
Something something identify as a attack helicopter. Hur dur der.


There’s a new batch out. They actually have two jokes now. Just say something racist and replace the problem words with “woke”.

@Ho_Chi_Chungus@hexbear.net avatar

does “bigotry” against landlords and the bourgeoise class count

spoilerstuff holy fucking shit i actually spelled burggwasury right on the first time

@magnetosphere@kbin.social avatar

If it does count as bigotry, I’m screwed. I blame capitalism for stuff all the time.

Also, lol at “burggwasury”

@Alaskaball@hexbear.net avatar

Here’s an example of a leftist meme.


Too many words not enough racism.


Liberal meme*

The classic left is different


Explain yourself


Usa left ( the liberal one ) it is not the same thing as the classical ( socialist/communist ) left. Liberals are a product of the capitalism. North Korea is a socialist country.

Btw: never seen so many downvotes as in american theads. ( left and right ) you have really an huge hivemind.


liberals, famously no bigotry


What are you talking about? Liberals are bigots. youtu.be/3cdqQ2BdgOA?si=6cbhpxi0iegbDmJJ


But being insulting is fun because you get to laugh with someone else’s situation without caring about yours : )


I think their usual complaint that leftist memes can be really wordy. Which, yeah it’s true.

@magnetosphere@kbin.social avatar

Excellent choice for the pic. Their facial expressions are both perfect!


Please don’t be offended, but both left and right memes are horrible.


Please don’t be offended, but maybe you just need to hang out with better memes breh 👐


“Yeah, that’s the idea”

AeroLemming, (edited )

I have noticed that a lot of leftist memes are just walls of text. Right-wing memes tend to be concise and to the point, often only containing a few short words. They target very different demographics.

Edit: this was meant to roast the right for being simple-minded, but I worded it poorly.

@Waldowal@lemmy.world avatar

I think the science actually supports this. Studies have shown leftists tend to be more self-critical and are concerned for the nuances - the “shades of grey”. So their memes must cover more angles of an argument to be effective. Right-wing are more black and white thinking, and don’t question themselves once they make a decision. So their meme’s are straight to the point and simple (and usually so full of logic holes and lacking in comedy that leftists say: “the right can’t meme”).


That’s what I’m saying!


I’m gonna get vilified for this, but do you mean one side makes memes with sharp commentary and the other makes memes for dumb people?

@FireTower@lemmy.world avatar

I think they meant that they dont attribute either brevity to the level of not conveying a point effectively or verbosity to the point of eroding interest as being particularly good means of communication.


I mean, leftist memes are sometimes not very funny if they’re too long-winded, but I meant it as a dig at the right.


I do, yes. See edit.


probably because the right lack reading comprehension :)

edit: fix typo


That’s literally what I’m saying. People seem to have misinterpreted my tone. I was roasting the right, though the irony of being misunderstood here is not lost on me lol.

@BolexForSoup@kbin.social avatar

Drop “at” and “this.” Tighter joke, less visually irritating with the awkward pacing for reading. Great though lol


The left when you say anything vaguely offensive:



The right, when called out by a meme and feeling sensitive about it ^


No, I’m a liberal but this site is sensitive af. I made a meme about a drinking pregnant woman and it got taken down


Seems odd, what was the context?


The caption said: my wife out-drinking everyone at the table; our unborn son:

Then it has a picture of Tom the cat with eyes bulging that I edited to be in a womb. Guess darker memes aren’t allowed here?

@BolexForSoup@kbin.social avatar

So the punchline is “if you drink your kid may get FAS, here’s Tom depicting it”? That’s not so much offensive as just…not funny? Like it’s just a dumb, poorly executed joke.

  1. The joke is in the image: of course the text description of it won’t land. But I can’t post it because it would get taken down
  2. Whether its funny is beside the point. Why did it get taken down? I see people screenshotting unfunny tweets and posting it to meme communities and it gets 1k upvotes.
BolexForSoup, (edited )
@BolexForSoup@kbin.social avatar

That should get taken down too. They’re lame and low effort.

BolexForSoup, (edited )
@BolexForSoup@kbin.social avatar

Let me ask you this: should I find a Tom and Jerry depiction of somebody dying of lung cancer in their final moments funny?

I just don’t see the comedy here. It’s overlaying a cartoon over tragedy. But because (I’m assuming) there is little sympathy for a mother who drinks and thus impacts their child, it’s suddenly acceptable and funny because it’s appropriately judgmental.

Edit: I think you should reframe this as “people find this joke tasteless.“ I find being tasteless different from being offensive. I don’t get offended by 9/11 jokes. But I’ve definitely heard a couple that I found tasteless. Though some people rightfully find it offensive as well - would you share this meme with someone who suffered a miscarriage or has experienced/been around FAS in some capacity? Would you knowingly share it with a NICU nurse?

webghost0101, (edited )

It isnt funny, it is also dumb

But that description also fits many of the stuff i myself put here.

As a far left anarchist i have to disagree with censorship of “dumb and not funny”, though I also respect the will of a collective (lemmy community) to decide what topics they find acceptable in their space, subjective humor and intelligence isnt a good reasons for exclusion (borders discrimination).

Imagine the joke was funny, would it have been acceptable? Obviously in a community for recovering addicts or one exclusively for pictures flowers it would not, but others?

We must be intolerant of the intolerant and only the intolerant otherwise we risk becoming intolerant ourselves.

@BolexForSoup@kbin.social avatar

Thats a lemmy.ml link that can only be opened from within being logged in in kbin.

Trying to decipher the url code bought me here but i doubt its what you meant. lemmy.ml/comment/3106085

@BolexForSoup@kbin.social avatar

Huh interesting. I guess I’m still not understanding what URL’s to do. Appreciate it


There is a way to make a link for a community that works from any instance but not yet a way to do posts or comments.


@BolexForSoup@kbin.social avatar

Good to know, thank you!

BolexForSoup, (edited )
@BolexForSoup@kbin.social avatar

It’s not “censorship” as you mean it I imagine because we aren’t a state entity. Every forum engages in censorship to some degree, even if only to protect themselves legally. I think too many think we have some (misguided) mandate to protect free speech to the point where we should endure the feds banging at our doors.


Sure, an individual forum shouldn’t carry the responsible to protect all human rights on that forum. But as an anarchist i object to the authority of a centralized state so i cant see it their job either.

In my ideals humanity is a collective of people and all of us carry the responsibility to safeguard the wellbeing of all people, as a collective. People who have been at the rejected end of continued intolerance know how damaging it can be for ones health.

Currently i dont know any true safe online spaces for the world most misguided or seriously ill people. So where can these people go? Social isolation is an echo chamber of their own mind.

Lemmy.ml doesnt need a nazi community but as - moral global human collective we should at least maintain lists of resources to help those struggling (with morality). A simple “we dont allow this here but here is a list of resources” ranging from social media to mental heath providers, or better social media monitored by non authoritative mental health providers.

BolexForSoup, (edited )
@BolexForSoup@kbin.social avatar

I get what you are saying, but at the end of the day I’m just a volunteer trying to do the best I can. I’m thinking about the people in my community who are participating in good faith. I don’t have time to rehabilitate some asshole across the world who’s decided they just don’t like me and it is now their mission for the next few days to make my life miserable. I would love to rehabilitate them if I had the resources or time, I am all too familiar with the radicalizing nature of a lot of the Internet, especially when people are isolated. But at some point, I just can’t be expected to do the work no matter how much I want to. It’s enormous and outside of the scope of the many other things I’m already managing.

I don’t just kick people out for disagreeing or whatever. If some jerk shows up but they can play at least decently nice, they are welcome to stay around. I think that more than anything else I can manages would help turn them around. The good place put it really well: first change the behavior, then change the motivation.


You are doing what you can, as a volunteer no less so that on its own deserves all of my respect. I am fully aware my ideals are idealistic and even radical, i have no belief that i one day may see them true exactly as i imagine them. I will still promote them fully because my rationalize is that by aiming for ideal perfections we can nudge reality as close to it as is possible. Every small step on the way is a huge victory.

@BolexForSoup@kbin.social avatar

Totally respect that. Thanks for the chat! For what it’s worth, you have given me plenty to think about


You don’t get it. Only what they find funny is funny and only what they think is biggoted is actually biggoted.

Any other world view other than theirs is extremely inferior to the point of being an insult to exist.


It’s starting to sound echoy in here. You can joke about kids being shot up in American schools but you can’t joke about abortion, fat people, etc., because then it seems too mean spirited.


I think the big issue is that joking about school shootings is satirical to bring up how common it is in hopes to change it, while joking about fat people is just to be mean. No one is going to change because you made fun of them, in fact it might make the problem worse as state of mind is a factor in being unhealthy.

You could probably make the same argument about abortion jokes being satirical, but I don’t think abortion jokes are made in order to enact social change. It’s usually just to be offensive. Satire is usually used to point out how ridiculous something is, the hope is that we as a society will see it and do something about it.


You can be offensive and funny at the same time. But it's an extremely fine line, and difficult to pull off. Watch Jimmy Carr if you want to see it done properly.

@BolexForSoup@kbin.social avatar

Jokes about school shootings are jokes about America and its priorities. The punchline is America and its ruthless protection of firearms, not dead kids.

Jokes about obesity are jokes about a person and their weight. They’re the subject and the punchline and there is no meaningful observation other than “I find them repulsive.”


Are you guys making your own echo chamber in the middle of an echo chamber? Seems rather echonomical ¯_(ツ)_/¯


I’m a liberal

So… right wing

@Zoboomafoo@lemmy.world avatar

Only if you think the line between left and right is somewhere around Lenin


Well, the political right is all about reducing government involvement in the economy, which is basically liberalism

@skulblaka@kbin.social avatar

No, that's just what the political right tells you they are all about. Inspect their actual actions over the last several centuries and they tell a very different story.

Make no mistake, conservatives desire an oppressive government. They want the state to be able to tell you you can't be gay or Muslim. They yearn for the boot on their neck, so long as it steps harder on their neighbors than it does on them personally.


And it's like trying to hold back the ocean with a toothpick, telling people they can't be gay or Muslim or anything else. As with most right-wing oppression, it's an aspiration that is abusive, unrealistic and asinine in every way.


Remember that for a capitalist, free market and lack of government intervention means:

  • Lower taxes (for the capitalists)
  • Less regulation (for the capitalists)
  • No government handouts (except for capitalists)


They absolutely do say what they’re going to when they suggest improvements. Just remember - they only apply to the capitalist class. They’re not talking about you. Everything they say lines up when you remember, if they say “I’m going to improve X”, just add “for billionaires” at the end. If they say “I’m going to stop Y programs”, just add “but only for the poor”.

It all makes sense viewed as the class warfare that it is.

BolexForSoup, (edited )
@BolexForSoup@kbin.social avatar

Republicans ended slavery while democrats fought to preserve it in the south. While technically true I imagine you can drop your partisan blinders to acknowledge that 1) this is so simplistic to the point of turning an accurate statement inaccurate, 2) it ignores party realignment, and 3) instances like good ol boy Strom switching to the republicans during integration because he hated black people so much, which immediately complicates the implied narrative.

All of this is to say that you, me, and everybody reading this conversation know that “liberal” does not mean what you are saying. It is just an annoying thing conservatives say to get under the skin of liberals. It is not productive, highly reductionist, and in bad faith.


Not talking about parties, here

BolexForSoup, (edited )
@BolexForSoup@kbin.social avatar

My political party examples are expressions of conservative and liberal politics. My final paragraph very clearly states conservative and liberal. I feel like you’re being intentionally difficult here but I’d like to be wrong.


This is not a conversation about party politics, but about liberalism.


The left want to abolish capitalism. Liberalism invented capitalism.

@Archlinuxforever@lemmy.3cm.us avatar

Yes, right-wing, if you compare them to a fucking tankie.


Let me translate: “I made an utterly tasteless and shitty abortion/miscarriage-adjacent meme that got moderated and I CANNOT stop whining about it, but liberals are the sensitive snowflakes around here”

Suuuuuuure, everybody is sensitive but you, pal.


No, there is definitely a list of things you can make fun of on this site, capitalism, American healthcare/infrastructure/etc, bills/how expensive things are, killing the rich, etc. It doesn’t matter how tasteless or dark the meme is so long as you direct it at the right subject matter. This is effectively an echo-chamber.

@dannoffs@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Yes, punching up is good and punching down is bad. Welcome to basic human interactions.


Since I’m getting downvoted right now I can punch up: fuck you dann! Am I doing it right? lmao

@Shinhoshi@lemmygrad.ml avatar

No, I’m a liberal


@CarbonIceDragon@pawb.social avatar

By definition, something offensive must be something that can cause someone to take offense. Saying “haha, people get offended when I say offensive things” is rather redundant.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

man I sure do trigger the left when I… Show how bigoted I am. Haw haw haw


The right when you acknowledge reality and easily verifiable facts.

@seitanic@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

The right when you say anything that’s

  • blasphemous
  • anti-Christian
  • pro-LGBTQ
  • anti-USA
  • anti-racist

(Not an exhaustive list)

Oh, yeah, they also get pretty offended when you ask them to wear a mask or get vaccinated.

@magnetosphere@kbin.social avatar

The portion of the left which is insecure and obnoxious, that is. Trust me, we’re annoyed by them, too. They make the rest of us look like whiny, judgmental assholes.

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