Evil_Shrubbery, Viva la FOSS!!
Etterra, Well I mean if my choices are ads or death… Yeah go ahead and flip the switch, I’m done here.
uis, Belarus or USA? Those are the only two countries where judge can kill people.
HiddenLayer5, All of you using adblockers are pathetic. You’ll willingly deprive companies of their revenue just because you can’t be bothered to see a few ads? It’s not like ads are harmful or anything!
…hang on I think porn just started playing on my computer I have to find where the popup is and close it… Right after I close this other popup that says I’ve won 69 trillion dollars, and this one for dick pills, and this one for free vbucks, and that one saying I have 420 viruses on my PC, and this one looks like it’s trying to download ransomware, and… Damn my battery just died from all the extra processing power those popups needed. Uh but adblock is still evil though, don’t forget that.
Chakravanti, There will be no 2030 for human life.
Mateoto, All hail the Google overlord
nfsu2, Having friends that have no idea of adblockers, or scripblockers are makes me feel prehistoric
Emma_Gold_Man, Lost your listener’s license, did you?
ICastFist, bUt BlOcKiNg AdS iS pIrAcY
CaptainBlagbird, AnD PiRaCy iS StEaLiNg
N0body, “Tell President Zuckerberg my only regret is that I have but one life to give to block his ads.”
nrezcm, “Ask not what social media can do for you but what you can do for social media.”
TQuid, A little ways back in the line, for privately owning a general-purpose computing device
SpiderShoeCult, How dare you wish to be in control of the device you purchased? The inqusition will be in touch.
Kusimulkku, It’s an even worse crime to be running custom ROM on your phone or basically not just running whatever it came with with bootloader locked.
Hiro8811, Yeah but I don’t think they’ll go for since there are far less people using custom ROM than using an adblocker
rtxn, My ancestors are smiling at me, imperial!
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