately when her mom tearfully said, “please be a vegetarian until you grow up and buy your own food.” she went with it.

It was a nightmare feeding her separate from the rest of us, but I respected her choices. I had to cook two meals every evening. That was rough.

Glad she’s grown and off at college. I miss her but I don’t miss all that extra work.


You should’ve asked for help from the vegan community - it could’ve been really easy. :(


You’re right.

It wasn’t just the vegan thing though. My kid is autistic and absolutely wouldn’t eat anything other than what she put on her list. Like to the point we had to get her help.

I guess that’s something I shouldn’t have left out. It just wasn’t something that even crossed my mind as I made the comment.


It’s interesting that while you were making this up you couldn’t decide whether your kid was vegetarian or vegan. You’d think with cooking two separate meals every night you’d be familiar with the difference.


It's absolutely trivial to cook meals vegan or vegetarian and simply add meat separately at the end, or not add it at all. What you're describing is just piss-poor meal planning and has nothing to do with the cost of vegetables.

Or you were just buying every prepackaged bit of vegan food in the store.


You dodged a bullet, the average vegan eventually goes back to me when their body starts crapping out on them to do lack of protein


Do you even know what protein is or where it comes from? Have you ever asked yourself where animals get their protein?


Animals eat other animals, that’s whalere the protein comes from


All the way down? You saying the bottom of the food chain is animals?


Yes, the first single cell life forms ate other single cell lifeforms, the world is cannibalistic.


And yet somehow guys like this exist.

Also 30% of India.

Also you're full of shit and know nothing.


30% of Indians are vegetarians, not vegans.


Which is utterly fucking irrelevant to the idiot-tier statement that somehow vegans/vegetarians don't get enough protein.

Only absolute morons who tie their entire identity to eating meat think that, usually losers that hang out in the comments sections of YouTube channels with names like "Carnivoracious" or "BeardMeat" or "Beardivore" or "MeatyBeardMan." "I eat meat, I have beard, this is my personality, I have nine pounds of undigested meat in my colon and I haven't shit in a week."


Of course vegans can get enough protein from lentils, pulses etc. But it is easier for vegetarians because they can also consume dairy products.


"Diet For a Small Planet, however, unfortunately helped create a persistent myth that vegetarians and vegans faced severe challenges when it comes to getting enough protein. Over the next few decades, multiple studies coupled with the lack of vegans dropping dead from acute protein deficiency extinguished that hysteria."

It takes like .2 seconds to verify if your sincerely held religious belief is utter nonsense or not.

Maybe that's why so few people bother learning.


Yeah… that’s not a thing

HawlSera, (edited )

No it definitely is a thing, lot of exvegans who find themselves suddenly going very sick until they try meat again and it’s the most delicious cure they’ve ever had


Sounds totally legit


Source: trust me bro


How many people called you stupid for buying meat free alternatives? I largely do not eat meat and I can count on one hand the number of times it has been mentioned in the past decade. It’s also only comparatively expensive because meat is so subsidized.

I mostly do not eat meat because it is fucking terrible for the environment.

Wage_slave, avatar

Middle of a Safeway once, in line at McDonald’s my ex was called a poser for ordering the veggie burger by someone in line at a fucking McDonald’s (dont care if youre just there for the fries), online community of course adds to it because, well yeah, here we are.

Entitled people have a way of announcing and decrying those below them. Like morons who think Android phones are for the poor.


Meat is pretty much the most expensive protein source. You can get tofu for like 1/5 the price of meat. The other guy summed it up well (although with some sarcasm) that eating vegan is only expensive when you try to replicate the meat. Just eat tofu and you’ll be healthier and richer :)


I got really fucking tired of being called fucking stupid for buying meat free alternatives.

Sorry that you met condescending assholes. Some people just have the urge to feel superior over others for absolutely silly reasons. The rise of meat alternatives is one of the few things that make me optimistic for the future, along with renewable energy, electric cars and heat pumps. Factory farms are so much worse for the environment and animals, of course we should embrace alternatives to the worst option.

Prices also go down with more competition. There basically wasn’t any market for meat alternatives 10 years ago, now it’s growing quite fast. In 5 years, many of them will likely be cheaper than meat.

velox_vulnus, (edited )


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  • SnipingNinja,

    Aren’t almonds also bad for the environment? Not the person you’re replying to, just curious if almond dahi or paneer substitute are worth the expense

    Custoslibera, in Bye Felicia

    These are the types of political memes I like to see.


    I aim for quality, I appreciate that you appreciate.


    Thanks mum.

    SpiderFarmer, in Vegan food: The west vs India avatar

    I saw a middle-eastern cookbook and was reminded of how vegetarian food is pretty solid everywhere outside of many parts of the Anglosphere. Even then, the stuff is there but it’s not really given the thought it deserves.


    I have a very, very old italian recipe book that my mom used when she was younger. I’m talking about 1980 edition. The book is about 200 recipes, 200 different names and a lot of different types of pasta. The last page, there’s this one, single recipe, simply called “The vegetarian recipe” and that’s all. Made me laugh and think that today would never be allowed to be printed this way.

    captainlezbian, in Don't follow your ex's

    Seeing some stories in here about how badly it goes to follow your exes so I’d like to offer an alternative story. I have no idea what’s going on in my ex’s life and it’s wonderful. She could be doing amazing, could be terrible, no answer would make me happy, and I’m happiest with no answer. I’m happily married now and don’t care.


    My ex is in my class and it hurts.

    legios, avatar

    Yep I second this. I have gone NC with all my exes. Two wanted continued contact but that’s just not me and sometimes people ask me what they’re up to and I can happily respond I have NFI.

    The past is the past.


    I’d be ok being friends with an ex. It’s looking one up that feels like hurting myself to hurt myself

    legios, avatar

    In one case I found out they lied to me about why we broke up and the second she became a horrible, vindictive person after we broke up and started spreading lies and rumours about 6 month after we split. Originally both breakups were quite amicable and soured and they didn’t understand that that had quite a lot to do with my decision to 100% no contact.

    I don’t think I’m 100% against it now that I think about it further. I just seem to have a history of dating people with an underlying hurtful streak and/or poor empathy…

    miridius, in But it's all about convenience


    Linux is only low cost if your time costs nothing



    mxd2, avatar


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  • miridius,

    Solid argument

    theostermanweekend, in Bye Felicia

    So…what? Was it the socialism or their manner? I’m for a certain amount of socialism, but I don’t know enough about these guys. Who’d they irritate? Were they just generally irritating?


    Ah…probably should have done my due diligence and followed the thread…


    Not enough people (including you) don’t know that “Nazi” is an abbreviation for “national socialist”.

    This meme is about telling Nazis we’re not interested in their BS.

    Filthmontane, in Bye Felicia

    This comment section is full of morons. Socialism is when workers own and operate the means of production democratically. Read a book


    National socialism comes with a salute and a dash of authoritarianism. But you knew that, right?


    Many obviously don't know that "nazi" is an abbreviation.


    Everybody will run logical circles around everything for days on days to defend their sus bullshit… until you mention socialism then all of a sudden there’s no way anythings ever been maliciously Co opted in the history of ever!

    programmer_belch, avatar

    Yes, that’s socialism but the post is talking about another kind of socialism, of the nation kind if you know what I mean


    This is a Nazi joke, the Nazi Party(while not actually being socialist in any way) was short for the National Socialist German Workers Party. And again as we all know the Nazis not only weren’t socialist but actually murdered people that were, they just co-opted the name, they were fascist authoritarians. Other countries that weren’t/arent actually socialist or communist but rather authoritarian state capitalist are the USSR and the PRC. Lemmygrad’s grade of “socialism” is from what I’ve seen, straight up authoritarian like those two “communist” countries, thus the OP is saying they are in support of the national socialism otherwise known as nazism

    davel, avatar

    Yes that is what OP is doing, because he & you don’t know your asses from your elbows about communism or Lemmygrad, as evidenced by your equating them with Nazism, which they are explicitly, full-throatedly against.

    Decoy321, in O.o

    I love how the second image is just the 1st image mirrored.


    Pretty sure they're all mirrored off one of the first two? The reflections don't work right.


    Ah, good catch!


    Thanks for that initial comment! I went and checked it again. Something is definitely fucky with the mirroring in the images and it’s messing with my eyes 😂

    karebu, in Business is going well avatar

    Let’s just put our social media in the hands of the exact same guy who fucked everyone over last time. Because that makes perfect sense.

    Corgana, avatar

    I always find it a weird take when people treat Twitter before Musk like it was some sort of wonderful place that people enjoyed.

    ThatFembyWho, in Vegan food: The west vs India

    Welcome to the culture wars. How am I supposed to demonstrate my sigmoid male prowess to fertile young females, if I’m eating a plate of seasoned vegetable mush?

    Whereas if it appears to be a juicy slab of meat, I can maintain the veneer of my fragile masculinity. And who knows, maybe one of those cute progressive females will open her legs to me if I appear to care about animals.


    Or maybe different cultures just have different palettes and people want to eat food that tastes like what they grew up eating? Maybe we could just… Enjoy both approaches to food? Outside of this meme do you even know with confidence that there aren’t Indians, a country of almost 1.5 billion people, 5x the size of the us, trying to recreate common meat dishes in a vegan way?

    Friend, you just complained about the culture war, right before blatantly partaking in it in a wildly nonsensical way.


    I think “ThatFemby” is making a satirical post.


    I am aware.


    Yes, now that someone pointed it out to you.


    If I couldn’t laugh about how assinine people can be sometimes, I’d have to cry… This keeps me sane (mostly) xD

    RIP_Cheems, in America is Socialist for War avatar

    I don’t think you understand how war driven America is. There is a 2020 article that recorded data to show that over 244 years, only 15 of those years were spent not being in a war.


    This message brought to you by Raytheon.



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  • Custoslibera,

    Well I mean they shoot them on middle eastern basketball courts.


    I just realised I’ve confused them with Ray-Ban on occasion.

    BolexForSoup, in Bye Felicia avatar

    Being proponents of socialism is not what makes Lemmygrad problematic. If that were the reason world defederated from them then I would actually be upset with the decision.


    Can you elaborate? I don’t know what this is in reference to.

    BolexForSoup, avatar

    Which part? I’m just saying their being proponents of Socialism isn’t a problem. The post is saying that’s why we defederated from them, which it isn’t. It was the way people behaved on that instance (and outside it), the way communities operated, that led to the decision.


    There’s a big difference between socialism and national socialism, one comes with a salute, authoritarianism, and bigotry.


    Half of the comments here think the point of the meme is that communists are right-wing, and half thinks the point is that Nazis are left-wing.

    bigbluealien, in Vegan food: The west vs India avatar

    I love both, I'm not sure I know any real person who thinks this is a competition


    Every vegan I know is on some sort of culinary journey.

    Vegan btw


    Vegan from protein shakes lol


    It’s not enough to be vegan, or enough to tell people you are vegan. You have to be a better vegan than them.


    You have to be a better vegan than them.

    Didn’t you know? Todd’s vegan!




    That’s because this meme isn’t about veganism at all, it’s about anti west narratives


    Same, it’s nice having more options. Apparently that’s a bad thing according to some.

    D3FNC, in Dear bosses everywhere,

    I grew up in a trailer park and I would like to point out that while everyone bitches about the pizza, every single one of those marriages are still somehow going strong

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