BudgetBandit, Beer in B tier, tea and lemon water in A Tier
DerpyPlayz18, What about milk?
Bonje, Apple cider?!?!?!
RIP_Cheems, You forgot McDonald’s sprit.
felixwhynot, This list is missing beer???
aulin, Water drinkers are so smug. So proud to be so boring that they drink only something that tastes of nothing. Unless you’re absolutely parched and/or it’s scorching outside, literally anything else that actually has a flavor is better.
ChairmanMeow, Water has a flavour you silly billy.
RobertOwnageJunior, Oh no, the sugar has melted his brain!
Wilzax, Unsweet tea gets a tier tho
NeatNit, This is all correct but it’s missing freshly-squeezed orange juice over in A tier
AceTKen, Ah yes, nothing like a nice rum and water.
myliltoehurts, You joke but I do actually drink my rum with a few drops of water
Honytawk, Me too
Very chilly drops of water, in the shape of a cube.
Colour_me_triggered, Water is A, only coffee is S.
fritobugger2017, Water S; black coffee and tea without milk and sugar are A.
nigh7y, Cold water on a hot day is SS tier, no doubt
FlashMobOfOne, Water is s-tier if you’ve got some propel mix in it.
RalphFurley, I carbonate my own water and drink lots of tea
Gingernate, Really? How? Keg and c02? Do you add anything, like citric acid? Im a home brewer, I’ve got a kegerator set up with 3 kegs. I want to do one with carbonated water some time
MintyAnt, (edited ) Soda stream is just a CO2 bottle on cold water. It carbonates after an hour or so, or if you shake it.
A better option imo is to buy a big tank of C02 and connect it to a big tank of cold water which in turn has a tap. You probably have all that!
I personally found the taste of plain cold carbonated water… actually good on its own. Otherwise you can add flavor like a canned seltzer would have.
96VXb9ktTjFnRi, (edited ) I drink 50% regular water, 50% herbal teas. Never drank sodas, if you’re not used to them they taste far too sweet. I used to drink a lot of coffee, but I have quit caffeine completely, with 1 exception. I drink 1 cup of coffee the day after my night shifts, because this helps me feel ok that day. If you don’t drink coffee regularly you notice two things when you do: 1. it’s very very bitter. 2. the effect of caffeine is really quite strong. I feel like I’m on drugs that day. After quitting coffee I got a little bit bored with just water, I missed drinking something warm, so I started with herbal teas. I now have a large collection of herbs and I started to appreciate all these different tastes.
Trainguyrom, I’ve been reducing my sugar intake and recently fully quit caffeine. I was never big on sodas but I recently had one at a work lunch because it was the only option available and it was shocking how overly sweet it seemed
fritobugger2017, Well made coffee should not be bitter
affiliate, i won’t fight you about water but we can fight over something else if you’d like
diffcalculus, How about whether or not the earliest-known literate civilizations in the ancient Near East were of each other’s existence?
crimsonpoodle, I think you skipped the “aware”. If so, then I must argue that I don’t know enough about the topic, and since I don’t know then no body else knows and if they say they do it’s a conspiracy! So there.
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