Except that second button won’t be there. There’s something weird going on in our economy where the customers can’t actually afford the products but somehow their attention/data is still valuable. I don’t get it
I honestly don’t understand how advertisement is valued to highly.
I have probably seen 1000hrs worth of ads by now and probably spent less than $1000 on the products advertised. But somehow if I want to avoid those ads I have to pay 10x that
Especially on the internet it seems that the strategy is to beat you into submission, waterboarding you with branding until you aren’t capable of doing anything other than buying their product.
I get sick of seeing ads and then black list the company out of spite. And I do that brain surgery with a backhoe. Because of a certain marketing campaign for a Mission: Impossible movie, I’m never paying to see an action movie of any kind ever again. Because they annoyed me too much in 2015 or so. And because of Dr. Squatch, I think when I’m out of my current supply of Dial I’m going to start making my own soap.
Wait until they require a quiz be taken to prove you watched the video. They could also stitch together the video with the ads, so it’s all a single video. They can make fast-forwarding videos impossible (to stop the sponsorblock stuff). Begun the Ad Wars have.
Didn’t YouTube literally do this with the question ads a few years ago? That’s when I decided I would NEVER be nice to advertisers. They’re selling my time for money, not giving me the money, and now they’re rude about it. 110% fuuuuuuck them.
Same, but the mere demand for attention was enough. Now, if I see an ad, I’ll make a script sit there and spend five minutes force-loading their pages to eat their bandwidth right back. They will lose money for every ad I see. Fuck them all.
You wouldn’t steal a baby.
You wouldn’t shoot a policeman, and then steal his helmet.
You wouldn’t go to the toilet in his helmet.
And then send it to the policeman’s grieving widow…
This reminds me of the very real patent that exists for a television that requires you to stand up from your couch, raise your hands in the air, and shout the name of the product you just watched an ad for before it lets you return to watching your program.
I mean, it depends. Tutorials, for instance, when I need some info on something to fix, either physically or informatically (e.g., hosting and network stuff). Video format is utterly time expensive for this kind of stuff. I avoid it like the plague. For entertainment, I have a couple of subscriptions a la Netflix. I’m not interested at all in watching/listening “content creators”.
Hey black mirror had this where they had to watch an ad and looking away was illegal. We’re getting there with Google and their recent and announced YouTube and Chrome changes.
Haha unfortunately not - I wish I was this funny. First time I saw it, it needed a lot more jpeg so glad to see it’s been renovated. Meme of the month at least imo.
Ok, we made it so YouTube only fetches an enter URL of a video, and when you click on a video, that opens. Only YouTube can give you the actual video link as it is stored and associated in our own database, and you only get it when logged in with Google (so basically you need an account to watch videos but not to see the thumbnails).
Now, we’ll only allow Google account sing-ins from a trusted browser or trusted website. This is of course for your security. We will provide you a custom token if you ask to approve a browser, website or an app and we’ll take careful looks to see if it violates our policies or not. If we don’t detect a valid token provided by your browser, we will display an error message and won’t allow you to sing in. Firefox has to also implement this in order to stay relevant (most people need allowing Google logins). The policy bans all things like scam websites, some other things and things against TOSes including YouTube’s. Third-party apps blocking ads will be not permitted by YouTube now. We will reject any approve request done by things like Piped and Newpipe.
Have fun with your broken pipe. If they find a fix, we will break it again (:
I’m really happy to see point #2 being mentioned. From their inception, Youtube established a social contract of providing their videos free to users without ads. I don’t think Google should just be allowed to unilaterally change the contract on behalf of all parties and force it on everyone. If they had a good reason to do so, perhaps I would humor it, but “because of shithead shareholders” does not pass that bar.
If technology exists they will 100% implement that ads will keep repeating unless there are people in the room. The active listening devices already record every data they can and it’s only a matter of time before they can accurately conclude if the room is empty or occupied.
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