Elect Dems: get invasions and genocides but don’t worry we love you <3 uwu >.< (this message is brought to you by the CIA’s EDI “Authentically Me” program, we ensure each and every bomb dropped on you was manufactured in Raytheon’s inclusive workplace)
Elect GOP: get invasions and genocides but were mericuhh so deal with it bishh
It’s proving to be extremely difficult to escape U.S. politics on lemmy as a european because the rest of the world is vastly outnumbered here. But at least it’s not voat or ruqqus… I’ll take left wing morons over right wing retards any day.
NOOOOOOOO you have to love and kiss Joe Biden who else could even run you must love trump if you don’t want to vote Joe NOOOOOOOO it’s your fault if trump wins now, not the democrats fault for running a dinosaur
They’re not going to change their strategy, so your best bet is to get on board and talk about solutions rather than scoring cheap Biden-dunking points on lemmy.
Oh look an American “adult in the room.” This is SERIOUS guise don’t even talk about Biden, you let him smell your hair and talk real solutions or you get Trump! And no dunks allowed if I see you dunking you’re a Russian troll!
Oh give over. How is Biden senile but Trump isn’t? Maybe if there weren’t so many myopic takes like this all over the internet, people could actually talk about all of Biden’s policy wins.
And what do you get with Trump? Internal genocide? Once they start enforcing their anti-LGBTQ legislations you will very much be able to call it a genocide.
I loathe Trump, and I’m Bi, but I’ll guarantee if he gets reelected, there will be no genocide of LGBT people. Quit making things up, he’s already a piece of shit without imaginary wrongs being added. At most, I could see him denying any sort of medical transitioning for Trans minors, including hormones and surgery, but that’s it. That isn’t genocide.
If you talk about America in any negative light it’s always assumed to be relevant to the election, and they feel obligated to interject with, “this is how you get Trump” at any opportunity. To accept criticism of America they need to make sure this phrase stating the obvious is included somewhere: “Democrats may be bad sure, but they’re clearly better than Trump.” Unless you express that specific sentiment you’re assumed to either be an idiot or helping Trump get elected. Always very touchy when it comes to their asinine politics and obsessed with making sure everyone agrees with them or you’re their worst enemy.
It doesn’t help that the “both sides are bad” argument is commonly used by right wing trolls. Lots of liberals have the immediate reaction to get defensive because they’ve seen how quickly the “ugh this specific thing I don’t like sucks” argument devolves into “nothing has changed with Joe so it doesn’t make a difference,” which leads into “might as well not vote at all, or vote red because it doesn’t make a difference.”
Just the phrase “both sides” on it’s own can get this ridiculous charade going. Both sides are political parties in the US, both sides further America’s geopolitical interests, both sides are largely financed by corporate donors who donate to both parties, both sides are economically right wing, both sides engage and amp up the post-political partisan spectacle. “HEY THIS RUSSIAN TROLL SAID THE BAD WORDS!”
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