spencer, Hey… it sorts properly alphabetically
bleistift2, *ASCIIbetically. The alphabet doesn’t know digits.
nightdice, Only within the same century, which is an issue for those of us born last millennium (or managing systems from that time), and could be a real problem in 50-ish years when we could get the first duplicates.
Better to stick with YYYY-MM-DD for alphabetical sorting
doctorspike, TIL that I’m Japanese
RuikkaaPrus, These formats are overrated.
is clearly better.
solidsnake2085, Military be like 23/NOV/2023
Colour_me_triggered, The nasty little Swedes also do that. Typisk svensk.
AlboTheGuy, Japan I can get behind but MM/dd/yyyy is just evil, why would you sandwich days between months and years? You monster
AlboTheGuy, Japan I can get behind but MM/dd/yyyy is just evil, why would you sandwich days between months and years? You monster
Lucidlethargy, Japan wins this one.
ILikeBoobies, Canada does that
MisterFrog, Japan isn’t on its own wavelength, most of East Asian does this, probably because they all decided they wanted to be like China: which was a government which governed more. youtu.be/Mh5LY4Mz15o?t=1m7s
liv, (edited ) China does this too. I love getting files in this format.
Resol, Yep, today is 2023, November 22.
Someone should make this an alternative date format in English, it looks and works really well.
exixx, There is of course a relevant xkcd page
ShaunaTheDead, It makes sense to either go general to specific or specific to general. MM-DD-YYYY is neither.
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