Where I’m from, they know. The news have done a good job of reporting on it, and they see the cost of houses, and whatnot be worse than before. It’s kind of new from the last 5 or so years, before that they didn’t get it. But now it’s pretty obvious so long as they watch the news or pay attention to their kids and grandkid’s lives.
Oh nononono that’s totally unacceptable. First of all, John McClane is the epitome of toxic masculinity — he smokes, he swears, he shoots guns, and he clearly cannot stop himself from stalking his ex-wife against her clear wishes to be left alone.
Second, he’s also a racist, who, in a several acts of clear and utter police brutality murders a calm and well-mannered German gentleman (played by a British actor) and his merry band of European immigrants who are merely trying to settle a dispute between themselves and a Japanese megacorporation in order to improve their local economy and feed starving children at home.
If you’re watching this movie in 2023, you’re definitely an alt-right terrorist and you belong on a watchlist.
The issue is in your software that displays the capacity (most likely windows).
You bought 2 TB SSD. You got 2 TB SSD. This is equivalent to 1.8 TiB (think of it like yards and meter). Windows shows you the capacity in TiB, but writes TB next to it.
Say you buy a 2.18 yard stick. You get a 2.2 yard stick, which is equivalent to 2 meter. Windows will tell you it’s 2 yards long. Why? I don’t know.
No. Check out the video of the guy who left his Switch OLED on nonstop for a year. Expect similar results from the Steam Deck. (Spoiler: You have nothing to worry about.)
That fossilised video is still a little bit dangerous. Clicked the link and for some reason it was automatically set to mute which is what I wanted anyway. I accidentally fat fingered the skip to next video button which was annoying and I had to press the previous video button unaware that that for some reason turned off mute.
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