They're not even hiding it
Also, fuck Clarence Thomas
Also, fuck Clarence Thomas
InLikeClint, Very fitting to use a Steve Harvey meme, seeing that he's equally a piece of shit.
Outtatime, Why fuck Thomas
EatYouWell, Follow the link
Outtatime, Nice. So he’s just like every other politician in office.
norbert, (edited ) A bit worse due to his position and that he's not really in office as much as there for life.
But yeah they're basically all the same evil rich fucks. The real ruling class. They all went to the same schools and are in the same country clubs. They all get their coke from the same guy and fuck the same kids. I suspect Justice Thomas will taste especially good when the time comes.
Outtatime, Taste good? You gonna eat em? 😂
It’s one big corrupt party and you ain’t invited. I don’t care what letter is before their name
norbert, (edited ) I don't want to go to their party, I want them dragged to the one we all throw for them in the street; that'll be a lot more fun for most of us.
A whole lotta people are gonna eat em if they aren't careful.
Outtatime, Weird…
lurch, Firing just works different if your position is for life.
BroBot9000, Yeah, time to fire them out of a cannon.
PunnyName, Into the Sun
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