Alternatively you could attack the nazi government without attacking the citizens. Similarly Hamas could attack the Israeli government instead of citizens. Israel is absolutely comparable to nazi Germany, but that doesn’t justify the abhorrent actions of Hamas in any way. It turns out that when you offer genocide in the opposite direction as a solution for genocide, nothing happens except for the deepening of dividing lines…
Last I checked, massacring a music festival has nothing to do with targeting the Israeli government…
There are situatikns where Hamas clearly cannot target the Israeli government (like their missiles). Others in which they clearly choose to target Israeli citizens.
Believe it or not, I disagree with the Israeli blockade of the Gaza strip. I just don’t believe that mindless violence is justifiable, nor that it will accomplish anything except ensuring more innocent lives lost.
For the record: if you downvote without responding, you’ve lost the argument…
It’s the level of pacifism any westerner gets on as soon as the oppressed fight back. These galaxy-brained “all sides bad!” posters would rather the oppressed just follow Gandhi’s advice and do their enemies job for them.
Imagine understanding the difference between murder and warfare
Not to say that Israel isn’t comparable to nazi Germany, just that the mindless violence of Hamas isn’t a solution that will lead to anything other than more genocide…
If Hamas had kept to military targets there wouldn’t be the same backlash. You can’t say it’s the “oppressed fighting back” when they’re literally just murdering civilians at a music festival.
How are guerrilla fighters with far inferior numbers, technology, and funding supposed to target military and government sites and not get wiped out within a week?
The same way they did this, except instead of killing hundreds of civilians, they attack militarily important infrastructure and government posts. Almost like there’s clear intention that Hamas is set more on collective punishment for the Israeli people than actually accomplishing jack shit for the liberation of Palestine.
Wealth redistribution is good. Socialism definitely could end up being better than capitalism with the right implementation and regulations. A socialist revolution is a bad idea; wealth redistribution can be implemented in capitalism. Lobbying is real, but voting still makes a difference. Vote in more than just the presidential election and canvas for issues or politicians you support. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
progress isnt a continous upward climb in the short term. In the 90s crime shot up and no gay marriage soooo. We can definitely go farther with capitalism like with higher taxes on the rich, minimum base income, etc. Voting does matter, if you dont vote you have no leverage over those who speak for you.
no point of going farther with oppression, when we obviously reached its limits. shit, we are headed towards hell on earth because capitalism cannot deal with that.
you want to vote then go vote, and invariably when they do jack shit, wait 4 more years.
How has it reached its limit? I just gave two examples of ways it can improve. Voting for the president is not the only thing you can do. You can canvas for politicians or issues you believe in and vote in other levels of the government. I don’t get the sentiment of voting doesnt matter so we wont vote. Its a self fulfilling prophecy. We are not heading to hell on earth because there are a lot of people more informed than either of us working on solving all different kinds of issues. I dont understand blaming capitalism for everything. It completely hand waives the nuance of situations and how we can realistically improve them.
All the generally established capitalist wiggleroom like minimum wages, paid holiday, affordable health care, education instead of manual labour for children etc were established by massive strikes and (threats of) violent masses.
There’s an earlier version of this Fediverse Tree diagram where everything is more carefully on branches and the sky is… Blue. Bluesky. Bluesky is very much a response to the Fediverse. As a replacement. As a more popular and more important service.
At this point trying to get around Windows would be inconvenient. The only “convenience” you’re sacrificing is that you’re probably been trained from kid to use Windows, and many things just work different on Linux.
I find it funny how the only problem people see with Twitter is that the wrong oligarch owns it. The real issue is with reliance on privately owned social spaces. Corporations shouldn’t be in charge of how people communicate with each other.
What I find interesting is that reigning in abuse at the behest of bosses / management / leadership would solve a gigantic number of problems in today’s society. ‘Nobody wants to work anymore’ is actually ‘nobody wants to be treated like shit by power-hungry psychopaths’. BUT, it is so difficult / impossible to change the intrinsic human assholification of anyone with power (see Stanford prison experiment), that companies will try anything else.
This is utterly fascinating. Thank you for providing this link. Funnily enough, my thoughts immediately went to “is Milgram any better?”. Seems like he might be, somewhat. The question for me then becomes:
can people be trusted with authority, on a general level? Are there studies to prove / disprove the adage that power corrupts / that people with personality disorders such as psychopathy or narcissism seek out (or thrive in, or are promoted to) positions of power?
Thank you again, I shall revise my opinion from now on and seek out more studies on the matter.
Then you do the Family Guy line. Look into their eyes and assert dominance by saying, “you did it.” Then awkwardly staying in the elevator as it goes to the next floor.
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