Resol, Yep, today is 2023, November 22.
Someone should make this an alternative date format in English, it looks and works really well.
ZILtoid1991, Japanese 2023年12月22日
kpw, Japanese 令和5年12月22日
stebo02, 令和五年十二月二十二日
Siegfried, I like that this includes 2 of the 4 numbers that i can understand from japanese (chinese numerals?)
Sanyanov, Funny that only in full Chinese (or Japanese, since 令和 represents a new emperor era in Japan?) I noticed the month is December.
It’s 22nd of November, folks
stebo02, yeah i realised after, I guess some people are just really excited about Christmas
hungryphrog, What about YY/DD/MM?
Crackhappy, Oh fuck off. ;)
hungryphrog, I’ll fuck of when it’s 2024/22/11.
Crackhappy, (edited ) Hey. If you use your format, then you won’t be able to celebrate the new year on 123123, 233112 just doesn’t have the same ring to it
rustyricotta, If that one doesn’t tickle you, we do have more options to explore like MM/YY/DD or DD/YY/MM
Hell, we even have options like MDY/MDY
Sanyanov, DD/YY/MM is the devil incarnate
Siegfried, 119 doesent feel the same
jwt, (edited ) “Steel Beams Can’t Melt Jet Fuel.”
wait… it actually makes sense this way
disconnectikacio, YYYY-MM-DD in Hungary too, that us shit is totally non logical, i cant get used to it
rdri, This is literally the most logical method to name a date in text.
joneskind, In what text?
In French we say “14 juillet 1789”
We don’t even say “nth day of”
rdri, In a text like “the research started at 2003-01-24”, or pretty much in any other text where you need to convey all 3 elements.
I bet you also don’t say “14 07 1789”, because that’s what MM format means.
joneskind, You bet wrong
We write AND say “La Révolution a démarré le 14/07/1789” or “La Révolution à démarré le 14 juillet 1789”
Spoken numbered month are usually used in an administrative context, to ease the work of our contact.
rdri, Oh that’s right, the spoken administrative context. Same in my dd-mm-yyyy county actually. Still, I find it less intuitive than the logical yyyy-mm-dd when understanding written text.
SendMePhotos, Fuckin wait until you hear how many feet are in a mile. You all should’ve waterboarded us harder while we were a young country.
ASeriesOfPoorChoices, FIvE tOMaToeS
lichtmetzger, It’s very easy to sort by this format, makes perfect sense.
CommanderCloon, Easier to sort by YYYY-MM-DD than MM-DD-YYYY tho
lichtmetzger, Dammit, I misread here. Of course, the US format is terrible.
Algaroth, We do that in Sweden as well. Our social security numbers are that plus 4 unique numbers. The beers I send out to stores have yyyy-mm-dd printed at the bottom.
sukhmel, So no more than 10 thousands of Swedes may get an SSN at the same day (or be born at the same day even 🤔)?
Algaroth, (edited ) Hasn’t been a problem so far. I’m guessing maybe they will add numbers or use letters if it comes up. They recentled started doing that on license plates.
DeadMartyr, YYYY-MM-DD (honestly without dashes) is the only helpful format.
If you name all your files with this as a suffix then your files automatically sort versions of themselves in order when sorting by name.
starman2112, ISO 8601 baby
Though it ought to be a prefix, not a suffix
PilferJynx, Yeah this method is superior for digital filing. I can’t imagine the sorting clusters I’d have to go through to find what I want any other way
numanair, You mean as a prefix, right?
Shayreelz, Their assumption is that the filename is the same otherwise e.g. myNotes20231122.txt
numanair, Oh I see, thanks. Good alternative to final3_release2.
CapeWearingAeroplane, Came here to say this, I use DD.MM.YY in day-to-day stuff, but for files it’s either YYYY_MM_DD or YY_MM_DD, the automatic ordering is beautiful
lorty, Maybe to foreigners but they love using the era for the year which doesn’t really help anyone.
cinnamonTea, What eras do they have/use?
imgel, Each emperor (Japan) and Big Change (China), is given a name. You can look up the current japanese era. From a friend, the chinese (and others like Singapore, Macau, Taiwan) are also living in an era with its corresponding year.
liv, (edited ) China does this too. I love getting files in this format.
kandoh, Taste nippon formatting, gaigin
Gabu, The fuck is a gaigin, gaikokujin?
onlooker, They were obviously referring to foreign banks, duh.
UserNotFound, YYYY-MM-DD for files, DD-MM-YYYY for normal use
SendMePhotos, Wtf why
bamboo, Agreed, YYYY-MM-DD should be normal use
Gabu, Because for 99.99% of all situations, you’d already know what year and month it is, so the most readily available piece of information should be the day.
Zanz, If you already know the year and month why write it. ISO or month day are the two most reasonable. You need to zoom in not give yourself a list of options and then randomly pick one later.
noobnarski, So its possible to properly sort by date?
SendMePhotos, A proper date sort would be YYYYMMDD
Kryptenx, deleted_by_author
SendMePhotos, Because in short, it’s alphabetical. It will always be in order by year, then month, then day. Literally like how a clock goes HH:MM:SS it’s the same thing as YY:MM:DD the right side ticks the fastest. It’s in order by hour (year) then minute (month) then second (day). SAME SAME WHY NOT
Spoilt, (edited ) YYYYMMDD for files
DDDD DD for normal use
EPBJ, May I chime in with a DD MMM YYYY as in 22 NOV 2023
DahGangalang, The real superior option (except when naming files)
runner_g, I chime in with a “haven’t you people ever heard of… DDMMMYYY?”
Ddhuud, 23Nov023?
raino, 23NovNineteen ninety eight
inconel, Reiwa era enters the chat
Most of Japanese hates the arbitary currender year resetting at each new emperor enthronrment. The conversion is ass and no one knows when it changes (bound to emperor’s health) . Worst is its official year that govmt body accepts.
nuzkie, What do you mean you can’t translate instantly between era year and Gregorian year?
inconel, (edited ) You are likely to only refer more than current era. If you’re writing govmet grant application, renewing licence or certificate, chances are you mention events hapenned in previous era. You look up table for when the previous era started and ended, which era said year falls into, then convert for each year, each era. Extra minutes wasted every time instead of simply writing in Gregorian year.
ASeriesOfPoorChoices, Real Estate Institute of Western Australia?
lemmiter, I propose the use of MYDYDM format. So, October 15, 2023 will be written as 121350. Just to make it as confusing as possible.
captain_aggravated, Welp. I need a bath now.
CouncilOfFriends, And then convert that to hexadecimal, making it 1DA06
Engywuck, Amazing
sukhmel, (edited ) We’re also unduly forgetting about truly little endian date format: DD/MM/YYYY, for instance 52/11/3202 for this Saturday
Also we could just sort the numbers and omit leading zeroes, that way we can save some space, the same date would be 1122235
bitwolf, It is arguably the best way to name large sets of indexed files on a filesystem.
morrowind, Files already have computer readable dates that can be used to sort and organize them
bitwolf, In certain instances that may not always be available.
One example I can think of is when browsing on a NAS.
puppy, Japan’s way, you mean?
bitwolf, Yes, YYYY/MM/DD
MathiasTCK, It sorts
dQw4w9WgXcQ, I think that the best argument is that it makes sense when combined with hours minutes and seconds.
yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss
Goes from large to small units.
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