Relative to the mantle it stopped spinning! Like when the earth spins around itself in 24 hours it’s the mantle spinning. Now the core takes 24 hours to spin around itself, while it used to take like 23:50.
It’s like if you’re in a car on the highway and you’re going 80 and someone next to you is going 82 and then suddenly 80 and you assume that they are parking.
I met Monica Lewinsky in London once. I didn’t recognise her until she paid with a card without a signature and I had to ask for photo ID and I was like ohhhhhhhh.
PLEASE tell me there is a community for this specific genre of memes (unrelated text circled with a picture of something that sounds similar). I require more °-°
Just drill so fast you’re basically in a freefall to the center of the earth, avoid the giant diamonds, and just detonate a few nukes in sequence around the core right?
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