Gabu, This meme implies there’s an equal battle between MM/DD/YY and DD/MM/YY, which is nonsense. Much like imperial units, only 'murica uses MM/DD/YY.
SqueezeMeMacaroni, Liberia and Myanmar also use imperial units, but they’re both starting to move towards metric in recent years so soon the US truly will be alone in that
ehsan301, But 'murica is big.
ElBarto, Only slightly bigger than Australia and Western Australia is nearly twice the size of Texas…
jamhandy, When talking about cultural mindshare I’d argue that the quantity of people matters more than the space they’ve been packed into
emptiestplace, Mercator would like a word.
ElBarto, Mercator can say whatever it wants, it’s not involved in this discussion.
JackbyDev, Oi guvnah, ow many stone chu weigh?
Gabu, Only one, but it has my exact weight
NickwithaC, If you look at the calendar, you’ll see that we are not in 1900 anymore.
No one I know measures their own weight in imperial.
toastal, Talking about fuel efficiency in miles per liter 🤣
Karyoplasma, I have 2 stones if that’s what you’re asking.
MisterFrog, Japan isn’t on its own wavelength, most of East Asian does this, probably because they all decided they wanted to be like China: which was a government which governed more.
Engywuck, TBH, Japanese format makes sense when you use it to name files/directories, as sorting by “name” is equivalenti to sorting by “last modified”.
dtrain, equivalenti
Love typos that force me to read comments with an Italian accent
Engywuck, I’m actually italian, lol, but that was a genuine typo.
joneskind, Free upvotes for both of you
pingveno, Until you need to work across centuries. Then it’s eating paste level.
ILikeBoobies, Canada does that
kamen, DD/MM for readability, YYYY/MM/DD for alphabetical sorting that’s also chronological.
Clbull, (edited ) Ironically, MM/DD/YYYY works better for chronological sorting than DD/MM/YYYY, so long as you don’t go between years.
Didn’t think I’d be saying this but the Americans have an edge over us Brits.
sukhmel, Excuse me, sir, but WAT?
Clbull, What I said, MM/DD/YYYY is less flawed than DD/MM/YYYY for chronological sorting.
Asian YYYYMMDD way is the best way for computing…, but the American way at least preserves the month and day structure.
kamen, By this logic one might say that DD/MM/YYYY works for alphabetical chronological sort if you don’t go between months…
victorz, Have another go at this train of thought, mate… You’re basically saying “MM/DD” is better at sorting chronologically than “DD/MM”, since the year part is taken out of the equation, which is already the established consensus, and not ironical whatsoever. And the ISO standard is already to use YYYY-MM-DD, so that’s the winner IMO, hands down. Japan is simply following that but using a slash as the delimiter.
Lucidlethargy, Japan wins this one.
Goldmaster, Iso date format. Anything to do with photos is best to have in this format at the start of the filename.
qwerty_bastard, Iso date format. Anything to do with photos is best to have in this format at the start of the filename.
CheeseToastie, It also means that by default it’ll sort by newest
darkbaron202, It actually makes sense when you put YYYY/MM/DD in filenames as they will be sorted pretty neat (ex: reports)
Thranduil, Yeah for a lot of files you probably would sort by year in the end
TheImpressiveX, ISO 8601 format is the best (YYYY-MM-DD).
jzb, Came here to say this. I try to name all my docs in the YYYY-MM-DD-descriptive-name.ext format.
Buttons, (edited ) I can see some advantages of that.
I’m American though, so YYYY-DD-MM is the best I can do.
mmagod, for me, the section that changes the most goes last…
in a whole year, the YYYY never changes, the MM changes only 12 times… i never implementing the day… there’s only so many possibilities i could have had for saved files in June. i just go straight to description
sukhmel, I hope that the comment you answer to was ironical. >!Otherwise there’s no hope for us 😰!<
mmagod, haha yeah. i just assumed they were kidding, but if not… yikes!
AMillionNames, (edited ) Best nomenclature for sorting.
DAMunzy, Used to be my account name on a different website social media aggregator.
dillydogg, I like that for files, but not for written documents. When I label things I try to use the most intuitive/least confusing way I can think of: DD mmm YYYY. This comment is posted on 23 NOV 2023, for example.
CorrodedCranium, I do prefer the abbreviated month with the yyyy mmm dd format. It makes things relatively easy to sort but you also don’t have to worry about confusing others if you are referring to the 10th month or day for example.
Teritz, For Excel 100%
drdabbles, The only correct format. Least to most specific.
Mobiuthuselah, Isn’t Japanese read from right to left?
OsrsNeedsF2P, No that’s Arabic
ahriboy, Japanese and Chinese were read right-to-left until 20th century.
Patawagon, Japan reads back to front
pingveno, To nitpick, it reads from front to back. It just has a different concept of front and back from the West.
AlboTheGuy, Japan I can get behind but MM/dd/yyyy is just evil, why would you sandwich days between months and years? You monster
AlboTheGuy, Japan I can get behind but MM/dd/yyyy is just evil, why would you sandwich days between months and years? You monster
DAMunzy, I’m an ISO 8601 guy but the MM/DD does make sense in American. We’ll say Oct 20th for a date and then straight translate that to numbers 10/20. It makes more sense than counting in French. Ex. 60, 70, 80, 90
Littleborat, Counting in French is an incredibly low benchmark. Nice try!
15liam20, It makes more sense than Monty Python.
First, (edited ) Prepare your butthole for the Danish spoken number system, where they express integers in fractions
Littleborat, They should just introduce a new system. Noone likes five halves of twenty for fifty. I guarantee it.
Just indroduce English numbers, the end.
CorrodedCranium, (edited ) The only reason I could see is if you were speaking it. September 18th 2012 for example might sound a bit better than 18 September 2012.
neutron, (edited ) Its the same for all East Asian countries as well, but I guess slapping
on it means fast upvotes, like that“Place, Japan”
15liam20, (edited ) I can’t speak for everyone but I see something Japanese then I upvote it, doesn’t matter what it is.
Sushi, Bullet train, Bonsai, Anime, Bukkake, Haiku
AlboTheGuy, Japan I can get behind but MM/dd/yyyy is just evil, why would you sandwich days between months and years? You monster
Colour_me_triggered, The nasty little Swedes also do that. Typisk svensk.
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