Having come up in the 90s-00s, the few times I’ve been called “daddy” were a little surprising at the time (“it’s just something I say, don’t overthink it”, etc), but thankfully said moments were in the rear-view quickly enough.
In later years, my kids didn’t add the “y” and one even asked why other kids say it that way. Hell, I’m ok with “dude” from my kids or their friends, in certain contexts, but “bruh”? Might as well try calling me “son” or “boy”, and see how that flies, child. 🤪
I am not partial to informal nicknames. If I stand with a group of my male coworkers I usually greet them with “gentleman” or something that. I don’t work with a lot of women but I’m not sure what to say to a group of women. Ladies seems kind of demeaning and gentlewomen sounds weird to me. I usually just go with miss or ma’am.
Adolf Hitler had a sister who emigrated to England before the war and had two kids. Both kids actually fought in the war against their uncle with no one aware of who they were. They both agreed to never have children.
Also, I said this before as a parent and I will say it again- please do not have children unless you really want children. No child deserves to go through their childhood neglected and unloved. Which is going to be a major result of the end of Roe v. Wade in the U.S. and why abortion rights are vital.
No one should have to be a parent unless they absolutely want to be a parent.
In an abortion, the unborn child. In a partial birth abortion in an unbelievably brutal way, involving a drill to the base of the skull as the baby is writhing in pain. But even with earlier methods, it’s still murder. I know, you’ll say you’re fine with it, like to call it something else, pretend since it hasn’t breathed on its own it’s not a child. Deep down though, you know.
Do I know deep down? Or do I not give a shit whether or not it’s considered murder by you because no one should be forced to give up their bodily autonomy for someone else and if you consider it murder, then it is a person using someone else’s body for their own personal gain against that person’s will. Which is slavery. And you’re fine for that.
Either it is not a person, so it isn’t murder, or if it is a person, a slaver killing the person enslaving them is also not murder. Not in my world.
That anger comes from knowing deep down you’re on the wrong side of this, it’s the inner conflict. I’m very sorry you’re too entrenched politically to listen to your conscience. I’ll leave you alone with your enemy, yourself.
I use these terms sometimes, but I’m 26, I don’t feel old enough to be a millennial but not young enough to be Gen Z. I’m in college now though and I’m older than all my classmates and that makes me feel old as shit.
I seem to recall in an interview that the writer who included him knew he wasn’t actually a bad guy, but he had bad memories fighting him in the game when he was younger. At least he’s being a nice guy in the movie despite being in the bad guy group.
Vasectomy is up there in the top 5 best things to happen in my life.
Highly recommend if you are sure you want to go child-free. There is nothing quite so worry free as shooting blanks instead of using condoms and birth control.
That will hide your own posts and replies as well. So if you post something and go to check on it later in your profile it wont show up. I thought my posts were being deleted for awhile there, till I looked it up.
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